Top Speed Runs NA VIPER

Will Yamaha drivers fit? I believe the later apexs had internal drive with external cogs offset in case of slip. I assumed the Viper would have that. Was wrong...
Will Yamaha drivers fit? I believe the later apexs had internal drive with external cogs offset in case of slip. I assumed the Viper would have that. Was wrong...
No. Yamaha drivers will not fit. If it matters my buddy with 2012 Cat TD tune Turbo ran the introverts shown for 11000 mi with no issues. They did wear out after that,
I'll bet that your going to free up some top end speed with the introvert driver set up and it should work well on the shorter track sleds;)!

It will be interesting to see how the track tension does (ratcheting) does as your suspension cycles through it's travel. I know that Cat/Yamaha made some changes to the rear skid in the 2016 and latter uncoupled skids to improve track tension as the skid cycles through it's travel. I would think that these updates would allow the use of introvert drivers.

For us mountain guys the trend has been to go with extrovert drivers, due to the heavy load placed on them from long/tall tracks. The trade off is reduced top speed, but then we're not so concerned about top speed on a mountain sled;)
My father laughed when he saw all the extroverts coming out over last several years. Apparently it was produced back in the beginning and it was such a power loss that they developed the standard style introvert driver.
Cannondale, I think you're onto something......
Cannon, did you buy that as an assembly? Or..
Yes assembly as shown. Very affordable. Was meant to go in the RR this spring since brake side drive bearing inner race spun on the shaft and removed a lot of material but not riding the RR much and I believe I fixed the shaft well enough for now. This setup is for 13 RR 129".
My father laughed when he saw all the extroverts coming out over last several years. Apparently it was produced back in the beginning and it was such a power loss that they developed the standard style introvert driver.
Yes I remember extroverts on my old 1972 Ariens! Mountain guys need them but Cripes if Turbo guys and even my Srx didn't have them. I think I will be fine.
I've been wanting to do this since I got my Viper. I have no need for extros for my riding and like you I can't stand how much force it takes to spin the track. Never seen anything like it on my old sleds. I'm thinking fully clipped cobra or hacksaw and intros for me
I'd like to go to 10t or 11t 2.52 intros. Seems like the right move for a trail sled imo.
I would too but although I still am not happy speed wise with my Viper I also ride it hard in the big bumps. 9 tooth hangs down enough already. I think 10 tooth would hit before suspension bottomed in the rough.
I would too but although I still am not happy speed wise with my Viper I also ride it hard in the big bumps. 9 tooth hangs down enough already. I think 10 tooth would hit before suspension bottomed in the rough.
That's an interesting thought. 10 tooth was no issue on the old 2 stroke chassis but obviously this is a different animal. Have you ever cycled the suspension without shocks in the chassis to see just how far it actually gets up in there
can't wait to see the results!!! great idea!
Cannondale i recall talking to you about drivers and robbing speed, What is the part number of the cat rr drivers ? thanks Bruce
