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Mach Z not stock king of the lake.

I'm sure that many here have thrown the snowball in the air and when it hits the ground, everybody goes. Or at least that is how I thought it was.
This method is used when there is no one to drop their arm.
I have come to the conclusion that when racing someone you just met on the lake that you should go as soon as gravity starts to pull the snowball from it's upward trajectory, because thats when the guys on the Doos left LOL.
I always leave on Yellow. A chase is a race. LOL
You are talking top end wide open for long distances. I said my results were racing shorter distances and I have no idea how they compare wide open top end.
I believe you sad 1/4 to 1/2 mile more thats pretty long and long enough to show the doo the tail lights your story always seems to change.
Everyone and I mean everyone on these forums complained about the Winders stock performance when it first came out. They said it was a dog out of the hole and performed like crap for a 200 hp sled. I wasn’t one of them and that’s probably why I was one of the few who never tuned theirs. I did listen to all the BS back then and proceeded to waste 500 bucks on a #*$&@ clutch kit that was supposed to wake up the ill performing Sidewinder. I don’t listen to the crap anymore.
I want to inform you the comment in regards to everyone complaining about stock winder performance is wrong. I ran mine the first year stock and loved it. So please get you facts straight before posting. And I detect some anger in your last couple post. Are you OK???
I believe you sad 1/4 to 1/2 mile more thats pretty long and long enough to show the doo the tail lights your story always seems to change.
I hear you people seem to develop amnesia.
I hear these stories often lmao.
Everyone and I mean everyone on these forums complained about the Winders stock performance when it first came out. They said it was a dog out of the hole and performed like crap for a 200 hp sled. I wasn’t one of them and that’s probably why I was one of the few who never tuned theirs. I did listen to all the BS back then and proceeded to waste 500 bucks on a #*$&@ clutch kit that was supposed to wake up the ill performing Sidewinder. I don’t listen to the crap anymore.
I can’t speak for everyone when they came out as I bought a used 2017 with 460 miles on it in 2021 and after my first impressions the sled needed some adjustments as hole shot and mid range were lacking . After posting on this site, many offered good advice and to be honest none of it was bull .. I found the following things needed to be changed and or adjusted to make this sled a true pleasure … Clutch center to center and off set is critical and needs to be right on.,, Stock helix can be improved upon.., The suspension set up is also very important and shock and spring settings need to be right.. Boost leaks are common and changing clamps will eliminate these issues… Traction, traction, traction without lift is your goal… And last yes you need to fix all weak points , bearings/shaft, roller/gear, tank seal, as a good running stocker will reveal the weak points…..
I can’t speak for everyone when they came out as I bought a used 2017 with 460 miles on it in 2021 and after my first impressions the sled needed some adjustments as hole shot and mid range were lacking . After posting on this site, many offered good advice and to be honest none of it was bull .. I found the following things needed to be changed and or adjusted to make this sled a true pleasure … Clutch center to center and off set is critical and needs to be right on.,, Stock helix can be improved upon.., The suspension set up is also very important and shock and spring settings need to be right.. Boost leaks are common and changing clamps will eliminate these issues… Traction, traction, traction without lift is your goal… And last yes you need to fix all weak points , bearings/shaft, roller/gear, tank seal, as a good running stocker will reveal the weak points…..
Yep I went through all that BS including the roll over valve bypass and hose protectors under the tunnel and many other things.
Right now I'm driving my C8 to and from golf everyday and couldn't care less about snowmobiles at this point.
All I want out of sledding these days are trouble free sleds so I can go on week long saddlebag trips up in Quebec without worry.
Yep I went through all that BS including the roll over valve bypass and hose protectors under the tunnel and many other things.
Right now I'm driving my C8 to and from golf everyday and couldn't care less about snowmobiles at this point.
All I want out of sledding these days are trouble free sleds so I can go on week long saddlebag trips up in Quebec without worry.
Yes because the doo’s are bullet proof. Give your head a shake I ride with alot of them in Quebec also the have there issues but I’m glad your happy since the sidewinder seems to be slow and always has issues and you have a rocket ship 900 no need to waste your time here
You Guys are being pretty hard on XP. He's just a sled head that loves to ride. My favorite sled is always the one I'm on that particular day.
You Guys are being pretty hard on XP. He's just a sled head that loves to ride. My favorite sled is always the one I'm on that particular day.
I don't think anyone has been overly harsh. When you're playing in the sandbox sometimes it get's in your eyes.
I see on DooTalk many 900R's that have gone up in flames as there are Winders that have blown the oil tank gasket. Ok little exaggeration there, but why are all the Doos burning to the ground? Seems to be an epidemic with those 900R's the last few seasons. I'll take bypassing the ROV for a cooked/toasted sled any day.

Just putting a little fuel to the fire per se.... LOL

They all have their drawbacks. I just know I wouldn't trade a Winder for a 900 Doo ever. I wouldn't trade a Winder for a Polaris Boost either.
Probably for insurance purpose, to slow had to get rid of it.
The years and mileage are starting to add up on these doo’s, and starting to show they’re weak points. Some even with low mileage are having pproblems and breakdowns. Also poor performance, and I’ll handling, smart shocks are a fail… the only thing imo doo does good is paint, and ok I guess the dash, but those two things doo absolutely nothing for performance and handling.
