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obr's garage

Hahaha you're into it deep :-) Beautiful off-road bike you got, any mods planned?
OH YES I do.... Not sure what performance mods will work on this bike, but I know what stuff I just NEED to put on it...LET IT SNOW!!!
well, things are coming along nicely...just need to grind a bit on the exhaust sprocket now, and engine is good to go


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Nice template buddy, takes out the guesswork completely :-) when the bolts fit it the cam timing is just perfect. With the MCX method one could only get it about right.

Great to see your project is on track, gotta get over the mountain and have a look at your sleds :-)
yepp..you align the cams first, then put the chain on and grind the sprocket until it fits...great idea if you ask me....when I was able to figure it out...hope to get this sled mostly done this weekend so I can start working on the 5 other sleds waiting... :o|
Man - you're a busy man
well, all the sleds I'm building, still has less work than the ONE you're building.. LOL...No mega-mods, just small stuff to make a good product work better..that's what I do...If I need a totally rebuilt sled, I'll drop it of at your place...LOL :Rockon:
Yeah buddy gotta spread the labour, you take care of the bulk, I take care of the ONEs in need of a complete overhaul and rebuild :-)
How is the is the Nytro coming along - done with the PL stage 2 installment?
things DO take time over here..hoping to get it done by next weekend...I'm away for work during the week....so not much time to spare....just bought another 03 RX-1 for myself too.... :Rockon:
I am really looking forward to hear the results on that PL kit with the RB3.

Another RX-1 - you are crazy - LOL

I have a cheap Bender stage 2 kit (with extra turbo, 3 Y-pipes, 2 exhaust pipes, 2 charge tubes etc.) for sale if you need "breath-help" on one of those RX-1. I bought Rxriders' old MCX kit - I plan on doing a custom version of the kit.

Let us know how that Nytro turns out - please post some pics of the install!
Gt2554R - need to sell or buy a new RX-1 - I don't need two kits - LOL

If interested shoot me a pm.
well. After reading this post again, I just have to say things went downhill fast after we installed the turbo on the Nytro. Blew the engine due to timing problem, and a closed oil injection hole in the top. Stress is never good when you're installing a turbo. And temperatures below freezing point isn't any good when you work on an old barn.

Well, the Nytro is out of the picture now.

Now, there's an Apex Turbo 310 kit from MCX in the garage, and we're in the middle of a RX-1 Timbersled build. Pics to come. Stay tuned :Rockon:
