My 2018 Apex 50th XTX

would like to know how well the I grips hold up and how well they work

Ok, I have 1700 on them in my other track in the winder .. I lost a few from poor installation but I have learned to follow the directions now..LOL
Dang, that pic. Lol. Nice hair
Looks great Tom. Maybe someday I'll find one to go with my 40th nytro. Would be cool to have 40 & 50th with matching colours.

That is exactly what I am doing. I decided to let go of the 40th Nytro but kept the 40th Apex LTX to go along with my 50th Apex X-TX. Once I am as fortunate as Tom (not the looks and the golden locks of hair LOL but with taking ownership of my 50th) I will be sure to post a pic of the two; got the 40th all cleaned and polished up so it looks just as good and new as the 50th's.
I was quoted $1.00 a piece at the Milwaukee snow show.
Does that seam high? How many did he quote you for the track? I put in 4 to 5 per row.

No, that's a good price. He quoted me 200pcs. for $200 for my XTX.
Those anny Apexes are great lookin sleds!!!;)!

The only thing they didn't which they shoulda is paint the tunnels....bare ally tunnels look great new but are hard to keep lookin good ....a black tunnel would have been awesome.
Hopefully they have the Fox airshock working betta.....not a fan.

I see HyGear and Elka both have a nice shock out designed expressly for the they work well.

That will be a great sled...I haven't had opportunity to ride a slingshot equipped Apex XTX yet.
I am thinking it will be a replacement for my 2013 XTX which works great after some changes...Star kit, revalved shocks, Curves and a WRP seat and riser.
An anny version with a aftermarket coilover shock is poss on my radar.....:-o:-o
Those anny Apexes are great lookin sleds!!!;)!

The only thing they didn't which they shoulda is paint the tunnels....bare ally tunnels look great new but are hard to keep lookin good ....a black tunnel would have been awesome.
Hopefully they have the Fox airshock working betta.....not a fan.

I see HyGear and Elka both have a nice shock out designed expressly for the they work well.

That will be a great sled...I haven't had opportunity to ride a slingshot equipped Apex XTX yet.
I am thinking it will be a replacement for my 2013 XTX which works great after some changes...Star kit, revalved shocks, Curves and a WRP seat and riser.
An anny version with a aftermarket coilover shock is poss on my radar.....:-o:-o

The rear shock for the Anniversary year is new.. very trick. I hope I wont need to go to Hygear but its nice to know they have it figured out.
Hi was curious what size riser did you get? did you have to extend the cables??

thank you
Hi was curious what size riser did you get? did you have to extend the cables??

thank you

It’s 1.5” taller then stock and no the cables are fine. I believe any more then 2” talker may require reroute of the throttle cable.
Mr sled how much traction would you say that the I grips give you same as a ice ripper track or better one more thing when you lost them last year did you have any sign of them hitting in the tunnel or cooler
Mr sled how much traction would you say that the I grips give you same as a ice ripper track or better one more thing when you lost them last year did you have any sign of them hitting in the tunnel or cooler

I would say about the same grip as an ice ripper. It might even be a tad better on bare I’ve because the igrips have a sharp point. When I lost them there was no sign of hitting anything.
