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2020-2021 season, Sidewinder testing and racing. Hit my goal of 140+mph


"The Burnman"
Apr 14, 2003
Hessel, Michigan
Sidewinder, SR Viper XTX, SR Viper XTX, 2016 Apex XTX and Pro-Line Pro Stock 1000
As all of you know, I like to ride my sled and race it also.

This sled was crate loaded in the back of my truck in Minnesota, brought home and was doing clutch testing right away in October of 2016.
From then, it went to EVO Powersports to get a flash, exhaust and boost gauge. Ran EVO's tunes till January, 2021.
Every year has been winter trail riding, off-trail fun and swapped over to asphalt to race the MSADRA series in in summer in Michigan.

This past weekend was a huge success for me as I met my goal of 140+mph (142mph on datalogger with GPS) out of a stock suspension, stock clutches and full bodied sled.... just like off of the showroom floor! Best part is I am not studded, picked or running any kind of speed track. I am 100% XTX 141 with a Cobra 141/1.6 track, 21/41 gearing and stock everything except for EVO exhaust, Thunder Products Clutching components, EVO charge tubes & EVO BOV and Hurricane 300 flash with closed loop. Using a Redline 40R4313 belt and loving it!

Temps were around 30°, wind was about 8-10mph, skies were blue and the snow was settled and crusted with soft snow underneath.....
Every 660ft run was 130-132mph while drag racing and then I was wondering about top mph. Hmmm, I scouted out a path and went for it. When I stopped and checked my data, I was smiling! Everyone was like..."Man, you were movin!!!!"

Love the sled after all the little things have been addressed
Some pics from new till now...

Corbin Grad.jpg
a1 (2).png
terry 1.jpg

Here is one video out of several that was showing the skis didn't touch at all.


Was looking at my datalogger and my rpms were rising fast after 137mph.

I am definitely out of gear now and I can't machine my stock clutches anymore.
Whats your exact clutch setup?
Stock primary or apex primary?

Here is my full clutch setup:

Apex primary from a 2008
15.8mm Thunder Products Clutching rollers
63 gram Heavy Hitter weights
Thunder Products Clutching orange primary spring
Sheaves machined .035" each side and blended to angle
Thunder Products Clutching 911 Response cover

Secondary, stock Sidewinder with machined hub for maximum overdrive
Thunder Products Clutching secondary rollers
Thunder Products Clutching orange secondary spring set at 3-1

Carbon Fiber Gates belt 40C4313 works great, but have tried all the belts and now currently running the 40R4313 Gates Redline belt
