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Taking the Winder out 1st time after pronouncing it fixed!—Strong NO!

You are not sending an oil sample "just for fun." You're sending it to get crucial information. The fact that you haven't done this yet is mind blowing.

Important to ascertain if there is coolant in oil. Sampling as you state is very wise IMO. Oil level should be just below top line when hot (after riding at least 5 minutes after it reaches thermostat temp) after sitting for at least 5 minutes.
Who put oil in engine after overhaul? It takes just under 4 qts. w oil filter.
Maybe you've already been asked this, but has the oil cooler ever been switched out?
Remember, oil pressure is around 65-80 psi when riding. Coolant pressure is max 16 lbs. If oil cooler has internal leak between the two, you will have oil in the coolant not coolant in the oil. Oil pressure is 4X what coolant pressure is. So, if Kinger doesn't have oil in coolant, his oil cooler is good.
Important to ascertain if there is coolant in oil. Sampling as you state is very wise IMO. Oil level should be just below top line when hot (after riding at least 5 minutes after it reaches thermostat temp) after sitting for at least 5 minutes.
Who put oil in engine after overhaul? It takes just under 4 qts. w oil filter.

Remember, oil pressure is around 65-80 psi when riding. Coolant pressure is max 16 lbs. If oil cooler has internal leak between the two, you will have oil in the coolant not coolant in the oil. Oil pressure is 4X what coolant pressure is. So, if Kinger doesn't have oil in coolant, his oil cooler is good.
Makes sense, I guess it would have to be leaking into a non-pressurized part, like the crankcase for example.
You are not sending an oil sample "just for fun." You're sending it to get crucial information. The fact that you haven't done this yet is mind blowing.

What's mind blowing is that I have a engine problems in a sled that hasn't worked right...ever...from a manf regarded as the best in engines...
Looks like that oil analysis won’t be needed now....

The oil on the site tube looked clean but was over full, I opened up the Ulmer Racing ez oil drain kit and this is what came out, found my missing coolant:

4th engine time...
How is this even possible????
have you tried a leak down test?
There must be something that is being overlooked!!!!
I would be out of my mind.
I'd be having an "accident" with that sled. That machine is cursed. It would be a satisfying ending to a horrific ownership experience.
You have to wonder if a hose or line of some kind has always had the wrong type connector on it thus hooking up wrong?.. so maby mixing oil/water accidentally on purpose? On the other hand a decent dealer would find that.
A proper and expert pressure test on cooling system should find it! Time for a new dealer for sure!
So, what is the consensus with the 998. Does Yamaha have a head problem with the 998 even in stock form?
