Sr Viper 2016 flash poll and Thread

Let us know how your Viper start when cold with the new ECU flash

  • start instantly

    Votes: 21 13.7%
  • Now it take 2 attemps to start

    Votes: 114 74.5%
  • start better than before

    Votes: 19 12.4%
  • no difference

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • My speedometer is now unaccurate

    Votes: 17 11.1%
  • Has your sled stalled since latest flash

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • Has Your sled had a extremely loud backfire since flash

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
I spoke with the dealer and mine actually had been flashed once, so whatever the flash was in 2014/2015 winter.

As for starting, by doing it the way I was instructed by Yamaha it works. It's just a bit ugly. You turn the key and hold it until it's running, but here's the catch. Mine started and was going to die instantly, just like it did the first time I started it. I kept holding the key and it. Went through the bog, then fired right up. So it was going to take 2 attempts, but I stayed on the ignition through it, never let it off and it started. Far from ideal but I felt like at least it never had a chance to smash starter teeth.
Anyone know what brand ecu this is? Sure looks like a Mitsubishi to me. 12 Cat turbo
Speedometer issue. According to the bulletin there is 3 flashes based on different driver size 7,8,9 the diagnostic tool is supposed to pick the program based on serial number entered. Tech has no access to any other program other than the one assigned to the serial number of sled entered so in their attempt to make the flash program fool proof they must have errored in assigning flashes to serial numbers. Nothing your tech or dealer can do about it. I neither have time,knowledge or inclination to go about proving my gut feeling that this flash system itself is behind much of the variances and issues we have. Not saying it causes the kickbacks. That is likely hardware and wiring related. I have been in this situation before and NOTHING works better than having a hard copy of the program/flash on a shelf or stored in a safe place. All dealers should get a USB flash stick with ALL the flashes on them and be able to directly install into the ECU. No going through YDS for the flash other than logging it. Please Yamaha do this!
ok so one of the driver size 7,8,9 must have the correct speed? On less they have the wrong driver put in for every vin #
ok so one of the driver size 7,8,9 must have the correct speed? On less they have the wrong driver put in for every vin #
Yes that's correct unless they actually made MORE than one error in the programing. As Testmaster said there is also a correction factor and if that is wrong it would affect all driver sizes. Just don't know myself and we and the Techs shouldn't have to know. The flash is faulty and should be scrapped. Problem and main point of this is that now there is nothing a dealer can do because they cannot go back to the old flash. Dealers need all the flashes available to them since Yamaha has not been able to provide one that works correctly and they vary from sled to sled. Imagine being at dealer and tech says " We will install the latest flash in your sled. If you don't like it we can always just put previous one back in" To me that would give me a very comforting feeling. Right now they cannot go back. Once done its done till the next flash finally comes around. Average wait for these flashes is around 1 year! Everything is highly suspect now and was even in 15. Downloading a flash over internet is just another variable that can be avoided very easily.
I am sooooooo pissed off its unbelievable!!!!!!! My speedo is off, two attempts to start and my mileage sucks. The speedo says 30 mph and gps says 36. Last year the worst I saw was 2 mph difference and that was at top speed. No chance yet to go faster and see if it progressively gets worse as I had my 12 year old riding her sled and we are in LEARNING mode for her. I got 12 miles to the gallon on the last tank and that is the worst I have ever gotten. I'm sure this is partly due to conditions and the fact that the speedo I off, but last year I beat the crap out off this thing and the worst was 13.5 and riding easy I got 17 so as far as I am concerned this is bulls**t. I was very happy with my first new sled purchase ever but.........starting to think I should have went ski doo with all the troubles so far with this thing.... hard to believe you can go from happy to sad in such a short time!!!!!!!!!
What a mess! I hope Yamaha takes responsibility :o|
What a mess! I hope Yamaha takes responsibility :o|

I don't think this is a Yamaha fix. I believe an agreement was made between Yamaha and Arctic Cat to use the Cat ECU in this platform which put all the responsibility on Arctic Cat. The ECU most likely is protected by an Arctic Cat patent that limits how much involvement Yamaha has in correcting the issues so these attempts are probably coming from Arctic Cat. It seems to me this was an ECU firmware update rather than just flashing the maps and is another attempt to fix the problem with software rather than addressing the real issue which may be hardware related.

I doubt the Nytro has a so called "engine kickback control feature" programmed into it's ECU. I'd really be interested in knowing what the programing logic behind this miraculous feature accomplishes.
Ok. In a partnership, both partners have a responsibility.
Who is the chief manager of Arctic Cat snowmobiles? Who is for Yamaha?
Who is the chief manager of Arctic Cat snowmobiles? Who is for Yamaha?
Its a new guy for Cat. Probably new enough that he is in the dark. I will find out both. Really like to think Yamaha knows whats going on but have my doubts. As long as its a Yamaha I bought I am holding them directly responsible. Nothing will change otherwise. I am man enough to admit defeat and Yamaha needs to admit defeat in this agreement, man up and take revenge buy buying Cat out and kicking some #*$&@ over there. Cat has a lot of racers and A-types there along with some great reps and promotional people along with the workers in factory and they need to stay as long as they support Yamaha. The rest of the management at Cat I really don't care about. Starting to feel same way toward Yamaha management. Heads need to roll AFTER the customers are taken care of.
