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Who has NOT had a starter issue

starter failure?

  • I'm on my origional starter

    Votes: 136 84.0%
  • I've had to replace my starter once

    Votes: 23 14.2%
  • I've had to replace my starter more than once

    Votes: 3 1.9%

  • Total voters
It sure does!!!! I was expecting around 50% from all the threads and post I've been reading! There is quite a few of us that own 2 vipers and only voted once
By the way we got snow:tg:

We own 2 vipers also and you can only vote once so the percent is low on the actual tally.
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2014 ZR7000, leftover, so 15 flash at about 200miles, totally stock, no issues. I do make sure I hold the key until Im sure shes fired.

Knock on wood:)
2014 LTX-DX
2500km's on original flash - hot start issue every second ride or so. rough idle as well, easy to start except on COLD (-30) days
Refreshed - November 2014 - 2500km's more put on since. No more hot start, a bit better idle, still doesn't like the cold, harder to start.. can't let off on the key till it fully starts.
Scared of a starter issue, but nothing yet.
Overall, very happy with the sled. We are talking about the odd person having a starter issue, or the occasional chain case issue. Not popping pistons the some other guys (brands).
2015 RTX DX ~1000 miles. Original starter. Rough starting and low rpm characteristics
and IMO, not good for a modern day FI engine especially from Yamaha Motor Corporation.

The percentages so far are almost 15% for a failure. I'd assume people with failures
will join this poll because they've have a dog in this fight. Others may not
because they don't see the importance. Hopefully this is not the case because
1 in 10 are not good odds.

Still, the funnest sled I've owned. Hope I don't have a starter go out and hurt it's
engine. That would leave a very bad taste in my mouth.
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I counted 13 more with no failure threw out the thread that isn't accounted for
Yeah I noticed quite a few times yesterday new posts without the poll numbers changing plus a few with multiple sleds and only 1 vote. Not trying to downplay it. I know these numbers don't help the ones that have gone through a starter failure.
2014 LTX
2014 stock flash 3400 mile first season. I had the hot start issue and codes!
2015 3000 miles on re-flash plus ulmer/D&D muffler.K&N intake with power commander fuel controller. No kick backs, no hot start,but I always held the key until it started, like people on here have suggested
2016 20 miles so far. I took off the fuel controller and installed a PCV with ignition module with Ulmer mapping in it
Total miles on sled 6420
15 xtxle.
Replaced the starter and everything else at 800kms.
2200 Kms since with fingers crossed every time I turn the key.
Starts like crap and idles like crap. Not all the time but nothing like the nytro.
Cold morning starts are better then during a ride. Never know what to expect when you turn the key with this sled.
It's sometimes embarrassing actually.
I just keep it turned till it's running and give it a flip of the throttle if it don't want to catch.
Still love the sled tho!!!!
By just having a poll on here and so much talk is enough to show that this is a common enough problem that it needs to be addressed by Yamaha.
......never saw this talk on the nytro forum....
15 LTX DX always starts great and runs great and idles fine, sorry for the guys with the troubles but if I didn't know of this site / thread I would not know ther was an issue.

Let it snow!!!
2014 LTX SE spring order
14 flash. 3700 miles - no codes and no starting problem. Ran great
15 reflash 1400 miles - (installed can, intake, clutch kit and PC) - RPM surges at idle - always started but sometimes it took more cranking to get it to fire.
Total 5100 miles on original starter.
I'm starting this thread because of all the discussion on the starter failures. Being a tech oriented site its natural to only see the negatives discussed. Let's see if this gives some perspective.

I want to keep this format very simple. Post if you are on your original starter.
Put year and model
Flash and miles on flash, if multiple flashes post miles on each. Also include if turbo' or fuel programmer added. Put all these separate with total miles at the bottom

Fictional example:
2014 XTX
14 flash. 1000 miles
15 reflash 600 miles
MPI turbo with gems 2000 miles
Total 3600 miles.

Check back in and update your numbers as the season goes on. Please edit your origional post, don't start a new one, that way we don't have a false appearance of good starter numbers.

I'll also attach a very simple poll to see failures to non failures. Don't post your failures or ideas for cures or the reasons for failures here. There are already threads for that and that's not the purpose of this thread. The poll has the option to change your vote in the event your starter failed during this season.

2014 sr-viper
no reflash
no mods
2100 miles with no apparent starts issues, very happy so far
