Phazer misfire and code 34 code 33

Guys, what's that sensor on front connected to wire in holding? Flipped over and saw it was wearing a hole through casing. Wires inspected and look ok. May have caught a future problem!!??
That part is described as the "cylinder identification sensor," though I was not able to find out any more about it at this time. I would think that it works as some sort of proximity sensor, but I can't see anything nearby that it would be sensing.
Sensor is probably sensing the cam shaft position. ATV Pro #11, I probably live about 5 or 10 minutes from you. My sled started acting up on the way To the 59er, but 2 weeks ago why warm then. And it sucked limping it home at turtle speed. My coils tested good with the multi meter because they act up when hot and under load hard to detected going to replace coil one and test 50% chance of getting right the first time.
Sensor is probably sensing the cam shaft position. ATV Pro #11, I probably live about 5 or 10 minutes from you. My sled started acting up on the way To the 59er, but 2 weeks ago why warm then. And it sucked limping it home at turtle speed. My coils tested good with the multi meter because they act up when hot and under load hard to detected going to replace coil one and test 50% chance of getting right the first time.

Oh hey neighbour!!!
So you basically had same symptoms?
Just a thought, you didn't happen to get gas in Garson did you. Mumzie and I were talking tonight. I filled up her escape the other day and just happens to use it to run to btown. I noticed a steady , ever so slight pulse, miss while accel. Recreated twice and then it was ok. Used the night I limped home and it was fine. (Day later) Because I couldn't recreate my issue I'm really wondering if I had some bad gas. I did check fuel from bottom of tank before tearing down sled but maybe, just maybe, the water made its way into the injector and froze up in the injector before it could be used up in cylinders. I know theres probably a 10 micron filter in the body of injector. I did put 2 caps of isopropyl in when it started missing, few minutes after that it barely stayed running.
Did you get the odd burst of full power while limping home here and there?
No I got fuel at the Sportsmans on 44 and 59. If you think you may have some bad fuel ie water in it put some Seafoam in.
Ill be using some once new plugs are in. I swear by that stuff. It works!!!

Update on troubleshooting.
Must have been some bad fuel. I've ohm'ed plugs today and can't seem to find any flaws. I guess temps that day with a combination of the way I pulled out of cave may have lead to the problems. Usually I start and pull out and fully warm before shutting down. Problem day I pushed out and waited for buddies to get here before starting. She ran like a bat outa hell for 20 mins. Shut down for maybe 5 and problem creeped up.
New plugs cold ohm both at 4.161 @20c.
Old plugs I checked cold 15c and heated with torch to check. I'll post an informal pic. I know it can be inaccurate and lead to misdiagnosis but thought I would try it to cross a "t" and maybe dot an "I".
Ohms are on bottom, plug temp is on top. Left column is left plug. I also tested a new plug for a 85 250r (last pic) for comparison. Values on left plug were different from right.


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Not sure why it didn't load. Crappy pic. Wasn't going to post :oops:


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Close enough lol.
I started having problems west of lockport. I live just east of Garson. Was a very long, cold, painfully slow ride home.

We should get a bunch of us local Phazer guys out for a ride one day!! 2 buddies park theirs here usually for winter :)
I'm moving up the list from that city boy to buddy....
Update to my misfire issue:

Once I changed plugs I took out for a fresh tank of premium. Ran fine. Then put on 180kms that night with no problems. Very curious if the problem was all caused by some water in fuel I got before putting away. Honesty years of racing/sledding I've never had bad fuel or issues like this before. I think it'll be a couple 6 or 7 rides before I can stop worrying about what it really was.

I cleared codes. No codes after ride.
Happend again.
Exact same scenario. Started missing here and there then progressively got worse. Code 34 blinking here and there on the way home.
Put fresh premium on top of 3/8 of what I had in there cause it happend on route to our weekend trip north. No change. :o|:o|:o|
bad coil IMO, I've had many COP with older ford engines, due to where the coil sits they usually work fine while cold and once they heat up they start acting up. Coils like these usually fail like this over time, a fresh set of plugs probably masked the issue for a few more rides.
bad coil IMO, I've had many COP with older ford engines, due to where the coil sits they usually work fine while cold and once they heat up they start acting up. Coils like these usually fail like this over time, a fresh set of plugs probably masked the issue for a few more rides.
I'm thinking your right. Hoping warrenty will cover it. Going to push for two new ones and plugs.
Same here. Thought I had it fixed with just cleaning the terminals. Ran great for about 100mi then same thing. Code and missfire. Mine it was No1 cylinder. The one on left clutch side. Gas did affect it. Crazy but the coil is now in garbage and hopefully new one lasts for another 10years. I will be replacing the no2 coil just because I dont want it to happen again. Will have a spare then.
:dunno:Well I called my dealer in SK. Their sending me an ecu (shop spare) to confirm along with a new #2 coil. Few instructions as well but based on symptoms he's sure it's a coil as many of you have said. Tried locally but it's a 10, yes, 10 day turn around JUST to get approval for warrenty ONCE sled is delivered to shop. Wtf. Take me longer to load sled and drive it to shop than just rnr the darn thing. $157 dollar part and 10 friggin days.....
Wondering if this can be the cause of my issues.
Got my coil in today and installed.code 34 went away instantly. Ran good till warm up was done and it started running rough again.
No codes this time.
Plugs ohmed ok. Even old coil. (I know it may read different when up to temp)
Swapped out an 07 ecu but ran worse. (Dealer loaner from SK)
Then I found this digging abit further.
Exhaust break right at the flange that bolts to head.
