Warning, -16 late build Viper turbo breakdowns, bad rods.

MCxpress has issued a email to their dealers not to install turbo's on the new motors until there is a solution, not the best business model if there is in fact no issues with the rods. They are in business to sell turbos even on the current year sleds.........................
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Yet the Suzuki 1100 that cat uses in their turbo sleds is the most bullet proof boosted engine out there, that engine in stock form can run twice the amount of boost a yammi engine can in stock form, this is not an arctic issue at all.
This new engine that Yamaha is trying to make stronger will be cats next step in factory turbo sleds.the reason cats 1100 engine is bullet proof is that it was designed for boost.not one of yamahas engines are designed for boost. This new 2016 engine is thier first step at making a boosted sled motor.knowing what Yamaha is capable of in engine building they will figure it out.
Asked Erik at McX if the old crank, rods and pistons will fit in the the engine. Got back that they do, and have already tested this.
The new rods are not lighter then the old one.
I have looked at the first set that braked over at MCX and they snap in the middle.
Thicker bigend and thinner in the middel.
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Are seeing some rumors about a Swedish company that will be making Stonger rods for the Viper. And maybe they will have them ready for delivering in late december :) So now it maybe will be a good Christmas for all with late 2016 Viper :) Name of the company :http://www.autoverdi.com/rods.html
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So what months is considered early build wise and what would be late? Is there any way to tell motor serial # wise? Or just off month of build?
So what months is considered early build wise and what would be late? Is there any way to tell motor serial # wise? Or just off month of build?
read the build date. If your sled is built after 03/15 you have the new engine.
On the sticker at the back of the tunnel.
Almost held out for a 16 to allow another year to get bugs out of the new machine. I'm really glad I didn't snow check last winter!
Problem solved! Just picked up crank, rods and pistons from a 2014 Viper. Don't have patience to wait for new rods from aftermarket vendor.


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I think people forget that MCXpress is a vendor to Yamaha similar to MPI is over here. They do not mess around.

Also these rods are not holding up in the new YXZ sxs. Some turbo builders are throwing rods through the cases.

Well, that tells the story. Yxz 1000r and the only kit MPI is offering is only 155hp.
