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Update from "ttabs Nytro mod shop"

hmmm that is a HUGE can if it is that triangle thing...

will be good to see what hte summer brings for ideas....

a simple catch can with the line in from the resevoir in the bottom and the line going to the airbox in the side on the lower half. roll over and the oil should collect in the can and then drain back into the resevoir when righted. i don't remember exactly how it looked stock since its been a little while but it shouldn't be too difficult.
So tell us, would you recomend the nw turbo works turbo over the others. I came off of a 2004 summit rev with slp porting, I thought it was a real power house, how does your turbo nytro compare to a rev. I did follow all your posts on dootalk about the revs, Darn good info. Keep up the good work on the nytros.
I will speak for him on the turbo nytro compared to rev....it BLOWS it away in EVERY category!!!!

the NW turboworks stuff needs some improvement, but is a good entry kit, and with a RB3 or Power Commander on it for fuel mapping, it is VERY good!!!!
What kind of improvements does the kit need, is it good enuf for 190 horse. Or is it a design flaw? just wondering, thanks
kit makes plenty of HP...it needs an Air Fuel Gauge...Alos, working out solutions for small gas tank on these things...
So, about to order the new track...where are you all getting your avid drivers? might as well do those at the same time...

got a few parts at the p-coater to reduce some snow stick on the skid...will look sort-a-nice too :)

All bogeys are now the Mountain performance Yammie stars, with red anodized....kinda purty...

wonder if they can p-coat my hair dryer too :) or do they chrome those (kidding obviously)
Re: Avid contact info

Hillclimber said:

KEWL!!!!! they here in the valley, did not even know that...funny thing is I even know the guy...label me an idiot!!!!!
Hey ttabs about how much weight did you gain be installing the NW turbo works turbo, Also how much came off, thanks
