Some Quick Observations - 2022 EPS

Derek Fosbury

Lifetime Member
Jan 18, 2021
Reaction score
2022 Sidewinder S-TX GT
2023 AC T-Cat EPS w/ATAC
Sledding Location - Fenelon Falls, ON
I've now put on about 200km on my 2022 ST-X GT EPS. Thought I'd share some observations on the EPS.

1. It is crazy easy/light to steer. You can ride one-handed with very little effort.
2. I rode my 2021 Venture back to back, and the 2022 EPS is far lighter to steer than the 2021 Venture version. Last season I thought the Venture was incredibly easy to steer, but this is a different level.
3. The Venture EPS tended to not work right away in cold (e.g., below -20c). I rode 2 days in a row at -26c the past 2 days, and no issues at all with the S-TX.
4. The 2nd time I took it out, got a 1305 code ("rotor position encoder"). Stopped and restarted sled, went away, haven't seen it since. However, when this alarm was flashing, the EPS was off. You clould clearly feel the difference, but it was in no way undriveable. Good to know if the EPS craps out in the middle of a ride/trip.
5. You still have good "feel" of what's going on with the skis, and you can definitely feel when speed increases the assist goes away. It's a good setup, IMO.

If anything noteworthy comes to mind as I get more time on the sled, will share more thoughts :).

Need more snow!!
I've now put on about 200km on my 2022 ST-X GT EPS. Thought I'd share some observations on the EPS.

1. It is crazy easy/light to steer. You can ride one-handed with very little effort.
2. I rode my 2021 Venture back to back, and the 2022 EPS is far lighter to steer than the 2021 Venture version. Last season I thought the Venture was incredibly easy to steer, but this is a different level.
3. The Venture EPS tended to not work right away in cold (e.g., below -20c). I rode 2 days in a row at -26c the past 2 days, and no issues at all with the S-TX.
4. The 2nd time I took it out, got a 1305 code ("rotor position encoder"). Stopped and restarted sled, went away, haven't seen it since. However, when this alarm was flashing, the EPS was off. You clould clearly feel the difference, but it was in no way undriveable. Good to know if the EPS craps out in the middle of a ride/trip.
5. You still have good "feel" of what's going on with the skis, and you can definitely feel when speed increases the assist goes away. It's a good setup, IMO.

If anything noteworthy comes to mind as I get more time on the sled, will share more thoughts :).

Need more snow!!
The eps is the cat design, right? Sounds like its a great set up.
Thanks for the feedback. Still waiting for mine to be built and delivered. LOL
The eps is the cat design, right? Sounds like its a great set up.
I believe so, yes. I previously did a search for recent model AC ATV EPS issues (assumed they lifted it from those models), and couldn't find much. Earlier models (2012-2019) seemed to have some issues, but not after. So took a bit of leap of faith :).
I've now put on about 200km on my 2022 ST-X GT EPS. Thought I'd share some observations on the EPS.

1. It is crazy easy/light to steer. You can ride one-handed with very little effort.
2. I rode my 2021 Venture back to back, and the 2022 EPS is far lighter to steer than the 2021 Venture version. Last season I thought the Venture was incredibly easy to steer, but this is a different level.
3. The Venture EPS tended to not work right away in cold (e.g., below -20c). I rode 2 days in a row at -26c the past 2 days, and no issues at all with the S-TX.
4. The 2nd time I took it out, got a 1305 code ("rotor position encoder"). Stopped and restarted sled, went away, haven't seen it since. However, when this alarm was flashing, the EPS was off. You clould clearly feel the difference, but it was in no way undriveable. Good to know if the EPS craps out in the middle of a ride/trip.
5. You still have good "feel" of what's going on with the skis, and you can definitely feel when speed increases the assist goes away. It's a good setup, IMO.

If anything noteworthy comes to mind as I get more time on the sled, will share more thoughts :).

Need more snow!!
It is amazing how easy it is to steer, I picked mine up Saturday and love it!! The color looks really nice out on the snow.
I've now put on about 200km on my 2022 ST-X GT EPS. Thought I'd share some observations on the EPS.

1. It is crazy easy/light to steer. You can ride one-handed with very little effort.
2. I rode my 2021 Venture back to back, and the 2022 EPS is far lighter to steer than the 2021 Venture version. Last season I thought the Venture was incredibly easy to steer, but this is a different level.
3. The Venture EPS tended to not work right away in cold (e.g., below -20c). I rode 2 days in a row at -26c the past 2 days, and no issues at all with the S-TX.
4. The 2nd time I took it out, got a 1305 code ("rotor position encoder"). Stopped and restarted sled, went away, haven't seen it since. However, when this alarm was flashing, the EPS was off. You clould clearly feel the difference, but it was in no way undriveable. Good to know if the EPS craps out in the middle of a ride/trip.
5. You still have good "feel" of what's going on with the skis, and you can definitely feel when speed increases the assist goes away. It's a good setup, IMO.

If anything noteworthy comes to mind as I get more time on the sled, will share more thoughts :).

Need more snow!!
I concur with all your points, including the error code. Seems to appear from a dead cold start and disappear after warming up or restarting the sled. Dealer says Yamaha hasn’t seen this, so just monitor. Love the sled otherwise, just need snow!
I concur with all your points, including the error code. Seems to appear from a dead cold start and disappear after warming up or restarting the sled. Dealer says Yamaha hasn’t seen this, so just monitor. Love the sled otherwise, just need snow!
That's interesting on the code. I will let my dealer know as well.
I know with my old Apex EPS in the temps below -10 the EPS would not work right away but would eventually come back when some heat got into the ECU. Maybe the same situation?
I know with my old Apex EPS in the temps below -10 the EPS would not work right away but would eventually come back when some heat got into the ECU. Maybe the same situation?
For me at least it was only the one time, and sled only had 2 km on it. No recurrence since then, and went out on two consecutive days that were -26c :).

Will definitely keep an eye on it.
That's really encouraging to hear the positive feedback from owners of this new EPS. I'm dreaming that they'll bring that system to other models in coming years. I currently get by fine without it but I sure feel wore out at the end of a day of spirited riding.
I think it's one of those things that you don't really "need" it, but once you use it, it's really hard to go back.

I drove 4 sleds back-to-back-to-back-to-back on the weekend.

First my ST-X GT EPS... I'm used to the EPS, so it was business as usual. Then I traded with my brother-in-law, so drove his 2017 AC ZR6000. First impression was "wow, this is so hard to steer" - that eased after a bit, and it was fine, but missed my EPS. Then I swapped for my Dad's new Renegade Enduro 900 ACE (non-RACK steering). It was way easier to steer than the Arctic Cat, and I was thinking "hey, this is pretty close to my EPS". Then I took my 2021 Venture out for a ride just to make sure it would start, etc. - right off the bat, it was "hey I forgot how easy this thing is to steer", and was amazed how much lighter it felt than my Dad's Ski-Doo.

But then, it was back to my ST-X for a final run for the day. Night and day. I was instantly thinking "yes! this is how it should be!" :).
Glad you are enjoying the new sled with EPS!

The additional assist power was one benefit of the new system, it did take some calibration to get it to feel natural. The same team that calibrated the Apex EPS worked on this project for the new EPS system with our supply partners.
But, but in the video young Arctic Cat engineer said it was him...? ;)

I'm all for team work!
Glad you are enjoying the new sled with EPS!

The additional assist power was one benefit of the new system, it did take some calibration to get it to feel natural. The same team that calibrated the Apex EPS worked on this project for the new EPS system with our supply partners.

Perhaps you can get some of the Yamaha driveline engineers to work with Textron on the driveline issues we've dealt with over the years perhaps? A shaft that doesn't turn in the PTO side bearing, premature wear to the top sprocket bushing and tensioner rollers screws come to mind. Maybe a chassis thats not all held together with rivets that rust and loosen terribly over time, and no more sheet metal screws to start with perhaps?

Textron and Yamaha seem to believe this driveline is OK with these issues as its ongoing every season. I know that I'd be willing to buy a new machine if these issues got addressed. Otherwise, I'll keep riding the old 17 as It took us extra time and money to fix the stuff that shouldn't be a problem thats still happening today. If the aftermarket and owners can fix this stuff, the factory engineers sure should be able to rectify this problem that shouldn't be afflicting these machines!

Lets get a new chassis built just for this engine package and turbo, with a proper driveline for crying out loud. I'd even take a 200HP NA Apex in a good chassis, (turbo Apex would be even better at 250-300HP) but get these nagging issues resolved!

The 900R and Mach is a huge flop and speed disappointment, so now is the time to pounce and take this market to the next level!
