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rxrider's Turbo Garage - pics back, will continue

It can be done like HURRICANE said, we did it with only minor problems, two head studs needed Loctite to make enough grip...

No problem downhill so far. First rides were done with only 10 liters or 2.6 gallons of fuel in it, but I've heard from the Doo riders that it's a problem climbing with less than 5 liters or 1.3 gallons left.

This is a family site so I left some clothings on while dancing, take a close look at my dancing shoes, I'm a ballerina LOL :)

Update March 27. - Installing Hurricane/Snow Performance Water-Meth Injection Kit. - Part 1.

Finally I got the time to start installing the meth injection kit. First job was to find a place for the pump and the water-meth tanks. Yes I'm installing 2 x 2 quarter tanks for a total of 4 quarters of water-meth. I had a hard time finding a good place for the pump and tanks. I will install the tanks on the right hand side in front of the REV gas tank. Finally I took my friends advice to install the pump on the left just rear of the secondary clutch. I will deal with the tanks later.

Started by measuring up where to mount the pump.


Then some cutting with the die grinder to make room for the pump. Pump had to be lowered into the hole to make enough room for the plastics. Before lowering the pump into the hole I had to remove the pump mounting bracket from the pump.


First test install, more cutting and grinding necessary.



When the hole was done the pump fit nicely in the hole, next was installing the pump mounting bracket back on. I installed the pump from the rear side and the mounting bracket from the secondary side. When tighten down the 2 bolts holding the mounting bracket to the pump the rubber dampers compressed and held the pump in place without any need to install bolt to hold the mounting bracket to the chassis. I will mount the 2 lower bolt tho just for piece of mind.


Pump is secured to the chassis :)


I had to trim the plastics to fit on top of the pump, no problem as it was part of design :tg:


Pump and plastics installed.


Time to tap into the water-meth tanks and install them. Will do next time out. :nos nonoNONONONONONO GOT METH lol
Update March 29. - Installing Hurricane/Snow Performance Water-Meth Injection Kit - Part 2.

To increase air flow around the turbo and to reduce underhood hear I cut out some plastic from the side panels, I also had to make room for the meth pump in the side cover plastics.


Mock up install of the meth tanks, this is where they are to be installed.



I decided to mount the controllers on the right hand side down where the relays are mounted. First I had to relocate the relays. I did it the easy way and moved them to the opposite side of where they used to sit.


With the relays out of the way I mounted the controllers.




With all hardware installed I started installing the electrical wireing and the meth lines to the pump and the controllers.



On a sidenote - First I connected the meth kit to the B/W switched wire in the ignition system, on the first run I blew the ignition fuse. The fix was to draw power from the carb heater system which has a 20A fuse, the details will be covered in a later post :)

Most wireing and meth lines completed. All lines passing hot spots are threaded thru rubber tubing and then covered with heat shielding fabrics to keep the meth lines from melting.



With the wireing and meth lines connected to the pump, meth tanks and controllers it was time to set up the meth feed line forward to the IC.


Nozzle and meth line is to be setup like in the pic, 1 to 2 then 2 to 4 and then connected to the 4 nozzles.


Done for the evening.
Update March 30. - Installing Hurricane/Snow Performance Water-Meth Injection Kit - Part 3.

First part of the job was to determine the best spot to install the nozzles. I figured that there was not enough room on the top of the IC, testing showed that it would not have been possible to close the hood with the nozzles installed on top of the IC.

I chose to install the nozzled underneat the IC, a lot of empty space down there with the battery relocated.


I drilled and tapped the 4 holes with a NTP 1/8 - 27 threads an inch - tap. I used thread tape on the all threads to ensure I wouldn't have leaking meth lines (pump capasity is 150 lbs at max pressure).


Seen from another angle, IC is ready for install.

Update March 31. - Installing Hurricane/Snow Performance Water-Meth Injection Kit - Part 4.

Last pieces of the meth kit finally installed.

Installed the stop solenoid that prevents fluid to enter the IC when the sled is not running. The solenoid valve is only open when there is power to the pump and the pump is actually pumping building pressure, else it's closed.


Installed the indicator led. It's indicating when the meth starts spraying (blinking) and when the meth is at full spray (steady bright green).


I'm finally done installing new parts for this season.... I'm late but I'm done and I ready for some great spring riding the last 4-5 weeks :)


rxrider aka Jan-Ove is a happy guy hahahaha sled and builder is having a moment.


:yam: ;)! :tg: :-o :jump: :bling :Rockon:
My friend (Screen name: osknutsen) installed a Hurricane water/meth injection kit at the same time I did. When at it he also installed a MSD Launch Master 4350. Here's some pics from his install.

He installed the MSD and the meth controller in the nose cone of the sled.


Tapping and installing the nozzles in the IC. On the MCX there is very little room for installing the nozzles, he had to install then under neat the IC like I did.


With all extra boxes and electronics his wireing looks like a birds nest LOL just pulling your leg buddy.


Here's how he installed the meth reservoir (my 4.25 litre can) in the back of the sled along with the meth pump and the meth failsafe controller.



Filling of the reservoir is done from the thrunk in the back of his seat.


Here's what it looks like with the seat removed.




The birds nest :) ;)!


Insulating the turbo and heat shields for the n'th time.


A pic of my one eyed pirat.


Initial tune of the sleds electronics. Loading MCX fuel map, it's adding fuel above 15 lbs of boost and managing boost pressure. Loading RB3 fuel and ignition maps, the RapidBike 3 is managing fuel delivery below 15 lbs of boost and all ignition advance and retard.




You're doing great buddy ;)!
Bring on the competition :die
Next day we were outside my house tuning osknutsen's sled on the snow. A few adjustments had to be done to the fuel delivery down low as it ran very rich riding slow on partial throttle, around 20 mph or 32 kmh.





The very next day I had a call from one of the police officers at the local county sheriffs office (lensmannskontoret), they had recieved complaints from one of my neighbours, the police officer said he understood our need to test the sleds but urged us to keep the testing to a minimum at the house. Well the nice police officer was in his full right to write a ticket but he didn't, and I told him that we would not be running our sleds more than absolutely necessary.... great police officer, wish they all were like him :) he's a senior officer - than may play a part in how he handled the situation. Thank you officer (NN) for warning us instead of writing out a ticket.

Later that day we went out for a ride. That will be covered in rxrider's riding in arctic Norway thread over in the TY Fun contest rides
Awesome is all i can say. I hope you get some video action RXrider of your sled soon i want to hear it bad and see it run. The last month you haven't posted much and i have been going through withdrawals and wondering how things have been working with the new project. Question on stop solenoid that prevents fluid to enter the IC is that the silver and black thing with the nut on top? I think i need one because everytime i remove my intercooler i always have a bit of Meth in my IC. I like the pic pf the 2 sleds outside in the driveway they look really mean with the ZX2's
I will try to shoot some vids before the end of the season :) I haven't got the time to post, too busy and then the easter holyday season together with wife, kids and family took up a few weeks of my time. We still have snow so I will try to ride every day from next week when I'm return from a trip down south....man I'm too busy to ride, it's killing me, worst season ever!!!

Don't worry, even tho I haven't been posting much lately I have shot a lot of pics of all that I do to my sled and every ride I've had, I will start posting as soon as I have some time on my hands.

Yes that silver and black cylindrical thingy is a stop solenoid that prevents fluids to enter the IC and also prevents pressure to enter the Meth system when it's not pressurized. The solenoid opens the very moment the pump powers up and starts building pressure and closes when power to the pump is cut off (MAP drops below the start point lbs)

Thanks for the kind words on the looks of our sleds, I share your view..... they are very mean looking indeed.
Looks great rxrider I LOVE the filter peeking out of the hood. It gives it away so you wont get any races when they see that LOL Of course once they hear it I bet they will know something is up as well!

I'm about to start in my my new SC garage so I will get to working once I finish up my house remodel and garage remodel, then I will have some things for you look at and get your advice on. Take care and ride that baby already!
budzz89 - your welcome, and welcome to the site :)
We have a site policy that all member should add their location to their user profile, it's much easier to give good advice when we know your riding area.

If you need any help, post a question in the appropriate forum and you will get the help you need. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

Last updates on my friend osknutsen's sled. More heat insulation needed as he melted the steering column bushings from the inside out.

Here's a few pics of the header wrap he used to insulate the header and downpipe to reduce the radiant heat and to prevent the heat from reaching the steering column and other plastic parts.




In addition he added more heat shields around the turbo and exhaust parts, he also added more heat resistant fabric where needed. Sorry I did not shoot any more pics that day.


After riding the sled the last weekend, the heat related problems he had earlier is now cured :) :Rockon:
Most parts from osknutsen's old MCX turbo kit is now sold. Pic shot before sending it out to it's new home.

Update April 12. - Reparing fuel leak in the fuel return line.

During easter I discovered a fuel leak somewhere under the tank covling. I immediately returned back home (6 miles away) and shut down the sled.
I took off tank covling and plastics and turned on the ignition, a thin spray of fuel shot backwards about 2 feet or 60 cm. The 90 degree bend where the fuel return line entered the tank was leaking at the bend big time...


I changed out the bend with a straight connector entering the rubber grummit, problem solved, no more leakage.

While working on the sled I cut out a larger hole around the meth pump to add clearance between the side cover plastic and the meth pump, wireing and lines.

