Relax! Yamaha is not lying Down.

Quoted from Stupidtraks
“The fact is, many of the features you’ve seen on Arctic Cats were initiated by Yamaha. Things like engine electronics, gauges and switchgear - even suspension designs and features were either approved or developed in complete co-operation with Yamaha”

You guys are splitting hairs,

You guys read
“Features you’ve seen “
As in the past...

If Yamaha sells a cat motor snowmobile with cat chassis, it’s official, they are dead too me as a snowmobile manufacturer.
Yes they do sell the 600 Cat engine and chassi as a the new Yamaha.. From Yamaha Snowmobile on Facebook :The all-new Yamaha Transporter 600 is your choice !
Well all i can say ,how low will they sink. I think they are done making sleds. My stomach is turning up side down and i wanna vomit every time i see that Cat standing here at the Yamaha dealer here at home. Yamaha dont have any scruples by calling that 100% Cat a new Yamaha:( Its a shame! :(
Quoted from Stupidtraks
“The fact is, many of the features you’ve seen on Arctic Cats were initiated by Yamaha. Things like engine electronics, gauges and switchgear - even suspension designs and features were either approved or developed in complete co-operation with Yamaha”

That quote from them is gonna light up the Ditch Pickle faithful. Oh my, don't tell me that Yamaha had anything to do with the ProCross chassis prior to its 2012 release. Let alone prior to the Viper release.
Nobody knows what the heck is going on with Yamaha. They surely have sunk to new levels. Thats why I dont understand the total faith some have in Yamaha. They not only put Subaru engine in a Grizzly without telling anyone. They changed engines in the 16 Vipers without telling anyone first. Along with delivering sleds to spring buyers that surely werent what was advertised. So the great Motor Company didnt even stay faithful to themselves! Its about $. I understand that. I also understand that my $ is important to me. Tit for Tat. I still have hope that something great and truly Yamaha will come out or Yamaha will have bought Cat sled division. Please Yamaha make me eat my words!
That quote from them is gonna light up the Ditch Pickle faithful. Oh my, don't tell me that Yamaha had anything to do with the ProCross chassis prior to its 2012 release. Let alone prior to the Viper release.
They also didnt have anything to do with those Cat 2 st engines. Was plenty of very smart people capable of designing that Cat engine at Cat. Maybe not anymore. Many are gone. That may be the reason they screwed up and didnt make it a 850. Old design.
Nobody knows what the heck is going on with Yamaha. They surely have sunk to new levels. Thats why I dont understand the total faith some have in Yamaha. They not only put Subaru engine in a Grizzly without telling anyone. They changed engines in the 16 Vipers without telling anyone first. Along with delivering sleds to spring buyers that surely werent what was advertised. So the great Motor Company didnt even stay faithful to themselves! Its about $. I understand that. I also understand that my $ is important to me. Tit for Tat. I still have hope that something great and truly Yamaha will come out or Yamaha will have bought Cat sled division. Please Yamaha make me eat my words!
Yep,WORD! Thats why i feel so angry when i see Yamaha says that the Transporter 600 is a Yamaha. I feel they are lying when they say that it is a Yamaha when it is a 100% Cat sled just the stickers have the name Yamaha. And the Yamaha dealers take them in on the flor and sell them as a Yamaha? The hole dam Yamaha system is sunk so low! :( I dont trust them anymore.
I've seen a few brand new Ski doo's having problems on the trails, that's one of the reasons I like my Yami, however the RS venture TF has had problems with track drone and no fix in new much for refinement of engineering. If I ever get a new sled I'd have to think twice..
Yep,WORD! Thats why i feel so angry when i see Yamaha says that the Transporter 600 is a Yamaha. I feel they are lying when they say that it is a Yamaha when it is a 100% Cat sled just the stickers have the name Yamaha. And the Yamaha dealers take them in on the flor and sell them as a Yamaha? The hole dam Yamaha system is sunk so low! :( I dont trust them anymore.

The clutching, ECU, and a couple other bits are Yamaha flavor.
Team clutch

12k for that POS? You gotta be kidding me!
You can get a left over Winder for that!
Arctic Clutches, yea 100% AC with a Yamaha sticker. Oh wait the hand warmer switch is different my bad.

Yamaha has sold out!
The chassis is 100% Cat and the engine is 100% Yamaha.
They just dropped a Yamaha motor into a cat chassis.

Quoted from Stupidtrax
“The fact is, many of the features you’ve seen on Arctic Cats were initiated by Yamaha. Things like engine electronics, gauges and switchgear - even suspension designs and features were either approved or developed in complete co-operation with Yamaha.”

FACT IS, Yamaha designed exactly ZERO of the suspension! They changed the shocks, big deal. Actually Cat has always had a better shock calibration than Yamaha so?

Reality is Yamaha has fixed practically none of the issues relating to reliability with the procross chassis. Why? Because it forces most people to buy a new sled every couple of years....
And my apex gauges are lots better imo, than the cat pod. That could have been an easy one for Yamaha...have their own design gauges. I just don't see a lot of Yamaha influence....I like my sw, and trust the engine, but there's always the cat thing in the back of my mind.
Why dont the dealers put their fots down a say,sorry we cant take this 100% cat with Yamaha stickers on in our shop and sell this! Yamaha needs a slap on their face ASAP!'
