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AD Boivin ZX2 Durability & Performance Log

I used two pieces of rubber hose installed on each side of the strap, works great.

Kinger man you sled has the best winter forest camo I've ever seen, even better than the special forces :)
hahahahaha right on buddy
Getting close to the 17,000 mile mark on the ZX2, still going strong!

Still working on the vibration issue and discovered a couple things this year. I started the season with all new wheels. If standing at the back of the skid I removed the left inside 8" wheel. I was trying to match the setup of a stock Yamaha skid to see if one of the wheels was running over the nobs on the track. I rode a couple hundred miles this way. No change in vibration.

My second set of hyfax in about 17,000 miles was due for replacement. I pulled the skid, replaced the hyfax and added the fourth wheel back in. Installed the skid, and went for a ride. The vibration is gone. 200 miles later, still no vibration. About 200 miles after that the vibration returned.

This got me thinking. When I replaced the original set of hyfax before last winter, I noticed no vibration for a couple hundred miles as well. This makes me really believe the skid rails are running over the nobs on the track. The vibration I feel fits that scenario. Will spend more time inspecting but looking last night I feel like during the initial bend in the rail, as soon as that part of the hyfax wears down the vibration starts. Not sure if it changes where the skid applies pressure to the track. Maybe I should try larger wheels up front between the rails.

Anyone have any ideas. I will report my findings to Denis but doubt he will respond.
Jeepers 17,000 on that skid, no broken arms, rails, or anything besides wheels and hyfax?

I replaced hyfax this year for the first time and I noticed when I did it I had the skid out on the ground and I went to give it a kick and roll it out of my way and it was stuck right there, the hyfax was so thick the wheels didn't touch.

First tri out it wore it right down to where the wheels are then stopped again. I still dont have or ever had this vibration you talk about it unless I just dont care and think its the sled or not. I am pretty picky and frequently listen for noises and such and when she is gliding the down the trail all I hear is a supercharger whine, and all I feel is my shoulders being sore. Although everyonce in a while I feel this clunking, grinding like noise and I chaulk it up to ice falling out of the tunnel?
kinger said:
Jeepers 17,000 on that skid, no broken arms, rails, or anything besides wheels and hyfax?

I replaced hyfax this year for the first time and I noticed when I did it I had the skid out on the ground and I went to give it a kick and roll it out of my way and it was stuck right there, the hyfax was so thick the wheels didn't touch.

First tri out it wore it right down to where the wheels are then stopped again. I still dont have or ever had this vibration you talk about it unless I just dont care and think its the sled or not. I am pretty picky and frequently listen for noises and such and when she is gliding the down the trail all I hear is a supercharger whine, and all I feel is my shoulders being sore. Although everyonce in a while I feel this clunking, grinding like noise and I chaulk it up to ice falling out of the tunnel?

No broken arms, rails, or anything other than wheels and hyfax!

For comparisons sake. If you can drive down the highway in your vehicle on the rumble strips and not tell the difference between that and flat pavement then I would say it is just me being picky. If you can tell the difference then I can tell you without a doubt something is different in my skid.

I have seen your work ;)! . Awesome! You seem picky enough to notice.

mdkuni wrote: This makes me really believe the skid rails are running over the nobs on the track.

I believe that's what's happening

I have found the inside of the outside idlers and the outside of the inside idlers have wear on them, it has to be due to what your saying.
Else the ZX-2 is in great condition, now stretched to 144"

Put on zx2 on 2007 attak loved it seems to great but"" took out a pair of hi faxes in 950. miles ordered new one swent to put them in and found that the ext kit is on a different plain if you put a staight edge on the bottom of the suspension with no high faxes in has any body had his issue I can see how this would wear high raxes out. It wor them out write at the seam of the two which is right where the high point is. any help please.
Well I finally deciphered your post with the poor english sportfury. It sounds like the Zxtend is not correctly installed? I have 151 extensions and they line up perfectly. Have they bent right there by chance...say from a hard tail landing?
From my experience with all the ZX-2 extensions I've installed, the skid is tilting upwards from the spot where the rear axel used to be as 121. The longer the skid the more the tilt, measured at the end of the skid. There is nothing wrong with this, just the way it's designed.
I recently bought a RX Warrior and it had a ZX2 skid on it. I love that skid compared to my buddy's stock RX1. Can somebody tell me what exactly the revolver setup does? I have tried different positions but cant really feel the difference so what does it really do. I can see the track angle change when rotating it but how does that affect trail riding VS drag racing. I know my track spins like a SOB on take of so I would like to get better traction if I can.

I'm also looking for and actual owners manual for the skid, the one online from ADB only shows an exploded view of all the skid components and not how to make adjustments.
Check what position the front stap is set at.
It can be let out a bit to put more track on the ground at take off. The revolver works in two different ways. The front two (1 and 2) holes regulates coupling, the rear three (3, 4 and 5) holes regulates transfer. Position 1 and 5 will give the least coupling and the most transfer. What type of track do you run. The RipSaw will spin no matter what, lugs are way too soft.
