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Turbo questions

i haven't read the warranty papers, but from everything i have read on here, real life issues and experiences. i have not seen a single case where an aftermarket turbo "not MPI" voided the warranty for a starter failure, reverse actuator, or when in the shop for the hot start issue. which all are a power train warranty issue. i have had the reverse motor go and they covered it under warranty. only warranty issues i can find not covered are when the turbo causes the motor to go. and not long ago there was a thread called, mounting bracket problem. the way it reads to me is yamaha won't fix it.
Here is the only warranty I could find and I am not a Lawyer but it does state that if a problem is "from turbo installation" it is not covered. Dont remember seeing that on first ones or maybe everyone just assumed if a dealer installed it then it would be covered. Does this mean improper installation voids warranty if turbo caused failure or does it mean that if a Turbo is installed period. And it causes failure warranty will not cover it? Kinda vague but if guys are not getting covered it must just mean if you have turbo and it wreaks something you are not covered.
MPI warranty.jpg
i haven't read the warranty papers, but from everything i have read on here, real life issues and experiences. i have not seen a single case where an aftermarket turbo "not MPI" voided the warranty for a starter failure, reverse actuator, or when in the shop for the hot start issue. which all are a power train warranty issue. i have had the reverse motor go and they covered it under warranty. only warranty issues i can find not covered are when the turbo causes the motor to go. and not long ago there was a thread called, mounting bracket problem. the way it reads to me is yamaha won't fix it.

That turbo was installed wrong, Yamaha won't cover it the installer/dealer should.
Hasn't come up. But it sounds like turbo related motor failures aren't covered for some guys here Stingray. I was under impression if dealer installed and MPI it was.

Depends if it was dealer installed and set to 4.5 pounds boost. The ones I remember were way above that or the one guy that had diesel fuel in his.

Kind of got off track but as Canondale posted MPI is the only turbo vendor approved by Yamaha for dealer install and warranty purposes. Actual turbo warranty is MPI. You can debate "what ifs" forever but only one turbo is Yamaha approved. "installation will not void your warranty" others may or may not depending on your dealer.
if its a yamaha dealer with yamaha trained tecs someone needs to cover it, yamaha or the dealer. soon yamaha will not cover anything installed by arctic cat workers in thief river MN!
I agree. Dealer issue as far as mounting bracket. Now the question becomes will engine warranty cover the ones that blew do to the bad controllers? If those guys get covered then we have our answer.
Here is the only warranty I could find and I am not a Lawyer but it does state that if a problem is "from turbo installation" it is not covered. Dont remember seeing that on first ones or maybe everyone just assumed if a dealer installed it then it would be covered. Does this mean improper installation voids warranty if turbo caused failure or does it mean that if a Turbo is installed period. And it causes failure warranty will not cover it? Kinda vague but if guys are not getting covered it must just mean if you have turbo and it wreaks something you are not covered.
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I'm surprised to see that. To me it reads that a blown motor or any failure caused by the turbo ( not improper installation ) would not be covered. I would hope that a dealer would take care of a customer that bought the sled and had the turbo done at their dealership but no guarantee.
I agree. Dealer issue as far as mounting bracket. Now the question becomes will engine warranty cover the ones that blew do to the bad controllers? If those guys get covered then we have our answer.

Wow good question. My best guess and only a guess is MPI is on the hook for that one. Did anybody actually blow a MPI setup because of that controller issue?
time will tell. there has to be hundreds of mpi kits out there for 2016. hopefully everyone gets the memo not to ride them. another thing, is it still in the warranty that if your sled breaks down you get an allowance for a rental sled? i believe i heard this about 2 years ago. if so would everyone waiting for the new controller get to rent a sled? maybe someone was just blowing smoke.
I agree. Dealer issue as far as mounting bracket. Now the question becomes will engine warranty cover the ones that blew do to the bad controllers? If those guys get covered then we have our answer.

what if a 180 kit breaks a rod in a new 16?
Basically I take that warranty statement to mean if motor burns a piston because Turbo causes it to go lean it is not covered and if a aftermarket exhaust,intake and controller wreak the engine as determined by Yamaha that also is NOT covered. So really nothing has changed. Only difference is that if its stock and it suddenly were to go lean from a failed stock fuel pump and burn a piston. Yamaha would cover it. The Turbo is not considered a stock part so if it fails in some way causing engine failure Yamaha will not cover it. Turbo is not considered a factory part. That is where the warranty is lesser with a Turbo.

Using this above statement I believe ANY turbo would have the same warranty a MPI does as far as Yamaha is concerned. Basicly if turbo caused issue its not covered. Having another brand turbo cannot legally void your basic warranty unless they prove that the turbo caused it. Just like oil. Its the law.
Basically I take that warranty statement to mean if motor burns a piston because Turbo causes it to go lean it is not covered and if a aftermarket exhaust,intake and controller wreak the engine as determined by Yamaha that also is NOT covered. So really nothing has changed. Only difference is that if its stock and it suddenly were to go lean from a failed stock fuel pump and burn a piston. Yamaha would cover it. The Turbo is not considered a stock part so if it fails in some way causing engine failure Yamaha will not cover it. Turbo is not considered a factory part. That is where the warranty is lesser with a Turbo.

Using this above statement I believe ANY turbo would have the same warranty a MPI does as far as Yamaha is concerned. Basicly if turbo caused issue its not covered. Having another brand turbo cannot legally void your basic warranty unless they prove that the turbo caused it. Just like oil. Its the law.

I believe the law you are thinking of is the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. States that using an aftermarket part alone will not void a warranty, but if that part causes an issue it can. Let me explain it a different way, way back when I worked in a Yamaha shop our shop denied more than a few warranty claims on burned down engines because the customer use outboard motor oil in a high performance air cooled dirt bike. Yes, warranty deny based on oil. Performance parts have always been a legal basis for denial of warranty claims, except in this case with MPI you cannot be denied just because a dealer installed MPI turbo is on. Everything else is what if depending on dealer.
Stingray the dealer is the intermediate. It is always best to have them on your side and go to them first but if not the customer can go directly to Yamaha. Yamaha makes the decision. Not a dealer.

As far as your oil example Yamaha must have proved that the oil was the cause of the failure. Just like they would need to prove that a Non MPI turbo caused a failure. If a rod breaks in a 16 at 190 and has not previously broken in earlier motors at that same boost Due to Yamahas statement that the motors are equal they should be compelled to cover it. We will see I think.
