This is true in MOST cases not all. Some trails pass very near homes. PA where I rode was really close. Those guys all are quiet for reason. But for those of us who LEGALLY have to ride off trail to get to the trail sometimes within 30ft of a house at 2 am and lights go on it tells you something. If your buddies say holy cow its loud it tells you something and if you turn the TV up when you get home,feel wore out and possibly a headache. Earplugs make all that go away. It tells you something. Tells you you are being inconsiderate and to quiet it down. If you dont then it should tell you something else! If none of that occurs go ahead.I have never Seen it happen! A loud sled is past house in a few seconds but when a sled goes off trail and destroys crops that cost the land owner money!
Its legal and thats how I get home. In many cases trails are within 30ft of a house. The trails dont close. You would be suprised how many house are very close to trails. Most times dont notice cause of trees. Heck in PA I remember trails were on sidewalks 5ft from houses.Why would you ride at 2 am past sumbody house?
Loud pipes close trails.....
I tend to agree with you fellows, but all i hear is the track whining! I was inside on the garage floor & could barely hear the motor. There is a HUGE difference between LOUD & hearing the motor. I'm not bitchin', i just like my sleds like my women. I like to hear their motor running over the whining...Agreed 100%
I like to hear the sled, but too much noise really wears me out and takes the fun out of riding for me.
Thanks! Nice reply!This is one of the topics that should just be left in the dark.. loud and quiet pipes, sex, religion and politics.. its like assholes, everyone has one but we dont need to have a debate about it.. unless you really want to talk about how many times I #*$&@ in one day.