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Update from "ttabs Nytro mod shop"

loser!!!! :)

as soon as I shoot my rails to The other Oft partner, I will post the mod on here when I get them done...

for those who dont know, I am going from a 162" rail to a 174" and Oft is custom making some rail extensions for my rails...

Will post the project and install on here...

I also sent my clutch away to get some secret sauce done to it...and will give it a little edge in the snow... :)
MT- Just wondering if you and some of the guys who have the NW kit can post some ride reports after the season is over of how you liked them. Any Problems? Clutching? Tuning? Just curious because i am thinking about getting a kit from ulmer but just would like to hear from some people that rode them last year.

Thanks, Tyler
I think it is a good kit, and needs just a few tweaks to be a really good kit...I know Allen has made some of those tweaks...

What i am MOST looking forward to is the PowerCommander V unit or PCV unit...it is a completely closed loop fuel system...my understanding is that they were working on the boost portion of the kit with Allen, and if all our fingers and toes are crossed we might have something before end of year...

It would be a HUGE improvement for those running boost!!!
Could someone with a NW Turbo kit post a pic of the turbo oil return line where it enters the case?
Mine had phenolic (sp) washers that were leaking so I replaced them with copper crush washers. Had to use water pump pliers to get the leak stopped. Thats without the motor even running. Just want to see if the newer kits had a different solution.
will try and get a pic for you...I have mine completely torn down right now, so should not be an issue...just memory :)
I will be posting some killer new stuff...for this year...TTABS is doing a few fun stuff too...

Thanks for this thread!! Saved me some serious cussing changing out my track ... pictures tell a thousand words!

Your part about parts dropping off inside the chaincase when removing the cover made me think about tipping her on a 45' ... worked great .... lost nothing, which will make putting her all back a piece of cake.

.... and that bottom bolt that was turning out for some guys .... mine was sheared off 1/2 way ...... that'll be a b!tch to get out .... glad I found out in the shop, not on the hill.

Can't wait to see your new stuff! Bring on some pics!!

G. :rocks:
Hey TTabs I absolutly love all the info! I am about to change tracks and I was wondering what you are using for a bolt (measurements etc.) that gets sheared off or backs out? I would like to take care of this problem while changing tracks this weekend.
Here is a new partial list of the stuff that will get posted in the next week...(Finally have all the parts)

Skinz Protective Gear
  • Hood
    Soft Windshield
    Under Tunnel Exhaust
    Tunnel Bag
    Bumper (old one barely made it through season :) )

Oft Racing
  • Big nutz Axle
    Rear Wheels (Anodized black)
    Upper Wheels (Anodized)

  • 2010 Update Kit
    174" Rails (currently getting coated)

Camoplast Track (174x15x2.5)
Shockwave Helix
Simmons tweaked clutch (stock clutch, but some machine work)

I am certain I missed a few, but that should get this thread jump started...

we are still missing the pics and install of the "ttabs crowd control device"
mtdream said:
we are still missing the pics and install of the "ttabs crowd control device"

Oh Boy! What are we in for now? I already ride with two guys with air horns on their sleds. Thanks TTabs ;):D

ttabs-- thanks for starting this thread. Great reference to work from in addition to service manual.

Chaincase went together easier than expected---after I figured out how to install the chain on the gears!! So easy in fact I thought for sure that I must have missed the reverse lever. I'm assuming that because the arm is at 9 oclock, it has a "springy" feel to it when I press down, and the case cover bolts up nice and snug, that it must be all together...fingers crossed.

Chain tensioner bolt?...anyone have a suggestion other than the service manual suggestion of "finger tight and then back it off 1/4 turn"? I'm assuming that it is not unlike a cam chain that slightly loose is better than slightly tight?

The manual also calls for GL-3 oil in the chaincase. I have some Honda CR/CRF 80/85W tranny oil that I was going to use--any reason why I shouldn't?

Installing Powerclaw 162 with anti-stab wheels, what are you guys running for track tension? Thinking that it might need to be run a little tighter since it is a single ply track and has a tendency to stretch under load.
yammie sleds prefer to ahve their tracks a little tight...

as to the chain tensioner...finger tight is way too relative for me...so I did it finger tight (and I am an office weenie) and then went one full turn more...never have had an issue...chain looks good, and teeth are fine on gears after 1 year of bosot...
Is there any discount on the updated kit for the Timbersled skid, if you have the old style?
ok, here is a teaser pic...only 15 more coats and it will look 3D....


and we will install one of these things...just for that little extra nervous nelly in me...

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/T3-T4-PT ... ccessories
