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Be careful with your sled in the back of a truck


Nov 6, 2005
Wainwright, Alberta
I was comming home from a friends on slippery roads, when the back end of the truck lost traction on an icy road. Truck went into the ditch and rolled, with the sled in the back. The sled had so much insurance coverage it was insane. But, now the insurance company doesn't want to cover the sled, since the truck had no collision insurance on it. Be careful and check your policy, my sled had 17km on it and it's a write off :o| . just a quick note for you guys with the nice sled to check your policy and I still think :4STroke: . Take care guys

They probably figure 99% of the people won't argue, so they say NO first, then settle for the 1% that do.
Then repair it enough to make it run, point it towards the woods and duct tape the throttle open. Turn key and call the ins. guy back. Maybe wear a neck brace when he comes to evaluate the damage.
Holy crap by alls means guy phone a lawyer one phone call from him and all will be well as long as you had insurance on the sled it is covered. The vehicle insurance should have looked after it also and I would also look into that. But if the vehicle insurance doesnt come through your sled insurance has too. In fact they will fight with the vehicle insurance for coverage so they dont have too. Just wondering if you are a young person or not as I noticed you are from Alberta and they like to try and pull the wool over young guys eyes if they can.
Sled Dog said:
Holy crap by alls means guy phone a lawyer one phone call from him and all will be well as long as you had insurance on the sled it is covered. The vehicle insurance should have looked after it also and I would also look into that. But if the vehicle insurance doesnt come through your sled insurance has too. In fact they will fight with the vehicle insurance for coverage so they dont have too. Just wondering if you are a young person or not as I noticed you are from Alberta and they like to try and pull the wool over young guys eyes if they can.
I like the idea of duct taking the throttle on my sled, ONLY, if the insurance adjuster was strapped to it, lol. Afetr an hour and a half and screaming threats of a lawyer, the have decided to cover the sled. And ya, Alberta has to have the worst insurance companies, great to your face, until you have an accident, then the turn into the jilted lover, not willing to do jack for ya. But the sleds finally covered, but like I say, check your policy for hauling it in the back of your truck. Take care guys and thanks for the support.
spankyrtx said:
Sled Dog said:
Holy crap by alls means guy phone a lawyer one phone call from him and all will be well as long as you had insurance on the sled it is covered. The vehicle insurance should have looked after it also and I would also look into that. But if the vehicle insurance doesnt come through your sled insurance has too. In fact they will fight with the vehicle insurance for coverage so they dont have too. Just wondering if you are a young person or not as I noticed you are from Alberta and they like to try and pull the wool over young guys eyes if they can.
I like the idea of duct taking the throttle on my sled, ONLY, if the insurance adjuster was strapped to it, lol. Afetr an hour and a half and screaming threats of a lawyer, the have decided to cover the sled. And ya, Alberta has to have the worst insurance companies, great to your face, until you have an accident, then the turn into the jilted lover, not willing to do jack for ya. But the sleds finally covered, but like I say, check your policy for hauling it in the back of your truck. Take care guys and thanks for the support.
Sorry bout the bad spelling guys, but the demerol makes the keyboard fuzzy, I like demerol LaLaLa
spankyrtx said:
The sled had so much insurance coverage it was insane. But, now the insurance company doesn't want to cover the sled, since the truck had no collision insurance on it.


Help me with the following regarding your insurance claim.

#1) You said the company doesn't want to pay for the claim. Is it the "Agency" or "Insurance Company" that is trying to deny your claim? Make sure you get a denial in WRITING from the INSURANCE COMPANY.

#2) Did you purchase auto coverage on the same policy as the sled? Or, was your sled added to your auto policy? I'm trying to figure out what the hell your auto has to do with the time of day.....regarding the damage to your sled!! If you added the sled to the auto policy.........and you paid for collision coverage for your sled.......and paid a premium.........I am guessing that someone is blowing smoke up your #*$&@!

#3) Make them show you the EXCLUSION that says: "If you are transporting your sled in the back of a pick-up an you roll over the pick up....there is no coverage if the pickup has no collision". (exclusion = upset or overturn) If you have collision coverage on your sled.......upset or overturn would be covered under the peril collision......so I don't see where they are trying to go with this.

I would hold off on the attorney until the insurance company tries to deny your claim........once they deny the claim......and you have it in writing....then all bets are off.

Take your policy and denial to an attorney and have him write a letter........the insurance carrier will settle and your attorney should only charge a minimal fee.
Remember the first thing insurance claims adjusters learn in Ins. Claims School; Say NO, Deny the Claim. Say NO, Deny the Claim........
My insurance always told me that the sled has it's own insurance, and the truck has it's own. No matter what you are hauling, it should be covered.
After they pay you out, make sure you change insurance company. These guys are all the same, even the government insurance in other provinces. I've had problems with house insurance and break in before and it's not pleasant dealing with these people. I’m sure they have false claims, but those are a lot more obvious and are usually easy to pick out.
