Larger intercooler?

I have no way of knowing but even before the gap intake my sled has always made 1 or 2 pounds more boost then the other SWs around here that I am familiar with and more then the posts people have made with similar tunes so I don't know if its my map sensor indication or the sled just makes more boost.
I talked to Dave at Hurricane a few seasons ago and he looked at my logs and said the sled was making more boost on each of its tunes then it should.
I do know that since I upped my fuel pressure the sled is revving higher and needs more primary weight so its making more power with more fuel so its all good:)
You got a good one Bob.
Yes it was evident right from new in the local snow drags.
I have a similar situation, running one of the original TD Powertrail tunes in an spring order 2017, tuned since day one and she's a beast, spinning a little over 80 grams on the Dalton weights. I spoke to TD and they said I have a good runner and that weights are an indicator of power just like a dyno...

I have toyed with the idea of bigger tunes but it runs so good now I don't want to change anything.
Hmm.... My sled doesn't use hardly any weight at all?!?!
MS17 @ 9050 (preliminary observation)
I'll have to change up my game plan, 4 inches of snow and 3" coming. Time to head up to the Northwoods.
Lakes should be frozen over the weekend and into next week as temperatures are going to dive below zero.
I've always said..."Speed is all about the math and the best mathematician wins"
Comes from my aviation background...:)
Ya know Bob, some rely on skill, and some rely on luck. Wish I had your
Skill lasts forever, luck runs out....
Total wieght of arms is subjective, because arm styles vary and apply force diffrently, apples to oranges sort to speek.
Agree.... helix angle, belt also. It's not that I want to run heavy weights, I prefer not to.
Lite is right!
Yes although I did consider an upgrade but decided not to
Bob, someone tried to explain to me to put washers in between the turbo housing and the wastegate and you pick up 2 lb of boost in all tunes. You know anything about that? Haha....
And the truth will set you
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Bob, someone tried to explain to me to put washers in between the turbo housing and the wastegate and you pick up 2 lb of boost in all tunes. You know anything about that? Haha....
And the truth will set you
LOL...No I have not shimmed the wastegate as I feel that is heading into no mans land for engine safety. If anything I would go with the ungraded boost controller and accompanying tuner's flash but I have not nor do I have plans to do that as I only use my sled for trail riding now.
LOL...No I have not shimmed the wastegate as I feel that is heading into no mans land for engine safety. If anything I would go with the ungraded boost controller and accompanying tuner's flash but I have not nor do I have plans to do that as I only use my sled for trail riding now.
Bob, the things we do to run with the big dogs. Lol.
Couple #'s of Boost & a little boostane never hurt anyone. Lol. Just saying, Bob....
Got real quite in here. Lol.
Well, let me get back to things...
