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Cold starting

Spannings ajusterare seems to mean in English voltage adjuster. wish I knew what was in that little package.

I know what it is and will be following up on it soon. I should have a few boost modules made up in a few weeks for testing and eventually may need a few test Vipers that have experienced problems.
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I apologize. I should have worded it, "in my case, the upgraded relays did not help." Warming up the relays, even the improved ones, did not help.

Sundays morning -26f all night. I didn't even try. Placed a heat gun, on low up the exhaust pipe, and went to breakfast at the motel. After, coolant was at -13f. Knew it still wasn't enough.
Heat gun on high for about 10 minutes raised temperatures to -9f.

Sled started, on third try, but very labored. Let idle for a minute. Tried giving it a little rev and it died. About 5 more cranks and started again. Let idle until coolant reach 190f. Good for the rest of the day as usual. No problems at trail stops or lunch. Always 1st or 2nd crank.

I'm tempted to try an inline ATV coolant heater. The Voltage drop theory is intriguing. Hate to starting cutting harnesses and find out the issue is temperature related.

-8f and above appears to start acceptable.
It's the -14f, and colder, morning starts that are a real issue with mine.

Same for mine
Cat no start,Phazer No Start,Viper First try and Truck first try. Phazer needed a shot of Ether. Cat I just cant pull the rope and must be issue with starter because nothing other than click at Solenoid and jumping at solenoid does nothing. Truck says -1f not sure how cold it got last night. Ok determined the starter on Cat is froze tight! Cat junk!
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...press very little on the accelerator by starting. I was really surprised by its start so fast the first attempt.....
I did try this. Perhaps I pressed too much. Seemed like the TORS kicked in and the popping & sputtering stopped. I also tried "just touching" the throttle to avoid activating the TORS. Still nothing. Took heat to get it going.

Love this sled once it's running! Has to be a solution out there some place......
Blow dryer stuck in Cat got it going with the Pull start. I honestly do not believe Cat tests these sleds and it sure seems the folks buying them put up with the crap. Never hear of issues till you mention it yourself. Then it oh yeah that happened to me! Based on what I have seen if I lived in colder climate I would buy a Doo 600 just like Yellowknife did. Most including me need the sled to go when needed and cant be messing around in cold figuring this nonsense out. Wasted half a day of vacation dealing with it. Buddy last TY ride lost whole day of riding because of his Cat not starting. That was a stuck injector. Guess mine will stay local and have to keep the thing in warm shop!
Here's my totally worthless statements, but here we go...........

I totally agree. Let's not totally point the finger at Arctic. Plenty of pure Yamahas have cold start issues as well.
What I don't understand is how Yamaha, can tell Arctic, "Love the ProCross chassis! Let's make a Viper! Here's our 1049cc Nitro engine. But you have to figure out how to run it.."

Why Yamaha didn't include the engine management system is beyond me.
I guess I'll go with the block heater, or inline heater, like the Apex folks need to do.
I know what it is and will be following up on it soon. I should have a few boost modules made up in a few weeks for testing and eventually may need a few test Vipers that have experienced problems.
I would guess some sort of capacitor but it is so small ! would expect it to be larger like those I see on HVAC equipment. Id actually be happy if mine was hard to start when cold. mine takes multiple attempts even when warm. Nice clean battery connections, good voltage at battery doesn't drop when cranking. Never starts first shot even warm sometime takes multiple tries. if this where a car the Mass. lemon law would apply and I could demand my $$$$ back. Think about how crazy this is we've got a bunch of guys trying to basement engineer a solution . Not that you're not capable but come on shouldn't the factory be the ones doing this?. Not like trying to come up with ways to hot rod it and make it faster that would be different . We are simply trying to make it freakin RUN shouldn't someone at corporate care . Class action lawsuit anyone ?
I have been testing a voltage adjuster to ECU that avoid voltage drops when cranking. A guy help me with the eloctronic. Put it in on the power supply to ECU.

Have been testing since last spring and its works great. -25 Celsius no problem. Waiting for som cold mornings below -30 Celsius to do some cold start testing.

that's the way it should start, mine wont start that good sitting in my heated garage at 60f !!!! it doesn't start that good after its been running for hours!
-40 C overnight, tried to start at -34 C. 3 cycles of the fuel pump and just a touch of throttle and she fires right up. Works on my apex as well.
I have a 15 RTX and never experienced cold start issues until this season. It has failed me twice, when the temperature was -10°F or colder. Luckily my daughter has a 600 Doo that started right up and I rode that. Come back at the end of day and the Viper would start right up. Could this cold start issue be related to the most recent flash? The kick back is gone but now a cold start issue for me.
Could this cold start issue be related to the most recent flash? The kick back is gone but now a cold start issue for me.

Who knows, every sled seems to respond differently. Some are still running the 14 mapping with no issues. I'm still running the 15 flash with good cold starts but an occasional hot start issue and no significant kickbacks. There was also a recent report of a 16 flash Viper having kickback and taking the starter out for the second time.:o|:o|:o|
I have a 15 RTX and never experienced cold start issues until this season. It has failed me twice, when the temperature was -10°F or colder. Luckily my daughter has a 600 Doo that started right up and I rode that. Come back at the end of day and the Viper would start right up. Could this cold start issue be related to the most recent flash? The kick back is gone but now a cold start issue for me.
Did you get it flashed?
Yes. Never had the cold start before. I am just going to hope for cold weather. Just not to cold
i ride with an early build 16 pretty sure it has an earlier flash it starts right up compared to mine but it does backfire on occasion when he slows for a corner. Mine has never backfired slowing down. Also ride with a 17 or 18 Cat 7000 and that starts different then both of ours. Not as good as early 16 LTX , but better than mine. Really odd as the Cat and mine should have same flash ?
bad enough its so slow out of the box without clutching and gearing but the poor starting and fuel mileage is a huge letdown at least it could run good. I could drop my carbed 13 year old vector motor in this chassis and it would run better and that's pretty sad. Id take it back to dealer but what ae they going to do??? its not technically broken and as far as I know there is nothin they can adjust to make it better. if they release something that is full Japan built id trade this in a heart beat.
