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apex vs sdi fuel miledge

1000 stroker said:
We just got back from 450 miles in the UP with 2 Apex's and a 600 SDI to compare. Our GT's both took roughly 1/2 gallon less per fill up which suprised me. I ride harder and weigh more than both of the other guys, the SDI was a renegage so it was turning a little more track. I am running a 128 track which didn't do anything negative to my mileage so not sure if it matters. The SDI rider weighs around 160, I am 250 lbs and ride pretty hard. The SDI is the guy who prefers to ride in the back of the pack at his own speed.
The worst of the group was a 2003 XC700. We got a laugh at every stop because it was so bad. He would literally put in double what we would. Of course, he had the throttle duck taped open just about all day while to ride agressive trail speed on an Apex you only need to run half throttle because of the broad power range. The Mach Z SDI didn't last long enough to check the miles. We had to tow it back after the first 20 miles. 3000 miles worth of nitrous took its toll on the stock reeds!!!
The statement that if you spend 10k the cost of fuel should not be an issue is flat out ignorant. If that were true, why would anyone in there right mind ever buy a diesel truck. If you can afford 40-50k on a new truck you should not care about mileage right? BS. I own a diesel and bought it because it will tow like a big gas motor but will do it while getting good mileage. That's why I own it.
I don't care who you are, or how much money you have or make, no one wants to pay more for anything than they need to. That's why the rich get richer. They pay attention to the little things. Sorry Dirk, I guess this is just another thing that you and I disagree on.

So you bought an Apex for the gas mileage. Jason give me a break.

comparing a Truck purchase to a sled purchase is ignorant. The two are completely different. You drive your truck everyday "for transportation". The sled is ridden on weekends "FOR FUN.

I've owned two diesels. I bought them because I had a four place trailer and the Gas trucks didn't pull as good as the diesel did. The millage was 2 to 3 miles better as well which was a bonus. My purchase was for a purpose. Most people I know buy vehicle's for X reason and that reason may be gas mileage. I can tell you I've never heard someone say I bought X sled because it gets great gas mileage.

Hey you better put the stock clutching back in your sled if you've changed it and remove every stud. Those things affect gas mileage.

If you can't afford the gas you can't afford the toy. Period.

One more thing. This Gas mileage things was created by the OEM's. The Skidoo may very well get better or as good fuel mileage as the four stroke.

The reason Yamaha is selling four strokes has zero to do with gas mileage. The reason is the EPA requirements. Yamaha is so far ahead of the other oems it's sick. I honestly believe if Skidoo didn't have to have a X numbers for emissions for the fleet of sleds they wouldn't even offer a SDI. Why do I believe that? Because people buy sleds to have fun. Not get good gas milage
snowsdog said:
What bugs me is my 140hp RX1 got 18 to 20 and my FI 150hp Apex gets 13.

Whats up with that?
Where did you ever see a 140 HP RX-1? Seems to me they were dynoing in the low to mid 130's :ORC
If I ride at 60mph or less I can get 20.3 mpg Imp. If I ride it normal 70-80 mph I get 17 mpg. I think the milage and performance is great. This is a 2007 Attak with 1500 miles on it. :Rockon:

If I ride at 60mph or less I can get 20.3 mpg Imp. If I ride it normal 70-80 mph I get 17 mpg. I think the milage and performance is great. This is a 2007 Attak with 1500 miles on it. Rock On

DUPPYPOG 4 Strokes Rule

Now here's some numbers I can believe!!

1 Imperial gallon = 1.201 US gallons
1 US gallon = .833 Imperial gallons

20.3 mpg Imp = 16.9 mpg US
17 mpg Imp = 14.1 mpg US

That is more in line with what I get on my '07 Attak.
My best so far was 16.5 mpg US (19.8 mpg Imp.) with quite a bit of slower running (under 60mph) with just a few spurts to 95:)

It is rare that I ride that the joy flipper won't be pinned at least a few times during the day, so 13.6 mpg US (16.3 mpg Imp) is more normal.

dirkdiggler said:
If you can't afford the gas you can't afford the toy. Period.

More times than not your posts on here turn into a pissing match but I can't help but to respond.

Nobody has said that they can't afford the gas for their "TOY". Period. So there is nothing with wanting to save some cash by expecting a decent MPG. With that being said I think the current mileage is decent but not outstanding, but to others it may not be decent or even acceptable.

The NUMBER 1 reason I switched to a Yamaha 4 stroke was for better MPG and to get away from adding 2 stroke oil. It definitely wasn't for their so-so handling, crappy skis, bending tunnels and self destructing rear suspensions. My Nytro is night and day better than my Warrior was.
I have to agree, fuel economy is important to me also. Yes I can afford to pay for gas, but I would much rather spend my cash on other things - such as a longer sledding vacation, summer toys and vacations, or maybe even putting a little extra away into an RRSP.

Fuel range is at least as important as economy to me too and here the Apex unfortunately doesn't do very well compared to the SDI's either (especially the 600 SDI) nor to much of Yamaha's competition that I was considering prior to purchasing the 07 RTX.

I believe part of the reason the Apex doesn't get the best fuel economy is due to the relatively simple EFI system. Without a knock sensor nor an O2 sensor its not possible to fully optimize the fuel mixture nor the ignition advance for cruising/part throttle conditions.

Having said all that, I just got back from a 250 km ride on the RTX and I can't get the grin off my face. What an enjoyable sled to ride!! I went out because the temperature is getting close to -30C and I wanted to see how bad the hand warmers really are (based on reports here). I have to say those hand warmers work perfectly with my setup (tall windshield/large handlebar pad). Any more than 5 bars and my hands were uncomfortably hot and soaked with sweat. I even deliberately got my hands really cold halfway through the ride (gloves off and frozen solid, engine off for 10 minutes). 20 minutes later with the warmers on full and my hands were very hot.

Back to the fuel economy - Even tonight I had to cut my ride short because I was running low on fuel. I turned around and rode back to town so I could fill up. I would have much rather continued riding in the remote area I was in (the trails were freshly groomed - locally they haven't been groomed yet).

I for one would really appreciate better fuel economy and appreciate even more a larger tank. I am planning to build a custom aluminum fuel tank that will fit in the nose cone of the sled and rig it up like a tour buddy, but if the sled came with a 13 or 15 gallon tank stock and got better economy think of the time we could spend riding...
just got back from a trip to cochrane ontario with a long time riding bud who has a 02 polaris 800 xc which was my previous sled only it was a 03 and his 02 was always better than my 03 at the pumps by about 2 dollars a fill up ,the trails in cochrane are the best high speed trails I have ever road on,so when we go there we don't have fuel economy on our minds ,but it is always fun to win at the pumps,it's just another competition between riding buds like drag racing,on this trip I cleaned up in all categories,at the pumps my er was always about 10 to 12 dollars less than his 800 xc ,and on the drag strip the apex would pull him out of the hole and just keep gaining rapidly,and both sleds are bone stock ther than he has a tempa flo fuel compensator on his xc,I was getting around 15 miles per imperial gallon which I think is excellent considering what I used to get on my xc ,the temp on the trip was cold around -30c and my new bars were fine with the power madd hand guards,my bud complained more about cold hands than I did,same old story he hopes to be on an apex next year.
you should not be comparing a 1000cc sled gas mileage to a 600cc sled. the vector should be compared to the 600 sdi. if your gonna compare gas with the apex it should be with the mach-z and we know who's gonna win there.
NY_Nytro said:
dirkdiggler said:
If you can't afford the gas you can't afford the toy. Period.

More times than not your posts on here turn into a pissing match but I can't help but to respond.

Nobody has said that they can't afford the gas for their "TOY". Period. So there is nothing with wanting to save some cash by expecting a decent MPG. With that being said I think the current mileage is decent but not outstanding, but to others it may not be decent or even acceptable.

The NUMBER 1 reason I switched to a Yamaha 4 stroke was for better MPG and to get away from adding 2 stroke oil. It definitely wasn't for their so-so handling, crappy skis, bending tunnels and self destructing rear suspensions. My Nytro is night and day better than my Warrior was.

I'm not trying to start a pissing match. I'm stating my opinion. If you don't like it that's fine. My opinion is if you buy an expensive toy you shouldn't worry about the cost to run it . That's it. If you disagree great.

Tell me why is it wrong to have that opinion. I don't think your opinion is wrong. I just think differently then you do. You were the one that quoted me and came after me because you didn't like my opinion. But some how I'm always the ahole. You know I;m an easy target because I don't know when to shut up. It's my own fault I take full responsibility for it

I think a lot of people don't understand me. I think a lot gets lost in the translation on the internet. Number one I'm an opinionated person. Most people don't like people like me. They like yes men and that's not me at all.

NY_Nytro and Dirk, please take your personal attacks someplace else. No need for that attitude from either of you and it doesn't matter who started it.
Here's something to think about.

I may not be the average sledder, but I plan to put well over 20,000 miles on my 4-stroke sleds. If I was getting 13 mpg this works out to 1540 gallons of fuel per 20,000 miles. The current price of regular here is $3.75 per gallon so that works out to almost $6000 in fuel.

On many of the more remote trails we ride, the price of gas increases into the $5 to $10 per gallon range and this will easily push the fuel bill well over the $6000 mark.

To me this isn't small change, this is 50% of the price of the sled. Getting 18 mpg instead of 13 mpg would save me close to $2000.

I bought my sled knowing what it gets for fuel economy and I'm OK with that - but if it got 18 or 20 mpg I would be spending that much less and that's a good thing to me.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I used to have a vector and my brother had a 600 sdi rev. We were about the same in fuel usage. I also ride with a fusion 600 and we can almost fill both apexs with the same fuel as the fusion takes.
Fuel economy has greatly improved from the 2stroke days for me. You want to talk bad fuel economy don't buy a performance boat. 1.5mpg.


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I have gotten 20MPG with my RTX. If you ride firm groomed trails that are pretty flat and not too curvey, you can get that. Most of the time, I get about 12-16 MPG depending on conditions.

I will say... my RTX gets as good fuel mileage as 90% of the sleds I ride with. Some are better but who cares.

I will say...I may switch brands in a year or two. I just cannot get over how heavy these sleds (are) feel. Hop off your Apex and onto a 600 Ski Doo or Polaris etc and you know a huge differnece. I'm not sure if the Awesome engine is worth the tradeoff. I have 3450 miles on my Apex.

SkiDoo is coming out with that 800R powertek that is about 450 lbs and is going to make about 157HP. I might switch to something like that for my next sled. Especially if that RevII chassis is similar to the Apex. Mostly happy with my Apex but....It is a bit tiring to ride sometimes.
