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Silver Lake, Mi. campout July 8,9,10,11 2010 finalized plans

May 15 - 16, 2010 Silver Lake Dunes
Silver Lake State Park
Mears, MI Demo/Display

Found this on the Yamaha demo page.

Could be a good time to connect.
I may not be able to make anyime in july because of the kid's ball tournements. Still waiting for schedules for each.
Just talked to My Sledd...he is going to set up a Thread Poll, so we can see what looks best...He will be including some June & July dates!!!

We aren't going to be able to make it so everyone can come, but we will do our best!

Stay tuned for more information! :Rockon:
T.S.U.Filmz said:
do you think we should make a post over on the ATV forum? just a thought
That is fine. I have only been there a couple times. a few years ago when work was good I was asking opinions about four wheelers but since then I have not been back there. Jeff, Feel free to post over there if you want!
I'd be in, I usually camp at the State park. I am there most weekends already.


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I'm in!!!!!

Might even get the wife on this one...

Gonna be a good time.

So will a 2 door Tahoe get around this place ok?
May look for a quad before this weekend...
