Top Speed Runs NA VIPER

Bad news. Evo header is now hitting valvecover and it started to burn the brand new shield.
Spot on shield where it rubs and is burning
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Metal has already stuck to the new portion of pipe
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This cardboard tag will not slip through between valvecover and pipe.
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I'ts time to remove mine and check heat shield the heat shields are around $100 bucks I'm glad I did not stud mine or I would be pissed more than I all ready am. Think they would give me my $1025.00 Canadian back.LOL
Is there anybody doing speed runs with their vipers that have the 21/49 gearing? Been playing with an xf7000, that's what they come standard with for gearing. Looking for some speeds to compare to to see how we're doing. Best we've seen is 99 on speedo. I should just put the taller gearing in but would love to break 100 with that low gearing.
I had mine at 93 speedo and Terry had it to 94 with 21/49. Keep in mind the killer 1.7 lug track. Conditions were very good.
Is there anybody doing speed runs with their vipers that have the 21/49 gearing? Been playing with an xf7000, that's what they come standard with for gearing. Looking for some speeds to compare to to see how we're doing. Best we've seen is 99 on speedo. I should just put the taller gearing in but would love to break 100 with that low gearing.

I'm surprised you haven't been able to. I know I've probably mentioned it before to you..... I can't remember if I had done clutching or not yet, but with at least a muffler I would get 100-101 no probem if in really great conditions. Might have done clutching already by then. Best I've seen is 105 with muffler and D&D clutching for 9000 RPM on a stock geared 2014 xf7000. No airbox mods and running an Ice Attak XT 1.22 track. I rarely go out and shoot for max mph on runs but that's what it does when the conditions are great. I haven't been in the conditions and have very little miles this year to see if I can hit 105 again, which was on the last ride of last year. I know it's only a handful of mph but I can't blame you for wanting to see it hit the triple digit mark. ;)
I'm surprised you haven't been able to. I know I've probably mentioned it before to you..... I can't remember if I had done clutching or not yet, but with at least a muffler I would get 100-101 no probem if in really great conditions. Might have done clutching already by then. Best I've seen is 105 with muffler and D&D clutching for 9000 RPM on a stock geared 2014 xf7000. No airbox mods and running an Ice Attak XT 1.22 track. I rarely go out and shoot for max mph on runs but that's what it does when the conditions are great. I haven't been in the conditions and have very little miles this year to see if I can hit 105 again, which was on the last ride of last year. I know it's only a handful of mph but I can't blame you for wanting to see it hit the triple digit mark. ;)

Out of curiosity are you using the 51 gram weights or 53 gram weights with just the muffler and at 105 are you flat out hitting the rev limiter like its out of gear or is it still maintaining rpm?
53 with the muffler. Actually that just reminded me that I did do clutching before I tried several mufflers. I ran 51 grams stock and went to 53 grams with mufflers and it was right on for about 9000 rpm when I started running the Sandale. Others were very close or a little under depending on the day. On the 105 run it went and held 105 and just a tick over 9000 and held very steady. No rev limiter. I hoped for it to tick 106 but it wouldn't do it but the speed didn't fall off either until I had to let off. I've run the stock cat belt, XS and XTX belts. I can't remember which I was playing with on it that day but I'm pretty sure it was the xtx or XS and not the Cat belt. I'm sure none of that helps but I bet it has it in it though every sled is different as you know
My issue at the time was it had a can and airbox mod with only 51 gram weights so anything over 90 mph it was on the rev limiter hard, I wanted to try 53 gram weights with that intake exhaust combo but took the exhaust off cuz it was making the sled start poorly, haven't had a chance to try again with just the airbox mod but hoping it keeps rpm low enough to stay off the rev limiter. It's not my personal sled and quite frankly it doesn't really matter to me or the owner of it'll touch 3 digits, it's a torquey trail sled. Just want to know what this low gearing is really capable of.
My issue at the time was it had a can and airbox mod with only 51 gram weights so anything over 90 mph it was on the rev limiter hard, I wanted to try 53 gram weights with that intake exhaust combo but took the exhaust off cuz it was making the sled start poorly, haven't had a chance to try again with just the airbox mod but hoping it keeps rpm low enough to stay off the rev limiter. It's not my personal sled and quite frankly it doesn't really matter to me or the owner of it'll touch 3 digits, it's a torquey trail sled. Just want to know what this low gearing is really capable of.

I've got a set of 55's I haven't used if it needs more weight due to exhaust and airbox mods if the owner finds 53's still too light for the combo.
Think I finally had the right conditions yesterday (cold hard flat rail road grade trial in Powers Mi), hit 108 mph, ulmers intake, sandales type can an Big venom clutch kit, not to mention averaged over 15 mpg the entire day(181miles), must have been the cold air.
94 on the dream meter soft start spring 8dn dupont's 2 degrees logging road a few inches of fluff. I am the second owner. But I don't think the first did anything to it. I do have the osp belt adjuster

Where there is snow. I hope
The drag of track of my Viper is huge vs my 800 Cat. Viper track does not roll. Has always bothered me. So now my Viper needs track change and I believe the source of resistance is the Drivers. Whole 2st setup is under $200. Yes I know I will have to adjust track more often to avoid ratcheting but I have dealt with that my whole life. No biggie. Sure looks like it's direct replacement other than speedo magnets which takes minute to replace. Anyone else do this? Does track now roll nicely by hand?
