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Interesting Skid Shock Spring info

I wonder if you guys with mountain skids are actually needing faster rebound in that center shock? Eventually with higher rate spring ride will suffer or it won't turn no matter how far you back it off. It's funny because all these comparisons are being made with Ltx and Rtx and there 135lb spring but a RR which is almost the race skid uses a 90lb spring. Different valving and geometry in all the different models. Different uses also. I am experimenting just because I feel my spring is wore out. Should probably test it but mine turns well enough now with revalved rears that I was able to set transfer blocks on 1 and straps all the way out. Can afford to lose a bit of cornering for a lighter front end. Still just a experiment though. May hate it.

My research has said that that shock is actually valved for the stiffer spring. All I know that after several different sets of testing the stiffer spring makes a HUGE difference in the XTX and MTX. I couldn't be happier with how it is now.
Same problem here. ~70$ shipping to Finland. Need to ask if they could use USPS.

What are the dimensions and shipping weight of the 160 spring? I'm thinking it would fit in flat rate padded usps envelope which would be $26. Max weight for this envelope is 4 lbs.

Order the spring and ship it to me. For $31 I will re ship it for you. ;)!
What are the dimensions and shipping weight of the 160 spring? I'm thinking it would fit in flat rate padded usps envelope which would be $26. Max weight for this envelope is 4 lbs.

Order the spring and ship it to me. For $31 I will re ship it for you. ;)!

You probably have a used spring out of one of the other Yamahas, measure spring length and wire diameter and amount of coils.
I just got the cat 160lb spring. It is dual rate. May be best of both worlds or may not give me a even lighter front feel due to the dual rate. Will try and see.
Is this a particular 160# spring from a certain cat sled or are they all dual rate.
I just ordered one from the part # above.
If you ordered that part number then that is the spring you will get. I believe it is the only 160lb spring cat offers. Not sure what sled uses it. I ordered this one. No all the springs are not dual rate. My RTX is straight rate 135 lb spring stock.
I believe it will. The tighter wound section is pretty small but should be plush if we don't have to preload it much. If it affects the light front end feel we want then just enough preload to close up the gaps in the tighter wound section would essentially make it a single rate spring. What sleds is it on?
Got my spring today, installing tomorrow.
Does it matter how the spring is on the shock. I was thinking the closer coils would be at the bottom by the adjuster??????
Got my spring today, installing tomorrow.
Does it matter how the spring is on the shock. I was thinking the closer coils would be at the bottom by the adjuster??????

Yep, spin adjuster until it touches spring and two more rounds. Fine tune by tightening one turn and test until it is perfect for you.
Got my spring today, installing tomorrow.
Does it matter how the spring is on the shock. I was thinking the closer coils would be at the bottom by the adjuster??????

It doesn't matter really but I would put them at top since tighter coils will tend to hold more junk in them. Better to have it fall out.
Do the shock need to come off completely to swap out the spring?
Was looking at it and thought it may be possible to just let go the top and swap it right on the sled.
Can it be done?
Do the shock need to come off completely to swap out the spring?
Was looking at it and thought it may be possible to just let go the top and swap it right on the sled.
Can it be done?
Yes you can do that. Still have to compress shock a little with straps all the way out.
