HID kit installed

You want the motorcycle kit not the Apexcone Raptor HID Kit. on the left side under categories select "Motorcycle HID Kits & Lighting" then select the dual headlight kit. There are three options, I recommend 35 watt, H4 high/low, 4500k for snowmobiles. they'll send you everything you need.
Just installed this kit on my Phazer. Everything was easy and straight-forward, except for the fact that there is NO room in the Phazer for the ballasts and stuff. Had to do some creative cramming. Also, two of the clips on the weatherproof connections broke when I clipped them in. Probably because it was 20F in the garage. Couldn't get a good comparison since I started on it in the daylight and finished after dark. They did seem much brighter, and have a whiter color to them. I will try and get some side-by-side comparisons with my Brothers Phazer.
Im very much considering these....but my RTX has the yellow tinted lense.

Not sure if that will effect it that much, I mean it should still be brighter. I put some HIDs in my Rhino....man what a difference.
I installed this kit, the lights were much larger in diameter than the ones you have in the picture so I had to put a little slit in the rubber to get them over the blub casing.

Pretty easy install, the hardest part is running all the wires so they are clean.
I installed these two years ago, they work great but definately go with 4-5000 bulbs
The kits now are cheaper than the silverstars
I went a little overboard on the mount for the hardware, it could have been done easier but that would make sense.
The kits come plug and play, other than ground and power, if you can't hook that up, you might not want to go sledding alone
http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... c&start=30
I had no problems getting the boots over the new bulbs. Had to take the clips off, then slide the boots off, and put the clips back on. If FAST would get me my mount kit I ordered 2 months ago, then I could test out the output of the lights.
Betheviper, thanks. I am looking at that same idea. How did you attach the plate? Did you screw it right to the back of the gray headlight housing?

Also, how hot do these ballasts get? Or do they? I am worried that they will melt the plastic.
They don't get very hot at all
The piece of aluminum is from the bottom of a bulkhead of a viper I used to ride. I held it on with pop rivets, I think if I did it over , I would use black automotive pushins just for the removeablity factor. If I ever wreck that light, I will have to drill the plate off and rerivet on. worst part about this is vacuming all of the drillings out of the light.

This works very good when removing compared to other ways to mount I have seen as it is a unit, light comes off, with nothing else to unplug but the main harness plug.

It could have been done flatter but I wanted the adjuster exposed for my electric adjust. I have one on my viper and plan to install one on this light as well. Change your light adjustment on the fly. Works great and is needed for this sled as even with HID, the difference between Hi and Lo is still screwed up.
My HID's came last night. Very easy to hook up. Bright as heck. Took a little while to route the wires nicely but other than that it was a smooth install. Now we'll see how long they hold up.
