Your Macgyver special

Was in a company ride with boys from Northern elevatorback in 90's in haliburton, one of the guys driving a indy 600 blew his heater hose below sec clutch, we cut hose and used a 9/16 deep socket and clamped it on either side, then filled his rad with BEER....PISS ...and water to make it to garage to get antifreeze!! what a relief!! ha ha no pun intended
Light grinding noise in our truck every time we slowed down. Gas tanks straps had broken (1 missing, one rusted and broken) and tank was hanging down, forcing remaining strap into driveshaft (just light scratches) every time the fuel sloshed forward. Used ratchet straps to pull the tank back up into the frame, continued to where we were riding.
Lost a track while riding in northern Minnesota, deep in the bush, remembered we had passed someones bush junk pile, road back a couple of miles and dug out an old car hood, put the sled on that and towed it home... grooming the trail along the way. From that day forward we referred to that sled as 'the junkyard groomer'. Same sled, later in the same season lost the nut that held the right ski on while riding (cousin is not a great mechanic), we only noticed because of the tracks he was leaving in the trail looked strange, pulled him over, shoved the bolt back in, clamped a small set of vice grips on the end of the bolt and tied it in place with some wire, road it for an hour out to the trailhead.
left mio michigan couple years ago, just before gaylord my buddies 800 skidoo stopped suddenly... out of oil... siezed, couldn't pull it over.i rode to gaylord grabbed oil and went back, it had cooled off, dumped some down the plug holes and worked clutch back n forth til i got it free, filled the injection bottle , started up, rode to mackinaw bg n back to mio that day! i was shocked it freeed up not alone ran fine after
Motel parking lot fix.
I was on a trip 2 years ago Cochrane area and west. There was an 18 Apex that started to run terrible most of the time right from day one.
I drove it myself and saw it flash #34 once. Upon searching this site from my phone I knew to look for a wiring problem related to the coils.
There isn't enough tools in the tool kit to get to where I needed to be.
The next morning we took it to the dealer in Kap. They worked on it for a couple hours then said it was ready. Said they put di-electric grease on connections. I was suspicious that it wasn't fixed. And it wasn't. The owner asks what to do now. I said find me some tools.
So we found a young lad with a work van full of tools staying at our motel. Tore into it with him helping eagerly. Found that the female terminals inside the connector for a couple coils were loose. So we pulled them out and squeezed them tighter.
Ran good for the rest of the trip. Once we were back home I ordered a new sub-harness.
Sudbury ride with the boys from FORD and one guy 2 miles from hotel on his new Polaris indy took corner too wide and clipped a rock under snow on lower A arm, we limped it back to motel 2 miles. i took A arm off and cut the bent section out, went dwn street and grabbed a 12" piece of aluminum bar stock from Home Depot that was same inside diameter as A arm, slid the bar stock in both halves... set spindle and ski where it should be and drilled a holes through tube and bar stock on both sides of cut out piece and put a 5/16 's bolts through. 2 hours later back on the trail again to Shining tree...rode 500 miles the next 3 days no problem.
Still have this trailing arm from an 02 Viper. This happened in 2004 about a mile from the half way haven coming from Wawa. I hit a rock protruding out on the trail that was covered with snow. Holy crap was that a ride. Trailing arm was broke in half and lower a arm was snapped as well. The owner wanted $500 to drive me back to Searchmont. Started looking around his outbuilding and found this fence post. Can't remember exactly how we put it all back together but, made it to Searchmont.
