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Yamaha Motor Canada Blog Page!!


It has been there a few days.
I think it is a great idea and told him so.
At least we know Chris is looking and Yammie Canada cares enough to open up communications further with the end user directly.
He has mentioned TY at least twice in a positive way and referred one guy here to get some help. Pretty neat Tom, I thought.
He also said he browses TY.
It appears he was and perhaps is a member here and at other sites but got tired of being told he knew squat when trying to help and share info.
Too bad , our loss
Not sure if he had a handle or account here or not.
I think it makes sense for these guys to out themselves on a site like this so they get the respect they deserve.
Many here know that when Nobody and Viper 34 speak it is the horses mouth we are hearing.
However, many do not know they are Yammie employees and treat them like some uninformed opinionated low life.

Sorry to Digress Tom.

I think the way it is structured it will work but it would not surprise me unfortunately to see a member here in the future Bitchin because Chris would not put his stuff on the blog. Hope I am wrong.

This is a fantastic idea! I am VERY jealous of both Chris and Jon for their upcoming ride though!!!

Riceburner - Chris is a member here but keeps a low profile...
I signed up right away and am enjoying the posts from Chris. He also seems pretty quick to respond to any comment you make. The idea is a great one from Yamaha. I suspect that they see and understand the value and power of a realistic site, where guys can get their 2 cents in....like TY !! It also establishes a direct connection and shows a concern for the actual riding customer.
How many of us have been standing around a spring introduction show and been disappointed to learn that no one there has actually ridden the sled you are about to lay your hard earned cash down on.
The latest vid which shows the Apex and Nytro dragging is gives a real view of how the sleds compare...just what we need to know before making the big decision.
I think that the TY demo rides and the subsequest rider reviews have opened their eyes to the importance of such a site.
Thanks Yamaha Canada !
I just talked to Chris on the phone and I believe this will be a positive think for Yamaha . He understands this is the way of the future and I for one am glad Yamaha/Chris is looking towards the future .
it is fanatastic much like totallyamaha! it's great that he posts his personal opinions and not corp.b.s. and i have found the many people of this site to be excellent as well!!!!!!! keep up the good work! :yam:
Riceburner said:

I think it makes sense for these guys to out themselves on a site like this so they get the respect they deserve.


Well I see Chris decided to out himself over here. :welc:

Another brave move on his part. You get an ATTABOY again Chris.

I hope I was right above and he gets the respect he deserves.

So far so good. :-o : :rocks:
I stumbled onto the blog last week and was really impressed. I posted my concerns about the size of the FX Nytro tank and he promptly posted a reply. Is that cool or what!

I hope they are able to keep it going and won't let a bunch of chuckleheads posting BS mess it up.
MrSled said:

Yamaha Canada is starting a blog page. Please read the terms of use before posting!!! Check it out and let me know what you guys think!!
I got this off the blog page.( Yuji is considered our development rider with his main focus on track testing advanced components and designs which will provide valuable information to our engineers. Both teams will be contributing largely to the development of our next generation Nytro 4-stroke models) does this mean they are planing on comeing out with a new Nytro for 2009.
I thought the belly proector for the mtx should be available for all sleds. That thing was cool. What was the question again. LOL Maxdlx
