New Battery (boring topic HUGE weight/$ savings)

If your going to plug the sled in at night, why not use the coolant heater and try to start a warmer engine right off the bat.. I use the coolant heater if an outlet is available.
I was just thinking that the heater would only need to be plugged in for 10 min to warm the battery 20-40 degrees.
I got mine yesterday and I will be testing it new years weekend. We'll see how it works. If I have to do anything other than maybe let it heat it self up with load, it will sit on the shelf till drag season. I have no desire to run a sled that has to be pluged in at night or pre heated.
My Shorai battery for my Phazer started no problem at 0 degrees last week. The sled sat for a week before starting and waiting for snow.
Lots of people will learn new stuff about this new battery, just like what happened with 4strokes....they don't ride the same, they dont behave the same, the power is different...

All kinds of new leanings will come from new tech.... But am 100% confident it will be fine...worked with lots of ca,eras with lithium batteries, and hundreds of you have seen the cell phone stowed away in my pack...(frozen) still SPOT works with lithium batteries, and it never once has had an issue...

Granted we are talking more draw, but we are also talking different tech (in the battery) and a starter, which will "heat" it....

My guess is most are used to the fear induced by lead battery sounding slow, and assuming same sound will mean litim battery is dead....when it just means try me again, I am waking up...
With my 12 cell, Last night at 20 it cranked slow but started. This morning at 10 It would not start but after a few Minutes it did. So far so good, but we'll see when it's around 0, much colder than that and I dont start either ;)!
here is my report with a half dozen rides now. It definitely does not give you much confidence in the morning when it's cold. But I have started it down to 5 above now. After I try it a couple times a few min apart, it has started every time. I still don't like it, but I'm sure after I get to start it a few times below zero and it starts I will start feeling more confident in it. After initial start up, can't even tell anything is different.[/i]
Well that does not sound very impressive..

Are you gonna switch back to the oem battery, or do you have a better alternative?
Dimebag said:
Well that does not sound very impressive..

Are you gonna switch back to the oem battery, or do you have a better alternative?

No I'm going to keep using it until I like it. I hope... It has not let me down yet, just doesn't give you any confidence in it right up until it starts.
rlcofmn said:
Dimebag said:
Well that does not sound very impressive..

Are you gonna switch back to the oem battery, or do you have a better alternative?

No I'm going to keep using it until I like it. I hope... It has not let me down yet, just doesn't give you any confidence in it right up until it starts.
Curious. Are you repeatedly cranking for short periods until it wakes up enough or do you just turn the key and power the guage for a few minutes? A built in volt meter might give a little more confidence seeing the volts build up until you have enough. I don't like the idea of witnessing the sled struggle to start until it finally does.
I am cranking it first thing I do to the trailhead, wait a few min crank again, then have been having to wait a few min crank again and it starts. I agree, I hate watching it struggle. But would guage be enough to "wake it up"? I'll try it this morning.
Can't be good for the starter either. I would assume it's going through a Low voltage, High amperage struggle.
