Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

Hobby shop, Radio Shack, Online

Like here for instance (TEH70 Series Resistor):

2 each (one for each grip) 2-Ohm 70-Watt heat sinkable (because they will get hot) resistors. Mount them to the Deltabox or Bulkhead or Tunnel or Footwell to help them dissipate their heat. Nowhere near anything that melts or goes boom like the fuel tank.

Stock 2006 Series Wiring

Both Grips (12 Volts @ 4.4 Ohms = 2.7 Amps & 32.7 Watts)(16.3 each)

Stock 2006 Modified to Parallel Wiring No resistors

Left Grip (12 Volts @ 2.2 Ohms = 5.5 Amps & 65.5 Watts)
Right Grip (12 Volts @ 2.2 Ohms = 5.5 Amps & 65.5 Watts)
Combined System Draw (12 Volts @ 11 Amps & 131 Watts)

Say you want about double the wattage of the stock 16-Watts per grip so say about 32 Watts per grip. Adding 2-Ohms each will get you close.

Add a 2-Ohm/70-Watt resistor to each grip:
Left Grip (12 Volts @ 4.2 Ohms = 2.8 Amps & 34 Watts)
Right Grip (12 Volts @ 4.2 Ohms = 2.8 Amps & 34 Watts)
Combined System Draw (12 Volts @ 5.6 Amps & 68 Watts)
Thanks, I know you need a resistior wire, not a fusible link. Do you think you'll try it? I'm guessing from your post that the resistor has the ability to be mounted. I'm also assuming that you can't just splice this into the harness and let it be that way. I haven't even torn into this on my sled yet, so I'm trying to get my head wrapped around it and have it right before I do.
Thanks to all for the collective input! That's what makes this site great.
I only want to say one thing here. Since this is not an approved Yamaha Fix, just remember you are taking all responsibility doing this mod if something would happen to your machine......
I would hope Yamaha is reading this as well, however. With 9300+ views and almost 200 posts to date, it has definately garnered more attention than any thread I've seen since joining! It is definately the most popular topic!
I would think if somebody could determine if and what resistor would make it safe - we'd all have warm hands, with adjustability. I understand that you could just turn them down or off, but inadvertant mistakes could damage our sleds.
Do you think you'll try it?
Add the resitors, probably not, because I don’t have issue with it the way it is now.

1 bar (low)
2 bars (med)
3 bars (hot)
4 bars (thermo nuclear meltdown)...lol

And…I have these 2 rules about my sled.

1st rule is: No one rides my sled but me, ever.
2nd rule is: See rule number 1.

I wired mine up with Solderseal connectors.

Solderseal Connectors "Solder-and-Heat-and-Seal" Type Connectors
They are adheisive heat shrink, solder, and a connector all-in-one.
Using the 07 harness will connect the 06 bars in series. Therefore you only need to add one resistor to the hot Y/B wire that supplies the power to the left grip. The diagram below is basically how the grips are wired with the 07 harness. Power goes into the left grip, out of the left grip ground wire and into the right grip power wire then out of the right grip ground wire and into the original connector.


  • Grips.jpg
    135.5 KB · Views: 198
Using the 07 harness will connect the 06 bars in series

2007 Yamaha install diagram does not show the wires connection or path in the middle section. Although we know it to be parallel by the markings on the connectors. Each grip is supplied independently with a power lead and a ground lead (Parallel)

2006 Circuit Diagram shows the grips (13) are wired together (Series)

14 pages later........LOL


  • 2006 Circuit Diagram.jpg
    2006 Circuit Diagram.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 195
  • Apex Grip Heat (2007 Bars).jpg
    Apex Grip Heat (2007 Bars).jpg
    56.4 KB · Views: 162
nate007 said:
I would hope Yamaha is reading this as well, however. With 9300+ views and almost 200 posts to date, it has definately garnered more attention than any thread I've seen since joining! It is definately the most popular topic!

I would clearly say Yammy is watching this based on MrSled's post. 9300+ views really speaks itself!!

I wonder what Yammy would think of all the people returning the 07 update bars as 'defective'? Mine are clearly defective...barely warm at -15c.
I will be returning mine...
Guys...the 07 harness changes wiring from "parrallel" to "series".....

series is when HOT(yell stripe) goes into one side of left grip,and into one side of right hot grip then back out other side of each hotgrip to ground wire.

this changes the 06 original wiring to 07 series...originally each hotgrip for 06 had two wires into each grip,a hot and ground.

you would ONLY need to add a resistor to the Yellow striped wire(hot) before it enters the first grip(left)


I LOVE your RULES!...LOLOL....#1 rule is alot like my #1 rule!

HAMMER said:
Using the 07 harness will connect the 06 bars in series

2007 Yamaha install diagram does not show the wires connection or path in the middle section. Although we know it to be parallel by the markings on the connectors. Each grip is supplied independently with a power lead and a ground lead (Parallel)

2006 Circuit Diagram shows the grips (13) are wired together (Series)

14 pages later........LOL


what you are not seeing is that each grip is supplied with Yellow striped wire(same hot wire) ...this is series....

the OLD hookup used TWO hot wires(one yellow and other was red striped which is NOT used now)

87gtNOS said:
nate007 said:
I would hope Yamaha is reading this as well, however. With 9300+ views and almost 200 posts to date, it has definately garnered more attention than any thread I've seen since joining! It is definately the most popular topic!

I would clearly say Yammy is watching this based on MrSled's post. 9300+ views really speaks itself!!

I wonder what Yammy would think of all the people returning the 07 update bars as 'defective'? Mine are clearly defective...barely warm at -15c.
I will be returning mine...

I TOTALLY AGREE!...i want my $30 back and mabe some stock in yammie for making them have hottest bars on snow now!..hehe :rocks:

If you take the tape off the 07 harness you will see how the wires are connected and it is like I described in my diagram.
attak-d said:
machzed how did you foam your 06 bars? need help on this ! Dint ride on saturday coudent feel my hands.

I dont think foaming is needed with the new 07 harness setup...they are hot enough already when wired this way!

I had foamed my 06 bars already before actually riding with the 07 harness setup,.....If i knew they would get this hot I wouldnt have done any foaming to the 06 bars.


My dealer still has my 06 bars left, I'm going to have him switch my bars back. Anything I need to tell him concerning using the 07 harness with the 06 bars?

Thanks for all the research time on this problem. Yamaha owner since 97 and this is the first time with cold hands since then!!!!!!!!!!
