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AD Boivin ZX2 Durability & Performance Log

I'm not mdkuni but I would take the ZX-2 over the mono any day and all the time :)

Go and get the ZX-2 it plain works.

rxrider said:
I got the reply from Denis Boivin today. :)

He said he can send me the instructions on how to revalve the shocks for more rebound dampening.

He also said that they calibrated the rebound dampening to be smooth in the small washboard bumps aka trail chatter, and that adding more rebound dampening would take away from the smoothness in those conditions. I'm just fine with that cause rough trails with lots of moguls is what I ride all day long all season, we hardly have any washboard bumps at all.

I replied to his email and requested him to send me the instructions on how to revalve the shocks for more rebound dampening.

This should have been offered to all who layed down their hard earned and not just to those who call up and bitch.
There has been quite a bit about this topic and STILL not a peep from A.D.B.!
Posting it on their site would satisfy everybody! even this crabby old man ;)!
Yummy said:

What is the latest news with your ZX2. Do you still ride down there?

Yesterday, my mono has died. Need a replacement. Tell me what kind of riding you do and How is the ZX2 do the job?


I still was able to ride 100+ miles last Tuesday but now there will not be much if any riding unless we get some snow as it is raining now. I may head to the UP for some riding this weekend as they could be looking at a foot plus out of this rain we are getting.

The mono is a great riding skid but as you and I both know now it will never handle the abuse we give it.

The ZX2 has just under 3,700 miles now.

I have pushed this sled harder then my mono which had two broken rails, three broken w arms, and a broken rear shock mount which also caused the transfer rod to fail.

Broken parts on my ZX2 = nothing, not even a wheel bearing. The skid is stiffer then the mono but the bottom outs are greatly decreased. At times it feels like the skid has more then the 12" of claimed travel just because of how it soaks up the bumps. The transfer is great as well. Installation is simple as long as you have an air rivet gun.

My bolts have not moved in a long time. I have lost a revolver pin but AD sent me two replacement pins (I am assuming they are updated pins as they were different then the original). My front wheels show some cuts in the rubber, but Denis asked me to send the wheels to him and he will provide replacements.


I as well as a handful of others on this site have a vibration on hard pack and lower speeds. See: http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... highlight=
There are many that do not have this issue but it is annoying if you do have it.

Wheels. In order for me to get replacement wheels it is going to cost around $140 for a single replacement wheel for each size on the skid. I think it is about 4 different wheels. I have not found a place in the US that has the same sizes so it is expensive shipping for me. Although this is minor as wheels do not fail often. I will just make sure to have fresh bearings every 4,000 miles or so.

Customer service is not the best by any means. You will notice in the vibration thread AD Boivin will not even comment on the issue. After I brought the matter to their attention they will hardly ever respond to my emails, even to order parts!

Bottom line. This skid does not rust or chip like the metal skids, it still looks great after 3,700 miles and that is something you can not say about the mono. I love the performance and I feel confident in the durability, although one more full season should be a real test. I would buy it again in a heart beat.

Hope this helps.
Thank you very much. Will take my decision by the end of the day. Here trails are 100% and suppose to get 12" more tonite.

Again thank you
Yummy - 12"!!! we have got 4" since yesterday and I think it's a lot :) LOL
It's around freezing temps right now, I hope it will get colder soon to make conditions perfect. Trails are pretty beat up :-( but lakes are very nice.
I am a aggressive trail rider, I used to HATE moguled out trails, no longer, this skid makes them so much fun I finally see what the "rough trail" segment was all about. Here are my ratings based on 1800 miles

Ratings: Avg, Good, Excellent, none like it

Maint - None like it, damn near indestructable

Small washboard stutters - Avg

Big moguls - excellent

Jumping - excellent

Deep snow transfer - excellent

Hard pack transfer - excellent

adjustability - good

Weight - Excellent; almost none like it, there are lighter skids but not sure if they would be as tough

Cust Service - good (haven't needed any really except for the shipping date and Jean responded asap)

I am very critical and would sell this thing in a heartbeat had i not been so satisfied. I just want to ride and ride and ride. Never did I get tired.
HAHAHA - my friends have started asking me if they can buy my ZX-2 when I sell my turbo sled :) They have been riding behind me most of the time... maybe thats why they want it.

Kinger - I have to agree on your ratings :) as I'm an agressive rider too and my findings the same as yours.
rxrider said:
Yummy - 12"!!! we have got 4" since yesterday and I think it's a lot :) LOL
It's around freezing temps right now, I hope it will get colder soon to make conditions perfect. Trails are pretty beat up :-( but lakes are very nice.

Well so far this morning there about 4-5 inches. Suppose to snow until tonite
Yummy said:
rxrider said:
Yummy - 12"!!! we have got 4" since yesterday and I think it's a lot :) LOL
It's around freezing temps right now, I hope it will get colder soon to make conditions perfect. Trails are pretty beat up :-( but lakes are very nice.

Well so far this morning there about 4-5 inches. Suppose to snow until tonite

Lucky dog! We have had rain all day yesterday and today so far, almost everything is gone here.

So are you going to go with the ZX2?
Well, just got back from a small 70 miles run. One word would be ITROCKWOW!!!!

I should of switch that mono earlier. The install was quite simple and I'm very satisfy with that suspension.

I find the sitting position higher then the mono, but you get use to it prety quickly. Bumps are no more a problem. I'm was quite surprise of the overall performance. I wasn't too sure that it could do the job before trying it! But now, for sure I know it does the job well.

Bravo AD BOIVIN, You have a winner here!

Tomorrow, heading for couple hundred miles and will probably pass the 15k miles mark.
Just be sure to keep an eye on the bolts throughout the suspension. They will most likely loosen up and require a re-torque.
yep! one bolt was a bit down. But today, I loss two clips. Also i have the strap syndrom to the left. We give them a call tomorrow to see what they say.
Yummy said:
yep! one bolt was a bit down. But today, I loss two clips. Also i have the strap syndrom to the left. We give them a call tomorrow to see what they say.

The bolts will eventually settle. Just keep checking them for awhile. A zip tie or a hose clamp is your best bet for the limiter strap. It solved my problem in a hurry. Don't expect much from AD Boivin other then an AWESOME suspension. You will get much better support here!

It is only going to get better with the more miles you put on it!

BTW could you stop riding as I am never going to catch up to you in miles? We are done in lower MI unless we get a huge snow storm! :o|
