I've been out riding this weekend. My sled is tuned to about 95% on AFRs. Raised the needles 2 steps from 2 position to 4 position to cure the crazy lean bottom end and lean mid range. I ended up raising it one notch too many as my low end got fat and so did the midrange. I will set the needles to #3 setting (stock setting) and keep it there forever LOL. I was fat on WOT, running meth my sled will not run clean with AFRs below 11.7, I get misfire as the flame front blows out at 11.6 and lower AFRs, this is only when running at WOT at 20 lbs of boost. I had it running at 11.9 last time out, temps were lower back then. I'll keep the way it is as temps was in the high 40s F or above 10C. When it gets colder it will run higher AFRs which is perfect.
I have the water/meth tuned in. It starts pushing meth at 6 lbs and will gradually increase pressure until it runs at 100% capacity past 16 lbs of boost.
I have around 50 miles or 80 kms at WOT and she's still alive. My goal is 22 lbs, didn't get there this season, but I will next season
Mods planned for this summer/autumn:
- stretch the ZX-2 from 136 to 144
- install a 144x1.5x.15 Camoplast Crossover Track
- gear down to 24/38
- install a turbo hood or make my own version
- get rid of the head light pod and install a pair of PIAAs or equivalent
- what else.... maybe a 50mm Tial BOV? I need a higher capacity BOV as I get flutter with the Vortech I have, I need to add more capacity
I wish all a happy summer. Hayday is getting closer, let the modding begin.