Flash Update Coming Fall-2016

..If I had the chance I'd like to see if I could install a Nytro ECU and wiring harness into the Viper minus the engine change.
Sounds like a pretty daunting task. But if you did, and it worked, you would have a Very marketable product.
I know nothing about a Nitro. But if the Nitro starts like my car, and performs with no hicups, this would be a very desirable mod.
However scanning the Nitro section shows that it's no perfect either. Looks like everything, in our sport, requires a little tweaking.
You have to admit that even with the flash this, program that, and adjust the other, the Viper is a really respectable ride.
Don't know if it's official but I just got word that the reflash is out here in MI. Can anyone confirm?
Tried the sleds again today -1. The 14 started first crank and the 16 sputtered and died. I was watching a video online last night where a guy in the NWT -40 environment was experimenting with a booster pack for extra cranking amps.. It helped him a bit but the trick that seemed to work was to feather the throttle when he started it.... I tried it today and it seemed to fire right up quicker than usual. Might be a new start method for me to avoid embarrassment on the trails !

Dear Yamaha: Please got to the source and come out a real fix for these sleds. Yes the replacement ECU will cost your company but not as much as it will when your current customers get fed up and jump over to another brand !
I'll try the throttle thing next time I fire mine up! Maybe we have to treat it like a 2 stroke and giving it some throttle??....
Dear Yamaha: Please got to the source and come out a real fix for these sleds. Yes the replacement ECU will cost your company but not as much as it will when your current customers get fed up and jump over to another brand !

I'm not sure how much involvement Yamaha has in theses attempts to fix the issue. The ECU and wire harness is most likely protected by an Arctic Cat patent which may prevent Yamaha from getting their hands on it. Also the legal agreement made between the two companies could be hindering any attempts to correct it.
You could be right about that but they need to revisit their agreement if so because this situation isn't benefiting either side.
I can confirm this, I had the flash a few weeks ago but have not ridden yet. Today I went out and compared my gps live to the speedo. Running at 50km/h on the speedo was showing 62 km/h on gps, 80 km/h on speedo was 93 km/h on gps. Before the flash it was within 2 km/h. My buddies odometer read 125 km at the end of the ride, mine read 102 km. So odd.... I sense a new reflash in the near future.
That's seems about the same difference as I had with mine buddy's nytro!
Tried the sleds again today -1. The 14 started first crank and the 16 sputtered and died. I was watching a video online last night where a guy in the NWT -40 environment was experimenting with a booster pack for extra cranking amps.. It helped him a bit but the trick that seemed to work was to feather the throttle when he started it.... I tried it today and it seemed to fire right up quicker than usual. Might be a new start method for me to avoid embarrassment on the trails !

Dear Yamaha: Please got to the source and come out a real fix for these sleds. Yes the replacement ECU will cost your company but not as much as it will when your current customers get fed up and jump over to another brand !
Yep......give the throttle a quick crack and it will fire up first try every time!!!!! Pretty much bulls**t for a new sled but I guess it is what it is. Love the sled but future sales will be affected if not FIXED!!!!!
Dealer told me he has the new reflash getting it done next week we'll see what happens I'll let you guys know.
I had my 15 XF7000 LXR flashed on Dec 29th. Ran it 72 miles on Saturday and all is good. Speedometer is right on with my GPS, runs good, idles smoother. Seems to start OK. Still need to check out multiple cold starts though.

Put on over 800 miles in the last few days and no issues at all. Idle is sold, no hunting. Cold starts are are great, turn key let her set up on gauges for a second or two and she fired first time every time. Had 14-28 inches of fresh snow with cold temps, could not have been happier with the sled. Called dealer and found out all my up-dates and flashes had been done even the most recent flash for fall of 16. I'm not sure if the flash has any thing to do with the sled running as great as it does because she has always seemed to run great except for the idle hunting +/-50 warm or cold. RTX-SE 14

My friend was on the same trip with his LTX-LE 16 and his only issue on only 2 or 3 occasions, when he turned the key on the oil light came on and the sled would only crank but not start. Turn the key off and on until the oil light went off and the sled fired right up. The only other odd issue was crossing a lake in 2 feed of powder he was only able to run at about 30 to 35 mph and if he tried to get any more the motor would bog down, that was the first night crossing the lake. Even when he followed my track it still bogged down. The following day we crossed more lakes with more powder and he had zero issues, we both run turbos installed by the same shop. Gears and clutch were also done by the same shop. It was odd but seemed to work itself out.
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