My 2018 Apex 50th XTX

Thanks guys. How are you liking that Backcountry track and screw in studs Mr Sled?
I am also very interested in how the Slingshot skid is working?
Especially this year with the updated Fox shock?

Anyone with an older sled that had the updated shock installed replacing the crappy original shock?
The only update was the improved shock changes to the skid correct?

Ride reports?????

I have a 2103 XTX with a Star kit and their revalved oem Yamaha shocks.
Rides great, handles well and transfers well.
I'd be interested in buying a 2018..especially an Anny model but have reservations about the slingshot?? Altho it cant be any worse than the oem XTX transfer rod skid... :)

Anyone running either a Hygear or Elka coilover shock in their Slingshot skid?
I would be very interested in that setup...more so than the "new/improved" Fox airshock.
With a single shock skid I'm pretty leary of a shock failure leaving the sled unrideable and or causing other damage...especially when far from home.
I am also very interested in how the Slingshot skid is working?
Especially this year with the updated Fox shock?

Anyone with an older sled that had the updated shock installed replacing the crappy original shock?
The only update was the improved shock changes to the skid correct?

Ride reports?????

I have a 2103 XTX with a Star kit and their revalved oem Yamaha shocks.
Rides great, handles well and transfers well.
I'd be interested in buying a 2018..especially an Anny model but have reservations about the slingshot?? Altho it cant be any worse than the oem XTX transfer rod skid... :)

Anyone running either a Hygear or Elka coilover shock in their Slingshot skid?
I would be very interested in that setup...more so than the "new/improved" Fox airshock.
With a single shock skid I'm pretty leary of a shock failure leaving the sled unrideable and or causing other damage...especially when far from home.

The difference in the shocks is night and day. The new shock on 129 is great. It took a few trips to get the right pressure.
I also changed out the front wimpy coil shocks for elka stage 2, The ride is firm on the front, but the handling improved a lot.
Last winter I came across a guy with a 2016 146 apex with elka stage 5 on all corners. he claimed it was worth the almost 3000 dollars. I depressed the rear with my knee and it seems as stiff as my sled, but at that time I didn't get my up graded shock yet.
The difference in the shocks is night and day. The new shock on 129 is great. It took a few trips to get the right pressure.
I also changed out the front wimpy coil shocks for elka stage 2, The ride is firm on the front, but the handling improved a lot.
Last winter I came across a guy with a 2016 146 apex with elka stage 5 on all corners. he claimed it was worth the almost 3000 dollars. I depressed the rear with my knee and it seems as stiff as my sled, but at that time I didn't get my up graded shock yet.

I bought a 2018 Vector & had the new updated shock installed. I have rode the machine for 400 miles now & it rides very nice. I took all the preload off the front shocks & put 250 lbs . of air into the rear shock according to my weight. I set the rebound at 6 clicks from soft. I will try other adjustments as time goes on & suspension get's worn in.
Not sure what to say.. we have 600 miles on it and it works awesome!! I never rode the old shock so I really cant compare.
My dealer gave me the new shock to install myself. No other modifications to the skid. It ride very good now. That original shock was way to stiff, and seemed like it loaded up. I'm very happy with it.
What is the brand of the replacement shock? Is there a link to it or a photo?
The replacement shock is a fox float. It looks just about the exact same as the original. It has the addition of rebound and compression adjustment dials. And I believe it's valved different. I know without a doubt, it rides way better now after swapping it for the original
Is this a free upgrade from the selling dealer or do you have to pay for it?
It's free. Call your dealer.
Wasn't that shock upgrade only offered to 2017 Apex owners? I thought there were several posts from last year where 2016 Apex owners felt jilted since the free upgrade was not extended to them.:dunno:
As far as I know that's right. I think the 18s came with them
i didnt see he has an '11. sorry, its not even the same skid as a '16 and up
