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ZX-2 performance review - bolt torking procedures

My buddy had one loosen up and break off at that location is why I was asking - also appears track might need a couple of adjustments to get it right - thanks!
yammiman said:
My buddy had one loosen up and break off at that location is why I was asking - also appears track might need a couple of adjustments to get it right - thanks!

Sorry to hear that happened, I going to just keep checking my for now - it takes less than a minute so its no big deal.

Like Grim and others have said - track tension is a fussy adjustment with this skid. I loosened mine up to where I thought for sure it would ratchet (according to what A.D.B. guidlines would indicate) and to my surprise the skid is working amazingly well. Like everybody here tells ya - Go loose and slowly tighten her back up, huge difference!
yammiman said:
My buddy had one loosen up and break off at that location is why I was asking - also appears track might need a couple of adjustments to get it right - thanks!

That's my observation too.

After the few rides after the first track adjustment I noticed the track was not aligned anymore and the track was rather loose. I figured that the track adjuster bolt seat, the small steel plate on the end of the adjusterbolt have not been seated fully, and when riding the sled the plate did finally seat perfectly letting the rear shaft slide forward slightly. After readjusting the track tension and alignment the track stayed aligned.
I didn't pay attention to the track tension until I nailed it over the nasties landing in a g-bump at full throttle, it ratcheted and the track rubbed the tunnel protectors badly. I tightened the track 1.25 turn on the left adjuster and 1.5 turn on the right adjuster to get the track aligned. 1 turn on the adjuster makes a big difference in track tension, tighten it 2-3 turns would be overkill and make the track run Yamaha ProAction tight, scary.
I've got 200 km on my skid now and haven’t had to retorq any bolts so far. I hope it stays this way. I was wondering who many guys are storing their sleds in heated garages? Do you think this would affect the bolts with the skid shrinking and expanding all the time? By the way I only heat my shop when I'm working on my sled.

Just some food for thought.
I'm heading up this weekend for the first ride with this skid = I'll give you guys a full report when I get back next week!! ;)!
Jigger said:
I've got 200 km on my skid now and haven’t had to retorq any bolts so far. I hope it stays this way. I was wondering who many guys are storing their sleds in heated garages? Do you think this would affect the bolts with the skid shrinking and expanding all the time? By the way I only heat my shop when I'm working on my sled.

Just some food for thought.

Just like you. It's in a cold garage, I turn on heater only when I'm working on the sled.

Could be, if pressure from the bolt and washer is put on the plastic surfaces. I haven't checked if it is so I don't really know for sure.

Good ide on checking tork set slightly lower than spec not the break the loctite seal :-) I will do it that way next time I'm checking. Checking at spec tork I've had some bolts move a little before reaching spec tork.
Bolts are not threaded into plastic shafts---should have no effect.
No they are not. But the washers behind the bolts may be rubbing against the suspension plastics, and until the plastic behind the washers have worn a certain amount the washer may move wiggeling out the bolt. Could be, or maybe not :-)
My sled sits in a heated garage(40-45 degrees) and I haven't had a problem...yet. I'm paranoid now and put the torque wrench on after every ride.
MyOutdoors said:
My sled sits in a heated garage(40-45 degrees) and I haven't had a problem...yet. I'm paranoid now and put the torque wrench on after every ride.

I carry a socket and rachet to check that they are firm and not loosening up WHILE on the trail.

Now thats paranoid!
Mee too, I'm carrying a spanner wrench, am I paranoid too LOL
I rechecked daily after 100+ miles a day and not ONE bolt was loose. My paranoia is drifting away just like the big azz moguals I hit and didn't even feel them. skid flat out rocks and I have'nt even dialed it in yet!
