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Update from "ttabs Nytro mod shop"

You know - I wondered if it was necessary to remove that retainer after the shaft was out. But it was really not a big deal to take it off and it allowed more play to wiggle the driver teeth out around the lugs on the track. I'll try reinstalling the shaft with that retainer in place and see if it helps make that job easier.

Until I can figure out a better way to post these schematics, I just copied my screen for you all. BTW - the spring is part number 19 and it does go in between the two gears on the middle (center) post.


Now - back on page three I gave you all a link to the 2008 Nytro service manual. Here's that link again .....

The 2008 FX NYTRO Service Manual (click)

Go down to Chapt 4 and look at the chain drive section. You can study this diagram in detail.

OH yea, and don't let this pic scare ya. Most of the parts that come out are held together with C clips and such. You have to keep track of the washer spacers and sleeves that come out though and if you can lay your parts out in some type of order as they come off, it'll make reassembly much easier.
TTabs, KILLER to see you bringing the Mod Shop from Doo to Blue!!!

you guys will LOVE what he does!!! killer pics and description, not easy, and a HUGE help!!!
Yea - I just opened up a fresh set of them things and found their name. Thanks. TORX. (duh) :o|

I've made some major strides on the project. I'll post next week on topics such as driver exchange, rear suspension upgrades, and a few tunnel mods I've completed. I'm also going to add a 'COOL TOOL/GADGET" section here. Hopefully next week, I'm visiting a company that makes a really clever sled hold down system for your trailers that's inexpensive. I'll meet with the inventor (Ross) and take lots of pics for you all of this one. :Rockon:

Now - lets take a closer look at the exhaust problem and my solution. First, on the NW turbo kits, they were running a two piece exhaust pipe set up that ran out behind the seat the same as the stock exhaust - minus the muffler of course. The problem I experienced was that the exhaust system fell off .... twice !!! I would then just run the sled with the exhaust dumping right there at the manifold that came through the forward tunnel!!!

I needed a more sturdy and permanent solution. So, I spent the summer developing this ....


Here's another look ....

To install this pipe, you'll need the black muffler mount bracket located behind our seat and under the tunnel. I removed this bracket, and had the screw mounts relocated on the bottom of the bracket ....


Now using the same screws and grommets, I'll use this same bracket to secure the exhaust. Here's how the pipe fits inside the tunnel ....



I position the pipe exactly where I want it to be in relation to the mounting bracket, mark the holes and drill ...


Then, I reinstall the bracket with rivets, attach the exhaust pipe and there she is - SOLIDLY in place !!!

I also added a 2" regular exhaust clamp up front.


There's a solution for a tunnel dump!

BTW - I've got a few spares. PM me if your interested!


With the exhaust completely out of the way of the seat, I figured if I can mod the seat a little, I can make a considerable storage compartment there and clean up all the holes left on the top side of the tunnel. Let's look at the tunnel first, and then I'll show you my idea for the seat mod.

I first had to bend down the lip around the exhaust port ...



I measured carefully and had two pieces of .060 aluminum cut so as to cover up the top of the tunnel. These pieces however will stop short of the gas tank bolts.


Here's the first piece that will cover up the big hole and act as a shim for the second - longer piece that will run most of the length of the tunnel ...



then to cover up all these back end holes and improve the strength for cargo ......


Notice the brake light is long gone. I layed the second longer piece into position



Then, I started to secure both pieces into position with alum rivets ...


Can you see where I'm going with this? Now - let's take a look at what I did to that seat! :Rockon:
Sledski - The big heavy muffler is removed to begin with on a turbo to prevent exhaust back pressure. That's one of the reasons why when you turbo up a Nytro, you lose 16 lbs. The problem then becomes where to dump your exhaust. NW Turbo opted to dump it behind your seat - like the stock system. But since their two piece system did not work for me, I opted for a completely new idea that also creates a storage compartment.
NW Turbo kit drops 16lbs?
I don't think any of the other kits claim weight loss
MCX adds 17lbs (The muffler represents 5lbs)

I never heard that a muffler could negatively effect a turbo besides some weight added.

The actuall turbo represents the majority of the weight of any kit. I wonder what the difference is between the Mitsu and GT turbo's are.
and the intercooler adds weight, but having weighed the parts going on, and parts that came off with the NW kit, it was a net weight reduction, that is for sure!!!
