Warning, -16 late build Viper turbo breakdowns, bad rods.

Have you been in contact with Yamaha customer service or just talking to your dealer. You need to escalate this as high as you can directly through Yamaha. They normally take care if their customers with an issue they know is a common problem. This will hurt them if they don't handle these cases accordingly. It sounds like they are just going to let the bad engines/rods show themselves and let their loyal customers take the brunt of the engineers mistake. Selling us machines with the Turbo option then telling people to remove the turbo after they fix it sounds like sales fraud.
I'd want more than a full refund, I'm thinking they owe for damages, towing, down time, they know full well they have a problem, they are keeping their head down and hoping it goes away.
Dealer sent me this today.. Can anyone explain to me if this makes any sense

Your loan is approved, yamaha also told me it's not a rod issue, it's just when there is a detonation the rods let go, so I'm thinking maybe your muffler could of causes it? He told me it doesn't happen to everyone some have over 2000km on 2016 models. No issues. We can still fix it and you will still have warranty even with turbo. So it's your choice. Let me know.
Dealer sent me this today.. Can anyone explain to me if this makes any sense

Your loan is approved, yamaha also told me it's not a rod issue, it's just when there is a detonation the rods let go, so I'm thinking maybe your muffler could of causes it? He told me it doesn't happen to everyone some have over 2000km on 2016 models. No issues. We can still fix it and you will still have warranty even with turbo. So it's your choice. Let me know.

Not sure what was meant by "It's your choice" Sounds like you need to call Yamaha Customer Service with you VIN number in hand. your dealer doesn't seem like they know how a internal combustion engine works.
detonation is caused by a lean condition, --- air leak / not enough fuel / over boost / low octane to name a few. However detonation will burn down your pistons, not your bend rods. (Unless they are made of butter like the 2016's are:D)
have Yamaha install the 2015 rods and crank and you'll be fine, or as suggested above have a set of A.M. rods installed, that would be my choice. otherwise you will be right back were you are now, broke down during snow season
Good luck.
I did call yamaha customer service and let me tell he is a big asshole... Played the stupid game with me very rude didnt seem to care about my situation.. Telling me that he never heard of rods failing and all the 2016 motors are fine so because of that we wont help me out with better rods.. Said that hurracain planted the seed and it blew out of proportion, HELLO this just happened too me its not a ******* rumor or seed planted.. Worst costumer service i ever had in my life... Just that alone makes me want to say goodbye to yamaha, and my family bleeds yamaha so that says alot..
I did call yamaha customer service and let me tell he is a big asshole... Played the stupid game with me very rude didnt seem to care about my situation.. Telling me that he never heard of rods failing and all the 2016 motors are fine so because of that we wont help me out with better rods.. Said that hurracain planted the seed and it blew out of proportion, HELLO this just happened too me its not a ******* rumor or seed planted.. Worst costumer service i ever had in my life... Just that alone makes me want to say goodbye to yamaha, and my family bleeds yamaha so that says alot..
Keep calling. Be nice. They know nothing till corporate tells them. It will happen.
I did call yamaha customer service and let me tell he is a big asshole... Played the stupid game with me very rude didnt seem to care about my situation.. Telling me that he never heard of rods failing and all the 2016 motors are fine so because of that we wont help me out with better rods.. Said that hurracain planted the seed and it blew out of proportion, HELLO this just happened too me its not a ******* rumor or seed planted.. Worst costumer service i ever had in my life... Just that alone makes me want to say goodbye to yamaha, and my family bleeds yamaha so that says alot..

Call again, the guy you spoke with probably was an asshole, they're everywhere. All you can do is be nice and ask for help. Like you said yours isn't the only failure and rods braking in more than a couple instances isn't random acts of god either. I worked for a Yamaha dealer for over 10 years, tech and service manager, I still own a bunch of Yamahas. I never had a case where Yamaha wouldn't help a customer who didn't clearly modify or crash something. They know the 2016's are failing with the same problem. If they fix it and you never have another problem great. If they don't or it blows again hire an attorney go after the dealer and Yamaha.
I did call yamaha customer service and let me tell he is a big asshole... Played the stupid game with me very rude didnt seem to care about my situation.. Telling me that he never heard of rods failing and all the 2016 motors are fine so because of that we wont help me out with better rods.. Said that hurracain planted the seed and it blew out of proportion, HELLO this just happened too me its not a ******* rumor or seed planted.. Worst costumer service i ever had in my life... Just that alone makes me want to say goodbye to yamaha, and my family bleeds yamaha so that says alot..

Here's another MPI trail rod failure. I'm sure there will be more if the winter continues but Yamaha will have the same excuse http://www.ty4stroke.com/threads/2016-viper-mpi-180-turbo-failure-at-64-miles.140079/
The guy must read this forum if he knows about Hurricane. To me it kinda omits there is an issue.
Blew mine 3 weeks ago. Mpi trail kit 5 psi and the rods bent. 490 km. My dealer installed carrillo rods in a new crate engine for me because yamaha canada wanted the turbo removed.
Blew mine 3 weeks ago. Mpi trail kit 5 psi and the rods bent. 490 km. My dealer installed carrillo rods in a new crate engine for me because yamaha canada wanted the turbo removed.
Who is your dealer thanks

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Blew mine 3 weeks ago. Mpi trail kit 5 psi and the rods bent. 490 km. My dealer installed carrillo rods in a new crate engine for me because yamaha canada wanted the turbo removed.
Can you tell us the build date and last 3 digits of vin?
