Flash Update Coming Fall-2016

I can confirm this, I had the flash a few weeks ago but have not ridden yet. Today I went out and compared my gps live to the speedo. Running at 50km/h on the speedo was showing 62 km/h on gps, 80 km/h on speedo was 93 km/h on gps. Before the flash it was within 2 km/h. My buddies odometer read 125 km at the end of the ride, mine read 102 km. So odd.... I sense a new reflash in the near future.

Mines the same...
What dealer do you take your sled to, matts?
I phoned him Thursday about the speedo issue and doesn't seem to know anything. He reflashed mine before Christmas and it's way out. Would like it fixed though
Most don't, all we do is inform them then they'll call head office. Brian's in hensall stays pretty well informed. I'll be calling him tomorrow as well..
Let us know what he says! I hope to get up to shelburne this week for a ride and get it reflashed!
Let us know what he says! I hope to get up to shelburne this week for a ride and get it reflashed!

That's actually not a bad idea, might as well ride to the dealer! Lol. For sure I will let yas know...
124 kmh max speed on both sleds.. Im not sure if this is a flash issue but I cant seem to get past
If it's like mine you where probably doing 150kmh +! I was cruising on the trail at 75-80km and my buddy on his nytro said we were causing at 100-110km
I can only hope but my phones gps app had me at 124 .. speedo was 121
I was at 8600.. maxed out.. both sleds 14 and 16 with under 350km on it
Mine is on average out by 12km/hr, seems to be worse the fast I go. Cold starts are better than they have ever been, warm starts are worse?!?
I just spoke to another guy I know has a ca and clutch kit.. Maxed out at 80mph...use to do 98mph before the flash... That would coincide with my gps run

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