Dan - Where did you buy the OSP rollers (their site is down and they dont seem to answer calls) and why did you choose those over TP
Come on, that shitt metal screw and barely hold the cheap coating on let a lone hold the guard in place if a belt explosion should happen. You got to do something different there bud. Even the factory setup is none too strong. You're just asking for trouble there should a belt let go.
Might be a good place to use rivet nuts if he wants to remove it now and then.
Might be a good place to use rivet nuts if he wants to remove it now and then.

I was thinking the same thing!
If you are talking the rear most mount, that was riveted on, be careful, not much room between the back of a RivNut to the track up in the tunnel.
Clutch Offset part 2 - 61mm

After running the belt up with the stock shim. I removed the shim, bringing the offset to 61mm which is the spec per manual. This video shows the belt run up at the proper spec. And to the eye, it runs straight. The slight bend I could see in the first video at 62++ mm may have been causing more belt dust and heat. I had a ton of belt dust for only 300 miles on her.

So now I have it to 61mm, and feel good that I saw this for my own eyes. Looks good and should be where these are set. I now have NO SHIM behind my secondary.


Dan nice vid bro,have you driven the sled sience you put the hose clamp on the return line to the fuel tank,we tried a hose clamp on mine and it leaked like a siv,but our clamp was smaller looking than yours. Oh ya,are you doing a boost/a/f gauge once boosted up?
Come on, that shitt metal screw and barely hold the cheap coating on let a lone hold the guard in place if a belt explosion should happen. You got to do something different there bud. Even the factory setup is none too strong. You're just asking for trouble there should a belt let go.

I put it all back together, and that thing is rigid brother....that was only reason I did not install rivets. But I have since then.
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Interesting my offset is well over 62 mm. It was suggested here on TY that the high side of spec was better.
I cant speak to that. I do know my stock spec was over 62++mm. And it LOOKED to the EYE, that their was a slight bend in belt. Not a ton but you could see it.

So I tested again with shim removed, and it looked dead nuts straight.

And it measured 61mm

Now lowered to 59mm.

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Dan nice vid bro,have you driven the sled sience you put the hose clamp on the return line to the fuel tank,we tried a hose clamp on mine and it leaked like a siv,but our clamp was smaller looking than yours. Oh ya,are you doing a boost/a/f gauge once boosted up?
Pete....yeah I rode it, no leak. You gotta put it on carefully or it will leak for sure. I got a smaller(narrower) one today which should sit below the nipple barb.

I have the flasher, so I can run live data for boost but no AFR setup for now. Maybe next yr, will see. I dont plan to run live data often...Just when Im radaring here. Im really a big mile trail rider more then anything. So I need reliable belt life and not a sled that wont run when its minus 36 like it is here.

Dan - Where did you buy the OSP rollers (their site is down and they dont seem to answer calls) and why did you choose those over TP
I got them from OSP as they were still open in the fall when I got all my parts. I spoke to the kid, he told me they were torlon and were 20 to 40 less then all the others out there so I went with them. Nice and wide compared to stock rollers.

Most all the rollers out there are torlon. With exception of Hi Torque(which some people think are TD as TD sells Hi Torque) which are not torlon but another material that works very well.

OSP just had a deal on them for 40 bucks. Most others were much more.

Pete....yeah I rode it, no leak. You gotta put it on carefully or it will leak for sure. I got a smaller(narrower) one today which should sit below the nipple barb.

I have the flasher, so I can run live data for boost but no AFR setup for now. Maybe next yr, will see. I dont plan to run live data often...Just when Im radaring here. Im really a big mile trail rider more then anything. So I need reliable belt life and not a sled that wont run when its minus 36 like it is here.

Absolutely agree with the high milage Dan,i am also needing a reliable mule,not just a fancy drag racerlol,although it can be fun to have both in one lol.. Love all your vids Dan,as always,awsome viewing,you spend a lot of time testing out all sorts of stuff,most all of it with lots of value,i remember yourvid when we had our procross sleds,and you did your boost gauge vid,it was so good,step by step,even a novice like me can understand,well I guess I will bug terry (NOS-PRO) it is same gauge he has Koso x-2. Thanks Dan
Anybody have problems using the parking brake with the shorty hayes brake lever?
Have a Polaris one on mine, works fine!

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