Your all time Favorite Sled?

The first great sled I had was my 99 ZRT 800. I put 10k on that thing and never had a problem. I had a 94 ZR700 that was a blast also. Had a 92 700 Wildcat that was uncommonly fast for some reason....
My 17 Sidewinder has been the best sled I ever owned, Hoping my 22 GT will be better
No question the Impulse Turbo Marble apex Hot dayum! This sled turned heads, ruined egos, and never ruined a trip! I'll have to build it up again!

Marble apex.jpg

Devil in a Blue Dress
My stock 600 was pretty much untouchable, that thing hauled asx!!!
10,500 miles of smiles!!


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I wish I would have never got rid of my 2004 F5. That thing was super fast for a 500 and never gave me a lick of trouble.
I loved my 1997 Yami VMax 700 triple. Great engine but the suspension sucked....a real back breaker.
Currently I have a 2014 6000 El Tigre (actually its my wifes) but I ride it mostly on the boys only trips. I ride a 2015 7000 El Tigre and love the torque of the 1049 engine.
All in all they all had there good and bad but I would have to give the nod to the newer sleds only because of the ride quality.
Bring back the triple/triple please. If they can shoe horn a triple 1049 in the chassis there should be no problem with a triple/triple 2 smoke
Great topic
I couldn't agree with you more. The '90s is still my favorite era in snowmobiling with every OEM engaged in the triple-triple war. It was a great time to see the OEM's fighting it out to see who was going to be taking the bragging rights as King of the Lake every weekend.

Arctic Cat with the ZRT's and mighty Thunder Cat. Ski Doo with the Mach Z. Polaris with the XCR 800 and Storm, and Yamaha late to the party with the SRX 600 and 700. Good times back then with plenty of great memories flying down the lake and busting your buddies balls at the end of the day.

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With the modern day 4-stroke turbo sleds we've got Yamaha's SRX and Arctic Cat's Thunder Cat still in the game with Ski Doo joining the party next season with their new Mach Z. Curiously Polaris doesn't seem to want join in the current 4-stroke turbo Lake Racer's party.

Here's a link to a great article from Snow Tech magazine that covers the 2-Stroke Triple era:

Excellent article regarding the birth and fall of the triple/triple 2 smokers. The Thunder Cat set new standards in high HP production sleds back in the day. I still don't understand why one or more of the manufactures can't bring it back to the table. I have read that it is hard to get today's emission standards from a triple 2 stroke.....I'm not buying it, but then again I am not a motor head guy
still own and care_bear runs my favorite sled so far. 2011 apex xtx. 18000 mi and still going strong.


still getting the job done.
Memories on my 06 Apex GT are precious but the ride of my King Air Viper is what I’m loving now.
All the sleds I've had were Yamaha's (imagine that)

1985 Bravo
1993 Ovation
1999 Vmax 500 DLX
2002 SX Viper
2004 RX Warrior LE
2014 Apex
2014 Viper XTX
2017 Sidewinder XTX 137 LE
2007 Attak

My favorite is the Sidewinder. Butttt the 4 cylinders are up there too. I've enjoyed them all
02 Viper. Wish I held on to it. For me it's more of the memories and good times I had on that thing.
1999 SRX 700 ( devil in a blue dress!) crazy fast corner to corner like on rails! I had many maximum performance upgrades, clutching, ripsaw 125" suspension....
My crazy 2017 Sidewinder LTX-LE with a tune is Fast, rides better then anything that I have owned and handles pretty good!

2cnd would be my SRX triple with Bender updates and mods!

3rd was my 97 SX triple Redhead with the Aen mods and some Bender updates! On flat smooth trails this thing just smoked most in handling once adjusted for that!
We are in the era of the four-stroke triple turbo sleds with way more fun and way more muscle!
