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Whos Got the Most Miles on there 2007 Phazer so far

Over 700 miles on the Phazer FX. My wife loves the thing, but we had a cold snap, and I ended up riding the "ice cube" for 2 days, as at 0 degrees there is just no wind protection at all. I would dare say it is the coldest sled I have ever ridden. But, we don't see that temp much out here, so in the 20's it is a nice ride.

I have however started to see the plastic idler wheels develope some wear........ Going to keep a close eye on those.

Will be over 1000 miles by the end this weekend.
Still just over 1500km's, FX has been in the shop for 2 weeks, busted exhaust manifold, and rear suspension. :o| Apparently priority ordered parts take 2 weeks, hate to see how long it takes when you're not priority. The 2 other FX's I ride with have bent spindles on the battery side, never hit anything hard. Watch those spindles.
phazerfly said:
Still just over 1500km's, FX has been in the shop for 2 weeks, busted exhaust manifold, and rear suspension. :o| Apparently priority ordered parts take 2 weeks, hate to see how long it takes when you're not priority. The 2 other FX's I ride with have bent spindles on the battery side, never hit anything hard. Watch those spindles.

What happened to the exhaust manifold?
All of my riding is leisure. Work is just up the street from where I live. I ride to a couple of cabins/tents that i have set up, stay there over the weekend at least half the weekends anyway, and do a lot of day trips basically exploring on weekends. Evenings after work I ride 3 to 4 nights a week, and when the sunlight comes back I start riding 2 to 3 hours before work to take advantage of the light. This year I will have 3 weeks off in March, and I'll be on my sleds the entire time, 1 week my brother will be visiting, another week a friend and the third week I'll be volunteering in this: www.rockandiceultra.com I should mention while I've only put 2700 km's on my Mountain Lite, I've also put 2700 km's on my Renegade so far this season. I didn't get the mountain lite till december. Oh, and I hunt on snowmobile as well, and fish at the cabins/tents.
Man I think I need to move up to Northern Canada to bring my Canadian nationality back or move to Alaska. You guys just have some crazy mileage. Unfortunately we only get to ride on the weekends and that is with 2 kids. Of course we have to drive 4 hours to get there and they only opened up the trail system 3 weeks ago do to lack of snow. As of today we 174 on the Phazer and my wife has 207 on the Nytro.
