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270 race tune findings

Mine is like that. I adjust the chain before i put the cover on so you can actually see what kind of slack you have. Finger tight, roll the track and recheck, repeat as necessary . Back off 1 turn , lock it down
My thought was (and I don't want to cause panic), maybe the chain tensioner came undone inside the case.
BTW if you happen to have any pics of damage from chain id love to see them.


Sorry, I did snap a couple of pics, but did not check them out after taking them. They came out terrible so I deleted them afterwards.

I remember Cannondale posting a link from the Viper section here at one of the winder threads, showing same damage which had occurred to a Viper from running the chain to loose. And yes the small diameter top gear does let the chain run closer to that nub. I had much the same amount of wear, about 1/4”.
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both my Sidewinder and Viper were wearing on that nub. I will try to find the pictures i took a year or so ago
No ....the HH has the heel screw like dalton sorta but heel only.

the 60y is same as most all the STM supertips with 3 loading areas on each side.....and has more curvature in the Y then Ulmers YS.

Y similar to HH
YS similar to stock Winder weight.

Dalton in between and IMO best top speed weight.


I am working on my 2012 Apex XTX and I have the STM 60Y weights. I geared it down to 22/38 from 23/37, so what is your recommendation with my setup for Heel? Mid? Tip?
I have Ulmer springs (Primary Orange/Secondary Pink) and his G Helix.
