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I got my clock cleaned

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I had the blocks removed and the shaft rotated so it hit the flats for max transfer. I have 140 miles on the sled and it was pulling 8700-8800 today. We went from a roll and he just made me his bitch again.
when you let off the throttle does your sled roll,or come to a sudden hault,these sleds need lose track,if drag racing short distances,what was your speed when rolling along,near 100,or did you shut it down to short of a distance,and try another wrap on the secondary,with that many miles you should be going good,brings me to a story I rember well,when I had my 99 xcr 800 poo,my bud had his 97 zrt 800 stock for 97 than I beat him with my 98 storm,and than I got the 99 xcr that went really well,but could never beat him again,another cat friend who wrenches on them at the factory,did a 1010 hooper kit and used his stock pipes to destroy me every time we ran,but never told me he had it done till o3 when we both bought rx1,s lol just never know.
This to me is like spending $100k on a new 650hp Z06 vette and some dude pulls up with his 1985 tuned port turd vette and hands me my #*$&@.
That's what I like to hear. So put that preserver down grab some wrenches and some mods and go kick his #*$&@! Money cant buy everything sometimes you just have to dig in.
when you let off the throttle does your sled roll,or come to a sudden hault,these sleds need lose track,if drag racing short distances,what was your speed when rolling along,near 100,or did you shut it down to short of a distance,and try another wrap on the secondary,with that many miles you should be going good,brings me to a story I rember well,when I had my 99 xcr 800 poo,my bud had his 97 zrt 800 stock for 97 than I beat him with my 98 storm,and than I got the 99 xcr that went really well,but could never beat him again,another cat friend who wrenches on them at the factory,did a 1010 hooper kit and used his stock pipes to destroy me every time we ran,but never told me he had it done till o3 when we both bought rx1,s lol just never know.

I had 1043 Hoop in my SRX.
Shagnos, the more you write, the stronger the smell is coming out of my monitor.
Would you mind posting a picture of your sled with the left glove and right boot on the running board.
Shagnos, the more you write, the stronger the smell is coming out of my monitor.
Would you mind posting a picture of your sled with the left glove and right boot on the running board.

Sucks.....that' it has to come down to this.
no, doesn't ring a bell, but there are hall's nearby. some were well drillers.
He had some kind of National record on his Harley. 60 years old and rides a sled or a quad better than most 16 year olds! Polaris guy though! Suspension is everything in that area of PA when snow is deep. Never saw such hammered trails in my life when I was out there riding two years ago! Cannondale buddies. They have a gang of about 15 of them in that area. Matczak's are also there.
He had some kind of National record on his Harley. 60 years old and rides a sled or a quad better than most 16 year olds! Polaris guy though! Suspension is everything in that area of PA when snow is deep. Never saw such hammered trails in my life when I was out there riding two years ago! Cannondale buddies. They have a gang of about 15 of them in that area. Matczak's are also there.
don't know them either. been here about 37 yrs after i got hitched with a 9yr break in deep south florida. there's a lot of tough old birds around here. the guys i ride with are all pins, plates, screws, open heart, lung cancer etc, some in their mid 70's that will ride with me 18-20 hrs a day. we hit it hard and manage to stay in our lane on the curves except that time in ON last year when the craziest one of all, 5' 100lb 58 yr old open heart gal's throttle stuck wide open on the bend, she left 3 bounce imprints 30' apart before she completely buried herself in 4' snow on the 4th hit. she just had the doo hand protectors put on and they weren't on right. all ended well with just some soreness and few sled bruises. we all live for the moment like it's the last day. trails here suck, usually have to go new york, maine etc for the good stuff. i'll ask my buddies if they know them when i see em.
Shagnos, if you're in a bind. I can help. I'll send you the requested pic....going to need a $50 spot send thru PayPal.

Let me know, bro.....I'm here for you!
Not sure how true this is but heard there is some place down south round Beloit selling the Sidewinder for $9,200.00. Anyone seen this? Christmas blowout
don't know them either. been here about 37 yrs after i got hitched with a 9yr break in deep south florida. there's a lot of tough old birds around here. the guys i ride with are all pins, plates, screws, open heart, lung cancer etc, some in their mid 70's that will ride with me 18-20 hrs a day. we hit it hard and manage to stay in our lane on the curves except that time in ON last year when the craziest one of all, 5' 100lb 58 yr old open heart gal's throttle stuck wide open on the bend, she left 3 bounce imprints 30' apart before she completely buried herself in 4' snow on the 4th hit. she just had the doo hand protectors put on and they weren't on right. all ended well with just some soreness and few sled bruises. we all live for the moment like it's the last day. trails here suck, usually have to go new york, maine etc for the good stuff. i'll ask my buddies if they know them when i see em.
Yup same as this gang except all ages. Tom has a pig valve in his heart and lives like its his last day now. Great people and beautiful country. They did take me to NY two days around Chataqua? Big difference but I understand PA gives no $ for trails other than Gamelands. That sucks.
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