TD max pump 17psi

I have the tune bundle, but find myself mostly running MS17 for fuel quality, etc. The only item you seem to have an issue with is adding the 3Bar. I think it's roughly $125.00, and I bet if you ask TD they'll probably say it's advantageous even with max pump 17. I don't put anywhere close to the miles on that you do, but I have had no issues runningMS17 with the hardware you're proposing + the 3 Bar.
You also don't need to send your ECU to Canada, Josh Bormann is a TD dealer Iowa.
I have the tune bundle, but find myself mostly running MS17 for fuel quality, etc. The only item you seem to have an issue with is adding the 3Bar. I think it's roughly $125.00, and I bet if you ask TD they'll probably say it's advantageous even with max pump 17. I don't put anywhere close to the miles on that you do, but I have had no issues runningMS17 with the hardware you're proposing + the 3 Bar.
You also don't need to send your ECU to Canada, Josh Bormann is a TD dealer Iowa.
Okay thanks! I guess I need a education on tunes and this 3 bar stuff. I usually hang out in one bar! Lol. So what does the 3 bar do? Thanks Jeff.
It allows them to accurately tune at higher boost levels that exceed the stock map sensor in short. Having the td bundle myself, I dont find a huge difference between powertrail and max17. Feels like powertrail but a bit stronger with a little more boost. The maxspool series are better imo because response is much better in the midrange, say your cruising at 1/4 throttle and move the flipper quickly to 5/8-3/4 throttle there is significant difference in pull vs standard spool tunes. They require less throttle input to get up and go. I normaly run max spool 17. That said Ill likely be trying another company going forward.
Leaning 3 bar. And around 275. I want to get 10-12 k out if this one also. I think I’ll stay around what I was at. 270.
Leaning 3 bar. And around 275. I want to get 10-12 k out if this one also. I think I’ll stay around what I was at. 270.
Then I would maybe look at the Hurricane, 225-240-270SS SM tune bundle. You will then need a 3bar map sensor and blow off valve and clutch weights and your done.
Anyone run this tune? And if I understand this correctly this tune can be run as a single stand alone tune? Does not need the 3 bar? Anyone have a comparison to powertrail? Seems they are pretty close in power.. Trying to keep cost down on tunes and thinking I may try this as a single stand alone tune.. Bigger fuel pump, ts BOV and a AFR gauge for sure along with it. Anyone have thoughts on this.. I know most say go bundle tunes and data logging.. Just not sure I want to go that far.. Also portraiture single tune with 2.5 was great.. Just looking for opinions for next sled.. Thanks

MS 17 with over 6,000 miles on it. Runs great. Violent to some but for me that's all controlled by the right hand. Excellent coming out of a corner compared to PT.
MS 17 with over 6,000 miles on it. Runs great. Violent to some but for me that's all controlled by the right hand. Excellent coming out of a corner compared to PT.
What exhaust you run with it?
The 3 bar map sensor is literally a plug in thing. And held Km with single torx screw right next to relays. Is there a reason that’s the part your stopping at?
The 3 bar map sensor is literally a plug in thing. And held Km with single torx screw right next to relays. Is there a reason that’s the part your stopping at?
Nope. I have not kept up on tune knowledge. I tuned in 17 when we were sending out ECU into TD. I understand it now. I thought is was only for running the multi tunes. Jukebox. I’m not interested in that. I want a single tune closed loop and the ability to see AFR numbers if possible. I have BOV and CAI. I was just looking to understand the whole closed loop, data logging, 3 bar, etc. things have changed a lot since the first year on the winders. I sold my 17 and ordered a 22. Trying to gain some knowledge and decide how far to go on boost. No such thing as 3 bar or any of this stuff in 2017.
i rode a stock 2020 xtx this season. i have issues with oil getting in the air box and then dripping on my clutches. Well that all snowballed and im going CAI and a 250 tune. I always use premuim fuel, but when you get up north in the bush, gas stations that are supposed to be open sometimes arent, and i really dont want to have to do something rash if i can get 91 octane. i also like the set and forget, i had a 700 raptor that snowballed to 75hp very quickly lol and want to learn from those un thoughtout decisions haha. i am following your thread with interest here and have been wondering if the 3 or 4 bar will make the eco 250 tune more efficient.
Nope. I have not kept up on tune knowledge. I tuned in 17 when we were sending out ECU into TD. I understand it now. I thought is was only for running the multi tunes. Jukebox. I’m not interested in that. I want a single tune closed loop and the ability to see AFR numbers if possible. I have BOV and CAI. I was just looking to understand the whole closed loop, data logging, 3 bar, etc. things have changed a lot since the first year on the winders. I sold my 17 and ordered a 22. Trying to gain some knowledge and decide how far to go on boost. No such thing as 3 bar or any of this stuff in 2017.
The three bar has been out for a few years.
Question. Can I run a header with my max 17 set up or do I need a different tune? I have 3 bar and bov, intake and SQ exhaust.
