Thunder Products (Big Venom Viper kit) with Heavy Hitters

i have been running heavy hitters for years on my turbo sled .they are setup for my sled at 10 pounds boost .these weights are amazing and show no sign of wear .have these weights for close to 10 years and they still look like I'm going to try them out on my 2015 viper ltx .i am gonna order the spring and the glide washers.heavy hitters makes a good clutch kit
Installed the kit tonight was easy enough.
Never got much of a chance to try it just going back and forth in the shed 5 or 6
Seems to have a little lower engagment And is easier to hold at a crawl at the brink of engagement.
As close as I could tell it engaged stock at 3600-3800, now it seems around 3000-3200. Very hard to tell what the engagement is with how the motor builds to about 2800 then quickly rises to engagement.
Shimmed the secondary to use the 8dn so now I'm ready to go.
Hopefully it pulls like a train!!!
I really want to buy this kit but am wondering if I should wait till I add the Turbo (6-9LBS) next year. Is it just a quick weight change seeing that these are adjustable weights to go from stock-ish to turbo? Or is there more to it like spring? Same thing for the EVO flash. I'm waiting to see if Yamaha fixes the current flash before deciding whether to get the YES warranty or EVO flash in addition to before or after turbo. I'm sure the flash will need to come after turbo...
Here is the installation video....finally got it downloaded... LOL

I will be putting this on the 1st post for everyone to see.

Installed the kit tonight was easy enough.
Never got much of a chance to try it just going back and forth in the shed 5 or 6
Seems to have a little lower engagment And is easier to hold at a crawl at the brink of engagement.
As close as I could tell it engaged stock at 3600-3800, now it seems around 3000-3200. Very hard to tell what the engagement is with how the motor builds to about 2800 then quickly rises to engagement.
Shimmed the secondary to use the 8dn so now I'm ready to go.
Hopefully it pulls like a train!!!

You have the 2015 and it will be wierd like that's because of the ECU with the leaning out of fuel from 2,500-3,250. No matter how easy you try to rev it up the sled will react differently everytime. Hoping Yamaha gets this corrected so you can easily engage at 2,500 like the kit does on the 2014's.
NOS, what is the engagement RPM if you use the BOP primary spring that I think you like so much? I assume it can be used with this kit if desired?
NOS, what is the engagement RPM if you use the BOP primary spring that I think you like so much? I assume it can be used with this kit if desired?

I haven't tried the BOP spring in this kit, but I would have to think it would be higher engagement. I will find out what the start and finish rate of the spring is and can tell you right away if it will be higher at engagement. I believe this was Stingray's update to the COTC clutch kit as I don't have a BOP spring.
I have some soft touch clutch spring ordered and my friends 15 viper has this kit instant in it. We are going to try one in it to see how it works. Because the stock clutch has to much space between the clutch and the belt so when it engauges it hits the belt to hard. My 16 doesn't do this because I have a 911 cover and this is adjustable.
Can we add video in post #109 to the FAQ section?

Thanks, these videos are really helpful...
Can we add video in post #109 to the FAQ section?

Thanks, these videos are really helpful...

You are very welcome rbell14 :)
SO all the people that bought a Venom kit for their 2016 are going to have to start from scratch again. Lonn had NO IDEA these were coming with a different engine. Oh aint this sport FUN.
SO all the people that bought a Venom kit for their 2016 are going to have to start from scratch again. Lonn had NO IDEA these were coming with a different engine. Oh aint this sport FUN.
My understanding is that it's the same engine, just a few modifications to the block for mounting across the different product lines.
SO all the people that bought a Venom kit for their 2016 are going to have to start from scratch again. Lonn had NO IDEA these were coming with a different engine. Oh aint this sport FUN.

Nothing that should require clutch changes,

visual changes :
oil filter re-positioned
coolant hose moved
additional casting of case (2016 srv, YXR, XV1050)

new cyl design:
new camshaft caps less components
caps reduced to 3 pc design
coolant hose moved

new locating boss
valve timing remains unchanged

valve stem:
seals have gone to rubber with steel reinforcement

new chan tensioner with oil pressure assist (cam chain)
new cyl head cover :
oil cap moved
cover made out of alum
cap screws from 6 down to 4

crankshaft is now pressed to produce a stronger crank
connecting rods now use bolt with no nuts
SO all the people that bought a Venom kit for their 2016 are going to have to start from scratch again. Lonn had NO IDEA these were coming with a different engine. Oh aint this sport FUN.

This is new to me....just found this out.

Swampcat - I will be checking and reporting on this. This won't be too big of a deal as the weight is fully adjustable. From what I see as far as hpr, the weights should work the same.

Will definitely be looking into this and figuring out if a change is needed.
