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Fitch Fuel Catalyst


Guys, please be on your best behaviour in this thread. Members will have opinions and have the right to express them as long as they stay within the rules. Most people don't have ridable snow so let's not take out those frustrations on this thread.

I wish one of the non believers would do some real testing that could be seen and documented like Supertuner did to prove it works. Why dont you guys prove it does not work with some dyno tests. What did you do ask her if she is getting better gas mileage. Most women dont know how to check the oil even and do not care about gas mileage. They want something thats starts and works. You also said you used two of them please clarify that.
Hi Sled Dog,
I for one would love to see Supertuner's dyno results. Could you post them or direct me to a link where he has posted his results? I have searched and can't find anything here or on his web site.

Sorry, my real testing is last season's gas receipts and mileages between fill ups to track my lack of results in fuel economy. The smell of stale fuel is my only other real testing. Subjective feel of performance varies from rider to rider, so I think that does not count as real testing. Maybe something more empiric from a professional in the form of dyno runs they have done might be more helpful to this debate.
Sled Dog said:
I wish one of the non believers would do some real testing that could be seen and documented like Supertuner did to prove it works. Why dont you guys prove it does not work with some dyno tests. What did you do ask her if she is getting better gas mileage. Most women dont know how to check the oil even and do not care about gas mileage. They want something thats starts and works. You also said you used two of them please clarify that.

she always writes down miles traveled and gallons used. there isnt really a more accurate way to check mileage. she even goes to the same gas station every time. i just kept checking her log book. for a big gas tank one catalyst isnt enough. you need 2 of them.
madforR1s said:
Hi Sled Dog,
I for one would love to see Supertuner's dyno results. Could you post them or direct me to a link where he has posted his results? I have searched and can't find anything here or on his web site.

Sorry, my real testing is last season's gas receipts and mileages between fill ups to track my lack of results in fuel economy. The smell of stale fuel is my only other real testing. Subjective feel of performance varies from rider to rider, so I think that does not count as real testing. Maybe something more empiric from a professional in the form of dyno runs they have done might be more helpful to this debate.

For one your sled started and ran with gas from last March. How much fuel was in your tank for storage? Did you use fuel stabilizer? A lot of people start their sleds only to find they have carb problems you did not.
n answer to your questions (I assume they were directed to the year previous to using Flitch): My tank was half full and I alway use fuel stabilizer. Never a problem as I always drain my carbs. Same this year except I forwent the fuel stabilizer in favor of the Flitch devices. The only difference is that this year the fuel smelled stale, when in other years with traditional fuel stabilizers it did not. Either way, the sled still started so I am happy in that regard.

Sled Dog said:
I wish one of the non believers would do some real testing that could be seen and documented like Supertuner did to prove it works.

Sorry about that Sled Dog, the way you wrote in the above quote, I thought you had seen Supertuner's proof. I just assumed that I must have missed seeing the same data that you saw that made you such a staunch believer. My bad.

Since Supertuner has already posted that he will not give anymore free information on this topic (see earlier in this thread), I guess I will have to take his word that the Flitch devices do everything they say they will. Since he is a professional tuner and sells these products, he must have seen excellent results to become a believer himself.

Based on this incontrovertible evidence, I bow to your good judgment and scientific acumen. Perhaps another season of use will inspire me to become a believer. ;)!
Hey no problem madforR1s. In response to your last post you said your sled was stored since March with your tank half full with no fuel stabilizer. If this device was not working I doubt you would have gotten your sled running with no problems. You should always have your tank right full during storage (the less air the fuel contacts the less chance of contamination). You drained your carbs I have never done this and so far have not had any problems but I start mine up about once a month during the off season. Other things that I have noticed while having these devices in is less black soot comes out the back when I first start the sleds (I have two RX-1s) in fact non comes out since I put these in. Prior to that I always had black soot that would come out with the condensed water at the exhausts during warm ups and I could see it in the splatter on the back of my sleds. That tells me that I am getting a better burn than before. The gas mileage there is too much variables to be able to tell for sure same as hp increase to little to tell by the seat of your pants. I think there is more but how can one be absolutetly sure other than dyno tests. I do take Suprertuners word at face value that they work and he has seen an increase in every engine he installed them on. Look for some of these smaller changes or at your plugs the next time you take them out. Listen to yours idling beside one the same year as yours. See who's starts easier on very cold mornings that type of thing. :Rockon:
you know, one way to see if something works is to look at racers. if a product is available to the public and works, everyone will use it and it will sell itself.

examples of these products are, C+A pro skis, ohlins shocks, m10. I have talked to hundreds of people who race all brands, been told of many things that work, tricks, free power, etc....

i have had no one tell me they run fitch fuel catalyst.

i trust a blind test from someone that checks their fuel mileage daily over a guy that says it works that sells the product.

bender told me that my can was going to give me 2hp on top, funny, my sled is slower now. but how can that be, they have a dyno and wouldnt sell the product if it didnt work.
Ok fine the thing the does not work! Is that what you wanted to hear. I dont know what I am talking about and supertuner is full of it and his dyno's runs were fixed (said with major sarcasm). If I was winning races do you really think I would tell everybody how I was doing it?? Not!
no offence to anyone here, but generally when someone buys something they think it makes a difference even if it doesnt. its just part of trying to justify it in their mind. and nothing against supertuner and maybe it does work for him, but he sells them. so in my mind the buyer and seller both have something to gain even if the product doesnt work where guys like btv (who btw gives out a LOT of good info and expects nothing in return!) have nothing to gain or lose by giving an honest unbiased opinion.
Yea and his opinion comes from not even using the product he is basing it on what racer's use and what little info they would even give you. Put the money up and prove it does not work. How about that! By the way I do not sell these things and dont intend too. I will buy more as I need them though.
Sled Dog said:
Yea and his opinion comes from not even using the product he is basing it on what racer's use and what little info they would even give you. Put the money up and prove it does not work. How about that! By the way I do not sell these things and dont intend too. I will buy more as I need them though.

i agree with some of your points, but i did a blind test as accuratly as possible and it didnt work for me. too bad some of us have put up the money for no results.
n2oiroc you did not even use the correct product for the application you used them on yet you come on here and put the product down when you did not even install or use the product correctly. Go to the site and read up and use the correct product for the correct application. Come on now lets be fair before you condemn something.
Sled Dog said:
n2oiroc you did not even use the correct product for the application you used them on yet you come on here and put the product down when you did not even install or use the product correctly. Go to the site and read up and use the correct product for the correct application. Come on now lets be fair before you condemn something.
how do you know if i used the correct product or if i used it properly? there were 2 packages used and combined they were rated for a higher capacity that the fuel tank was. back then there werent as many options on which ones to use.
n2oiroc said:
Sled Dog said:
n2oiroc you did not even use the correct product for the application you used them on yet you come on here and put the product down when you did not even install or use the product correctly. Go to the site and read up and use the correct product for the correct application. Come on now lets be fair before you condemn something.
how do you know if i used the correct product or if i used it properly? there were 2 packages used and combined they were rated for a higher capacity that the fuel tank was. back then there werent as many options on which ones to use.

How do I know? Because when I read up on the product it was rated by horsepower not the size of the tank. Vehicles need an inline unit from what I remember.
