Sr Viper 2016 flash poll and Thread

Let us know how your Viper start when cold with the new ECU flash

  • start instantly

    Votes: 21 13.7%
  • Now it take 2 attemps to start

    Votes: 114 74.5%
  • start better than before

    Votes: 19 12.4%
  • no difference

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • My speedometer is now unaccurate

    Votes: 17 11.1%
  • Has your sled stalled since latest flash

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • Has Your sled had a extremely loud backfire since flash

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
It's impossible for tech to enter wrong sled. The flash itself can read the vin and will not proceed till it matches. Previous flash was same for all but it must have left the programming already there for driver size intact. For now it MAY be possible to correct speedo by removing magnets from the driveshaft. The 12 cat turbos have less. It would require chaincase cover removal introducing another nightmare. I would not do it. Hopefully a real fix is found soon. Yes some should have correct speedo speed would think. What sleds do those of you with speedo issue have?
I have not noticed a difference or issue with the speedometer but I don't normally watch the speedo. There is no speed limit on our trails but truthfully I drive the speed I'm comfortable with for the conditions so it only matters when I am checking mileage, but I will discuss the issue with my Dealership Technition. He is up on most things that are happening with the Viper and definitely has great interest with this reflash.

The last time I filled our sleds after a ride was 57 miles X 2 sleds = 114 miles and used 7.3 gallons or about 15.8 MPG which is a good number for our sleds and the riding conditions for the day.
It's impossible for tech to enter wrong sled. The flash itself can read the vin and will not proceed till it matches. Previous flash was same for all but it must have left the programming already there for driver size intact. For now it MAY be possible to correct speedo by removing magnets from the driveshaft. The 12 cat turbos have less. It would require chaincase cover removal introducing another nightmare. I would not do it. Hopefully a real fix is found soon. Yes some should have correct speedo speed would think. What sleds do those of you with speedo issue have?
Would you not need more magnets to read higher speed? I'm down 30km at 100km roughly maybe a little less.
I have not noticed a difference or issue with the speedometer but I don't normally watch the speedo. There is no speed limit on our trails but truthfully I drive the speed I'm comfortable with for the conditions so it only matters when I am checking mileage, but I will discuss the issue with my Dealership Technition. He is up on most things that are happening with the Viper and definitely has great interest with this reflash.

The last time I filled our sleds after a ride was 57 miles X 2 sleds = 114 miles and used 7.3 gallons or about 15.8 MPG which is a good number for our sleds and the riding conditions for the day.
If speedo is wrong more than likely you MPG figures are wrong also. Check speedo with gps. Maybe yours are correct then we will know what length sled program was really for. Thanks
If speedo is wrong more than likely you MPG figures are wrong also. Check speedo with gps. Maybe yours are correct then we will know what length sled program was really for. Thanks

I ride with a couple who also watch the miles we are riding and both sleds are within 1 mile on any given ride, within 1%, so I'd rather check against them than my GPS which I don't use much for miles.

OK so I have talked to one of the people who I ride with and they recorded 70 miles for that ride which is probably a lot closer to historic rides to that destination. So when I backed a couple miles out of my total for the trip for gas I get 68.75% or 31.25% difference! Pretty darn close to what others are seeing.
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The magnet give the position of each piston to the ECU, it is also a part of the reason why it now taking 2 attemps to start.

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I just mapped out our ride last night on the ofsc trip planner and it said the route we took was 107.8km! My trip read 94km and my buddy's nytro said 122km and it was loose with a lot of track spin and I'm turboed so should be spinning harder. It definitely off!!!
Ok so we know LTX has 9 tooth drivers also RTX. So new flash was programmed for XTX which has 8 tooth. Right? So when a xtx guy says his is correct it will be. Rest of us are out of luck.
The magnet give the position of each piston to the ECU, it is also a part of the reason why it now taking 2 attemps to start.

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We are talking the driveshaft speed sensor not crank position sensor.
Ok so we know LTX has 9 tooth drivers also RTX. So new flash was programmed for XTX which has 8 tooth. Right? So when a xtx guy says his is correct it will be. Rest of us are out of luck.
Do we know this for sure?
What tooth drivers do my stx dx 146 have i wounder or maybe just got look and count them.
Ok so we know LTX has 9 tooth drivers also RTX. So new flash was programmed for XTX which has 8 tooth. Right? So when a xtx guy says his is correct it will be. Rest of us are out of luck.

Sorry I'm getting back so late. I talk to my dealership twice today and first asked if they knew about the Speedometer issue and yes they did so just as I was going to report that they knew about the speedo issue but has not told Yamaha yet I read on here that you were looking to see if it was all models. So I called back about 4:30 eastern time and asked if they knew what models were affected and sure enough they said RTX, LTX, XTX so all the models that they have flashed. They said that they called Yamaha today and asked if they knew anything about the Speedo issue and they told him NO and then he told them they better get prepared to be swamped with problem reports because they are about 25% off. Her response was OH S!!!

And no he still doesn't have a letter notifying him of the new flash!
Thanks Testmaster. It really does not make sense that all models are affected the same. Should be impossible. Doesn't matter. If not capable of getting that right in any one model it makes whole flash suspect with good reason. This is the third attempt. Looks like there will be a fourth. Maybe they will do it right and send it by mail for Christmas ecu and harness. Otherwise it's probably going to be a Evo flash for me and very good possibility that I will never buy a Yamaha again.
Do we know this for sure?
What tooth drivers do my stx dx 146 have i wounder or maybe just got look and count them.
Allan I know nothing involving Yamaha for sure anymore. Would be best to just look and then test with GPS or known good speedo sled or car for that matter.
