Sidewinder Engine Heater

I've installed Battery Tender leads on Viper and Sidewinder batteries. Carry 2 small Battery Tender Junior's and plug both sleds in with dual headed cord.
Battery is fully charged (and warm) in morning, and combined with Yamalube Full Synthetic 0W40 (flows at a claimed -60 Celsius) haven't had problems starting at -35 Celsius.
I've had both in line coolant and heating pad on oil tank on my apex. It turns over much easier however starting was a bitch. Because the coolant and oil sensors are reading operating Temps but the air temp sensor is ambient the ecu gets confused and makes starting very difficult.
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I had a inline coolant heater in my Apexes and never had a starting problem. A few nights it was - 35C. Usually plugged in over night then unplug it an hr before I started in (but not always). A few times I was the only one started out of 12 machines (both 4 and 2 strokes).
1.JPG Finally got around to installing my heater here are some pics of the installView attachment 124321 View attachment 124321 2.JPG View attachment 124321 2.JPG 3.JPG 4.JPG 5.JPG 6.JPG 7.JPG
Nice job Kevin - same place I put mine. What is the silver cover you have on it - did you silicone the whole top?
Its tin tape, then I put silicone around the tape edges
Very nice, I'm going to do that - nice finish. I left my plug in right foot well (where you put them in the
Apex) - might reposition it as you have done for easy access.
