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I couldn't use the new protector because it was designed for a longer air line.
Keep an extra tunnel air line with you at all times in case something goes wrong and you experience an air line failure.

I have not had a failure...yet, but it could happen someday. ;)
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Put on about 125 miles today with buddy; day ride from Guilford. Trails were mostly great, a few spots beat up. The M20 was good. I didn't mess with the air pressure too much or the limiter strap. I really want to spend a good couple hours riding and tuning the M20. Hopefully next weekend!
What are you guys running for track tension, and how are you checking it (is it ok to pick up rear of sled when air shocks are inflated)? I ran the track really loose yesterday. I noticed the track was shaving some plastic off the side of the slides. Guessing thats too loose.
I run mine at about 1 1/4 with no weight on the track, but I have extrovert drivers. I always run loose as long as the track doesn't ratchet. If I'm not mistaken fast likes the track around an 1 inch just hanging free. And you can lift the sled off the ground with air in the shocks. I just wouldn't compress the suspension without air. Mine shaves a little off the sides of the hyfax also.
Round 2 with the M20 took place in The County. I made the Journey all the way to Caribou. Since last trip I tightened limiter strap, pumped rear shock up to 70psi, and front to 25psi.
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Off from Crown Park Inn, Caribou heading North. Didn't get started till after 10:30.
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The sled handled well, the conditions were groomed last night I presume and were still in nice condition. The Warrior didn't roll or lift a ski coming out of a turn as much as last weekend. Grand Isle overlook
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After about 50 or so miles I had noticed I was bottoming on some of the moguls so I pumped the rear shock up to 75psi; better. Tried to get the same picture as my avatar in Madawaska overlooking St. John river valley.
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Stop For gas in Madawaska, then off to Fort Kent. $2.35 isn't bad, it's the same price as home.
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Made it to Fort Kent "gateway" in good time. The trails were mostly nice. The sign says 24/7 grooming and 9 miles to town.
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Well they weren't. I made it 2 or 3 miles and tuned around. The trail was in rough shape.
As I was heading back I noticed the ski lift and rolling in the corners was back. I pulled off at the Fort Kent "gateway" again to tighten limiter strap. Snapped a picture of a cool field there.
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When I crawled under the sled I discovered the reason why the Warrior had body roll again. The limiter strap adjuster bolt was missing:o|
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Well I guess I didn't tighten that holding nut very well huh!.
The trails were starting to get a little choppy and were certainly softening up. The Warrior still handled well. I did bump the front shock pressure up to 28 psi before heading south.
The home stretch:
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I got back to the hotel around 4. 150 miles, not bad for a short day. I checked with the front desk receptionist about where to get a bolt for the limiter. She laughed and said most everything is closed already, it's Caribou! My best bet would be to try Lowes in Presque Isle. Fortunately it's only 15 minutes away.
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It was too dark when I got back to install the bolt. I'll do it tomorrow before I hit the trails again. I hope to put on over 200 miles.
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Wow...nice pictures! I would love to ride Maine some day!

It's good to hear positive results with the upgrade. Keep the pictures and feedback coming! ;)!
2017-04-03 07.50.59.jpg

Day 1 Route 150 miles:
Short section of 90W to 105N connector trail
105 to 79
79 to 96 (79 and 96 are club trails, less traveled!)
96 to 81N
81 to 85
85 (to Fort Kent) about 5 miles after the "gateway" I turned around.
85 back to 83S
83S all the way to Caribou
Short section of 90W to hotel.

Day 2 Route 220 miles:
90W to 83N to 73B (club trail)
85 to Fort Kent to 92
92 to the Alagash
92 to 120 to Deblois
120 to 85N
85N to Eagle Lake for fuel
85S to Portage
85S to 90E
90E all the way to Caribou

370 miles total. Good mixed riding.
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Day 2 pre ride maintenance. Of course I couldn't find a hardened bolt @ Lowes the right size (3/8, 16 pitch) that was full threads. This one worked, but shortly into the trip I noticed the limiter strap needed to be tightened and no more threads. I'll be replacing with correct bolt.
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I had enough room under the tool kit for a small socket set. Of course that means I couldn't fit any beer in there!
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Front air shock set @ 25 to 28ish psi. Rear shock @ 75ish.
I knew it was going to be a good day of riding when I saw these girls at the caribou park and ride. I was on the trail around 8.
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The conditions were excellent. Freshly groomed, still set up from the cold night time Temps. Any bump left over from yesterday were magically erased by the M20. ITS83 was great but I wanted to try different trails so I took 73B. Awesome!
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I was really able to get up and go. I noticed @ speed the Warrior vibrated quite a bit. I wasn't sure if was from the track marks of the sled in front of me or something to do with my track??? Anyway, I did tighten the track a bit but that didn't seem to make a difference.

The rivers are still frozen over in the North of Maine. Someone had an awesome walk...
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73B to 85 into Fort Kent. The trails were great. The M20 was doing its job, although there wasn't much to suck up for bumps...yet.

Rest area and overlook on 85 near Fort Kent

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Nice place for a House!
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