How many vipers with starters going bad?

I don't know the figures but some guys had just the starter itself crack with no damage to any gears. Maybe they are fixing more than one issue.
When my starter went bad it was only the magnets inside that shattered. No gear damage. Since the starter was changed I have had 3 hard kickbacks and now the new starter is sounding bad.
I don't know the figures but some guys had just the starter itself crack with no damage to any gears. Maybe they are fixing more than one issue.

Sure you could be right. It could be 2 issues they are working on, starter upgrade for busted magnets and such,
And ecu upgrade for the kick back issue. What i was trying to say is, i heard this report of guys dealers installing an "all new" starter back a few months ago. If there was an all new starter, and it was being installed as early as 2 months ago, shouldn't there be an updated part number to go with it?
I cant seem to find any information on that.
I even called my dealer today to check availibility and was told it was backordered but part # has not changed.
Sure you could be right. It could be 2 issues they are working on, starter upgrade for busted magnets and such,
And ecu upgrade for the kick back issue. What i was trying to say is, i heard this report of guys dealers installing an "all new" starter back a few months ago. If there was an all new starter, and it was being installed as early as 2 months ago, shouldn't there be an updated part number to go with it?
I cant seem to find any information on that.
I even called my dealer today to check availibility and was told it was backordered but part # has not changed.
I will do some research but nothing is on YDS that we could find as far as a bulletin. Would think it would be there.
8GL is new starter prefix 8ES is the old one. I have no idea what the difference is.
This would be excellent news. I suffer from both kickback and off idle pop. I bleed blue for a reason, Yamaha sleds just work. This is the first Yammy I've had that "has issues". Don't get me wrong, I love the Vipers ride, power, and the overall feel of the sled. I'm happy with my purchase so far, but I don't have the peace of mind I had with my other Yamahas.

There is a reason for that!
Well I bet it stems from the fact that the Viper is made in the Arctic Cat factory and thus must be a pile of turd as no one can make a Yamaha except for the Japanese. Oh well to each their own. I don't care where its made as long as it performs the way I want it to. If you want a Japanese Yamaha, buy one, its your choice. I did my research, tried out the different sleds and decided that I did not want an Apex so I got a viper as that is my choice. If one sled/quad/car/electronic device or even hamburger was unequivocally the best, then that's what we would all own.
Well I bet it stems from the fact that the Viper is made in the Arctic Cat factory and thus must be a pile of turd as no one can make a Yamaha except for the Japanese. Oh well to each their own. I don't care where its made as long as it performs the way I want it to. If you want a Japanese Yamaha, buy one, its your choice. I did my research, tried out the different sleds and decided that I did not want an Apex so I got a viper as that is my choice. If one sled/quad/car/electronic device or even hamburger was unequivocally the best, then that's what we would all own.

Well said, considering were only in the 2nd year of the viper and probably 90+% of viper owners bought them brand new, if we wanted something else we would've bought it, so useless comments aside, let's keep it on track.
Well I bet it stems from the fact that the Viper is made in the Arctic Cat factory and thus must be a pile of turd as no one can make a Yamaha except for the Japanese.

Nope not it! I Like Cats rode them for years! Cat stands behind their products and recalls and fixes their mistakes. Yamaha does not make mistakes and therefore has no recalls but does have upgrades. Huge difference between the two.

As for the Japanese they do build quality products and are a misunderstood people.
Nope not it! I Like Cats rode them for years! Cat stands behind their products and recalls and fixes their mistakes. Yamaha does not make mistakes and therefore has no recalls but does have upgrades. Huge difference between the two.

As for the Japanese they do build quality products and are a misunderstood people.
Lol .... Now that's funny .... Quality products don't make mistakes.... I could name a lot of them they have made and always said " normal wear "
